i aint no hollaback girl

Culturally accepted? Maybe in Japan. Well, more like culturally ignored.
Wait so I can go outside and start groping random women, and the cops wont do anything about it? Cool thanks for the info.
What the hell does being gay have to do with being groped?

That guy looks like a fag, ima grab his ass and show him what a fag he is.
I'm sorry but if I see an attractive looking ass I'm plainly going to grab it and squeeze. Its my god damned human right to do so

I like that website, but I don't see how it's going to fix the problem. In the end, there's very little that women can do to stop this, unfortunately. The solution has to come from men themselves.

Yeah, I don't follow how it's supposed to solve any problems, but it seems like a nice way for people to share their experiences and help suggest ways of dealing with this kind of harassment. Cause it's totally gross.

That site is funny as hell.

Sexual harassment is a gateway crime

Ahahahaha, no it isn't.

I can't tell if this is a parody or not, they can't possibly be serious.
This is like the site FML, only the proprietors of this site seem to think they're making a difference.
it seems like a nice way for people to share their experiences and help suggest ways of dealing with this kind of harassment. Cause it's totally gross.
Women only think it's gross when they're not interested in the guy, otherwise they love that shit.
I've only ever seen this happen to women dressed like attention seeking 16 year olds. If you don't want the attention then think about what you're wearing..... It's the reason I don't walk around naked :S
I understand that you don't like this, you have every right not to. But come on, how often does it really happen?

From time to time some random homeless person will yell profanities at me when I'm downtown. I don't like that either. But I'm not about get a group of powerful board members together and start a foundation. I simply ignore it.
I understand that you don't like this, you have every right not to. But come on, how often does it really happen?
Whenever I see this question asked on the internet, the answer from every woman is always "all the time, actually." I think we just don't notice because it doesn't happen to us. Think about it - if you don't do it and it doesn't happen to you then you probably barely if ever notice it. Whereas if it happens to you even once a day, with one of the many people you walk past...
That's true. But I would be shocked if it happens once a day, hell I would be shocked if it happens once a month. I could be totally wrong and navie but I just don't think there are that many creepy people out there sexually harassing women on the street.
That's true. But I would be shocked if it happens once a day, hell I would be shocked if it happens once a month. I could be totally wrong and navie but I just don't think there are that many creepy people out there sexually harassing women on the street.
Humans in general are rather ****ed up, sadly. Although to be fair, an important factor in these statistics is the tenacity of the holla guy. He knows to play his odds, so he hollas at 100 women per day on the chance that 1 will respond favourably. This will make it seem, to individual women who encounter these people more than once per week, like there are TONS of creepily forward guys out there, but it's just loudmouth assholes making it look that way.
But the "holla guy" thing isn't automatically sexual harassment. I will get buzzy with my friends and go bar hopping. In that setting we'll talk to random groups of women, that's not harassment. I don't get the feeling that this is what women are upset about. I get the feeling they are talking about much more blatant things being yelled at them. Like I said, I could be wrong, but I just don't think this kind of thing happens all that often.
Yeah, that's what I'm referring to, loudmouths on the street who go AY GIRL CAN I HAS YO NUMBA DAAAAMN YOU FINE every 30 seconds.
Women only think it's gross when they're not interested in the guy, otherwise they love that shit.

I've only ever seen this happen to women dressed like attention seeking 16 year olds. If you don't want the attention then think about what you're wearing..... It's the reason I don't walk around naked :S

I understand that you don't like this, you have every right not to. But come on, how often does it really happen?

From time to time some random homeless person will yell profanities at me when I'm downtown. I don't like that either. But I'm not about get a group of powerful board members together and start a foundation. I simply ignore it.

Ugh, it's hard to tell if you are actually serious. I feel apprehensive of this shit happening every time I go out walking somewhere in my hometown. It doesn't matter if it's the middle of winter and I'm out walking the dogs with my mother in five layers of clothing, or walking across the street to a restaurant in jeans and a t-shirt. I've had people speed up and pretend to hit me in their car, been flashed porn in front of my mother and grandmother, and heard all kinds of defensive remarks/demands to get in someone's car or weird pickup lines.

I'm sure there are women out there who are flattered by sexual remarks by strangers about their bodies, but I don't personally know a single one.

No Limit

But the "holla guy" thing isn't automatically sexual harassment. I will get buzzy with my friends and go bar hopping. In that setting we'll talk to random groups of women, that's not harassment. I don't get the feeling that this is what women are upset about. I get the feeling they are talking about much more blatant things being yelled at them. Like I said, I could be wrong, but I just don't think this kind of thing happens all that often.

I don't think that's what people are upset about either. Conversation can be cool, but random comments and remarks are insulting and often antagonistic. Even when they're not meant that way, it can come off as very creepy and unsettling, and not something you want to want to anticipate dealing with every time you go out.
It's also about context. In bars, in clubs, and out on the streets around them, you can maybe expect to be addressed by strangers. It's when you're going to work in the morning, walking home through a residential district, or popping to the shops two blocks away - or any damn time at all, regardless of context - that it becomes unwelcome and uncalled for.

I think the website calls it a 'gateway crime' not because they think the individuals who do it are more likely to get rapey some fair summer's eve (they are, but correlation not causation etc) and more because it enforces a sense of public ownership of women on the streets. It's like just by being in public a woman invites intrusive comments, and, more dangerously, considering how emotional people can get about it when they're rebuffed, like men have a right to some kind of response from the women they do it to.

Of course, it varies from place to place and culture to culture. When I was in New York a friend's g/f told me that walking through the black and carribean areas it's absolutely routine. Men just sit on the side of the roads calling at every woman who goes past. Women who are from these areas tend to respond vehemently, shouting back, telling the guys to piss off, that they're fags, or whatever - but white women would probably face aggression for mounting that kind of defence. This is in all cases another side of the coin - women feel they have to sort of play along because if they react badly the catcallers often get really hurt with it and step up the abuse. "Bitch, I was only trying to be nice!"
It's funny. When I was at a field school in Italy, the women in the group were told to expect constant cat calls from Italian men. The most hollering I actually witnessed (ever in my life, in fact) was two Canadian guys in our group who clearly thought since it was culturally accepted in Italy that they could let loose. Every "8-10/10" who passed by the street received commentary (overheard by anyone who could speak English in the vicinity) or a call in pig-Italian. One of the guys had a girlfriend at home but was seeing if he could score with an Italian girl while on the trip. I don't think I've ever been more disgusted by my own gender before.

To be fair, though, both of them were from Shitsville Canada, so I can probably attribute it more to a redneck upbringing than anything.
That is just not true. I've had this sort of attention from men in the middle of winter when I've been covered up from head to toe. It doesn't matter a damn what you're wearing. Besides, we have the right to wear whatever the hell we like without being harassed for it. For heaven's sake, guys walk around topless all the time in the summer, do you expect us to wear burqas?

You mean I was dreaming when I saw all this, I was speaking from my own experience (I assume in a different country).
Yes you can wear whatever you want but like the guys who walk around with no top on people will assume you're looking for attention (just like the guys with no tops are).
You mean I was dreaming when I saw all this, I was speaking from my own experience (I assume in a different country).
Yes you can wear whatever you want but like the guys who walk around with no top on people will assume you're looking for attention (just like the guys with no tops are).

Wait, are you actually suggesting that women don't wear t-shirts, tank tops or other summer attire in summer for reasons other than attention seeking? Besides, what you saw doesn't negate the fact that it happens to girls regardless of what they're wearing, as Kipling shared with her example.
What the hell is "queer" that is not covered by LGBT? Isn't it derogatory? LGBTQFD
What the hell is "queer" that is not covered by LGBT? Isn't it derogatory? LGBTQFD
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Asexual, Furry, Panspecies, intercourse with information, Godgasm, and straight.
There's gotta be a better way to name this group than concatenating the letters of various labels. When I was in school it was just GLB (and I'm sure B was already an addition). Not like you could use one broad term while remaining politically correct ... but I dunno. This just seems cumbersome.
Ugh, it's hard to tell if you are actually serious. I feel apprehensive of this shit happening every time I go out walking somewhere in my hometown. It doesn't matter if it's the middle of winter and I'm out walking the dogs with my mother in five layers of clothing, or walking across the street to a restaurant in jeans and a t-shirt. I've had people speed up and pretend to hit me in their car, been flashed porn in front of my mother and grandmother, and heard all kinds of defensive remarks/demands to get in someone's car or weird pickup lines.

Thats some scary shit, I'm honestly just really suprised by it. I have a sister, I hang out with girls, I've been very close to a number of girls thorugh relationships. None of them ever said anything about something like that happening to them before. The only time I ever saw something like this that I can remember was at a party a long long time ago in my younger days. One of the friends of the girl I was with had her ass grabbed by some drunk fatass at the party. He got his face smashed in right then and there by a number of people (not by me, I'm a lover, not a fighter).

So I'm sorry this happens so often that it makes you feel uncomfortable. That sounds like it sucks pretty bad. But I still think this idea of a foundation to stop this is a joke (and maybe it is a joke, I still have a hard time believing this is real). A lot of douchebags in this world, no matter what you do you won't get rid of them.

I think the website calls it a 'gateway crime' not because they think the individuals who do it are more likely to get rapey some fair summer's eve (they are, but correlation not causation etc) and more because it enforces a sense of public ownership of women on the streets. It's like just by being in public a woman invites intrusive comments, and, more dangerously, considering how emotional people can get about it when they're rebuffed, like men have a right to some kind of response from the women they do it to.

I think they try to infer way too much from the douchebaggery of some people. Douchebags exist, nothing you can do about that. Most of them aren't rapists. Most of them probably don't even think that women are to be owned. I think they are simply douchebags trying to impress their stupid friends. This foundation tries to take it to a totally other level. I mean jesus, can't they put their energy in to something more useful? Women actually face much more serious issues in this country I would think. The fair pay for women act just failed to get enough votes in the senate. So a women that does exactly the same job that I do will continue to make far less money. Yet these people are worried about something they can't ever control, because you can't get rid off every douchebag on this planet.

Wait, are you actually suggesting that women don't wear t-shirts, tank tops or other summer attire in summer for reasons other than attention seeking? Besides, what you saw doesn't negate the fact that it happens to girls regardless of what they're wearing, as Kipling shared with her example.

Everyone knows that if you don't look like this:


You're just a ****ing whore asking for it.
What the shit are gerkins and quails eggs doing in a BLT?
I think the simplest way to make this campaign effective is for holla victims to take photos of the guys and upload them to the website for public display.

Of course, the downsides to this are tyranny of the majority and a lack of accountability...
I think the simplest way to make this campaign effective is for holla victims to take photos of the guys and upload them to the website for public display.
And this is supposed to accomplish...what? "Uh oh, better not shout at women anymore, they took my picture." Pfft.

And I reassert, women are the most attention-seeking creatures on the planet...the women posting on this site are just mad that the cat calls they're getting aren't from GQ models. I bet if you put a plant out there, y'know, you get a guy like that calling out to women in the same way and observe him, women'd be ALL about it. These women just mad it's Henry the Bus Driver hollering at 'em and not Fabio.
And I reassert, women are the most attention-seeking creatures on the planet...the women posting on this site are just mad that the cat calls they're getting aren't from GQ models. I bet if you put a plant out there, y'know, you get a guy like that calling out to women in the same way and observe him, women'd be ALL about it. These women just mad it's Henry the Bus Driver hollering at 'em and not Fabio.

I hate to break this to you since you're a cool guy. But you are 100% wrong.
So I'm sorry this happens so often that it makes you feel uncomfortable. That sounds like it sucks pretty bad. But I still think this idea of a foundation to stop this is a joke (and maybe it is a joke, I still have a hard time believing this is real). A lot of douchebags in this world, no matter what you do you won't get rid of them.

Agreed, I don't think a site like that is any effective way to counter the problem, since it's the mentality of the people doing it that has to change. But if it's a good way for people to vent, then I guess it has some purpose. I know it's hard for me to talk about personal stuff like that with the people I'm close to for some reason, so the anonymity of the internet can be helpful, even if the site is kind of silly overall.

And this is supposed to accomplish...what? "Uh oh, better not shout at women anymore, they took my picture." Pfft.

And I reassert, women are the most attention-seeking creatures on the planet...the women posting on this site are just mad that the cat calls they're getting aren't from GQ models. I bet if you put a plant out there, y'know, you get a guy like that calling out to women in the same way and observe him, women'd be ALL about it. These women just mad it's Henry the Bus Driver hollering at 'em and not Fabio.

And you're piece of shit for assuming how I personally feel about something I doubt you'll ever have to experience. That's really insulting.
You're a piece of shit Willie. This thread is serious and this is a serious issue for women and Kaptain H.
@ Danimal: No, I don't love "that shit". It's demeaning, upsetting and intimidating and I hate that I have to put up with it every time I leave the house. It's better now I'm in college, but at school I used to deal with it every single day, both from boys who were complete strangers to me and boys who I believed were friends. If a guy I was interested in ever harassed me like that, rest assured that I would immediately lose interest in him.

Excuse me? I haven't even posted in this ****ing thread.

I will only forgive you because you mistook me for Darkside. ;D

Moving the discussion forward, the problem is perhaps because men are required to make the advances 99.9% of the time. If men don't holla, they are pretty much guaranteed to never have a girlfriend. Now, granted, maybe there are some really good looking guys out there that get hit on all the time, I wouldn't know; but on the rare occasion that I think a girl is making an advance, I usually just assume I'm mistaken. They are way too subtle.

Furthermore, women seem to need a lot of convincing. This is why men are seen as overdoing it. If men don't go all out and keep trying, then they will remain single. If you don't like the guy, nip it in the bud. Tell him "in your dreams" slap him, whatever. Because otherwise he may pester you. I'd rather the quick let down than not knowing for months if I still may have a chance. This is why the quick "baby can I get your number." is actually really effective (and widely used). Lay it all out on the table; yes or no.

Now, I've had girls holding my ass and stuff, but for me, it's always been a girl that I was interested in and even infatuated with, so you know, that's cool with me. That's forward. That's pretty rare, but that's the way women need to be, in my opinion.

Men are idiots. Even if you literally tell them you like them or you think they look good, some times they still don't get it. Are women the same? Because that would explain some things.