I just don't even know anymore...

I am in shape with no emotional/mental/psychological issues. The only thing that could be a problem is the fact that I have fairly high blood pressure, but that has never stopped me before.
Dump the bitch and make sure you have a good reason for being the NWO's personal kill-force.

The rest I bid good luck with.
In life you are either a lover or a fighter. And you my friend sound more like a fighter. But why don't you join the Air Force?? You can still kill people but by sitting on the edge of your seat and its just like the video games. Marines are the front line all the time and are there in the toughest of times. Think about the long run man, but go where you feel happiest.
Well, after a lot of military tributes, songs, short educational clips and my own mindset I can say that I am ready to become a United States Marine.

I've never been motivated for anything before, but this is different. This could be the restoration of my confidence, dignity, self-esteem.

I will sacrifice whatever I need to sacrifice to defend my country, to make myself a better individual, to live out my dream.

My parents think I'm rushing this, and I'm just saying things, but I have never been so sure of anything in my life.

Pvt. Frosten, USMC, Infantryman.

The only title I could hold that would mean anything to me, the only accomplishment I can be proud of. The only thing that matters anymore.

My best friend in my hands, my rifle. Plus the Marines have the hardest/longest Basic Training. Knowing I made it through that is part of the pride instilled in me at the end of it.

Warped - If I die, I want to die near my brothers, my fellow Marines.
I think giving her a 2 weeks wasn't helpful.

You let her know how it felt, and how you feel about her and you told her you won't share.

OK. Then tell her to make up her mind if she wants to be with you, but in the mean time you are moving on. It doesn't need to be said that there is some sort of time limit implied.

Don't call or write or visit or associate with her. If she calls and "just needs someone to talk to", don't be mean, just be distant and kindly tell her goodbye. Don't be there for her when she needs it (unless something crazy happens, like her parents die).


All the girl weirdness aside, your eagerness to go torture yourself at basic training and then head off to the desert someplace to possibly get blown up by an IED is kinda freaking me out.
In life you are either a lover or a fighter. And you my friend sound more like a fighter. But why don't you join the Air Force?? You can still kill people but by sitting on the edge of your seat and its just like the video games. Marines are the front line all the time and are there in the toughest of times. Think about the long run man, but go where you feel happiest.

Consequently, this also makes Marines totally bad ass - and crazy. I admire the hell out of them but am sad we have to have them and that they die and kill regularly.
Once a cheater always a cheater.
Y'all wrong
The girl in question is a whore.
Do you have any self-respect? She is a whore who is only interested in the next cock or a flashy object.

Seriously, if you get back with her I promise she will cheat on you and any other people she ever gets with.
There's your answer. Trust will never be fully restored, and you can't have an honest relationship with someone you can't trust. You will always be plagued by the fear that she will cheat again.

If someone cheats on you, it's over for a very, very long time. Cheaters can change (/raises hand, just the one time), but they won't change very quickly around the person they initially cheated on.
Stigmata pulls through and gets the award for actually being sensible, well done

Guess what people cheat, but just because they have doesn't mean they will again. Judging people who cheat as "whores" or assuming they'll cheat with anyone they're with is just bullshit.

Sure, people want to **** people, this is how the world works, but these judgments are just ignorant, naive, and reactionary.

I'm not defending her behaviour, or the behaviour of those who cheat (despite blah blah myth of monogamy) because she/they has/have broken the compromise of a monogamous relationship, and that's a dick move. But some of these comments are just appallingly untrue.

Anyway; dump her, you'll have a hard time trusting her, and I don' t think you need her as much as you think you do. I would say don't join the Marines but yeah I guess go do that if you want
I've had second-hand experience with actual cheating, manipulative girls through a couple close friends, and she doesn't seem to fit the bill. She just seems very indecisive and needy, which you don't need either, but yeah some of these judgements are pretty harsh. Suffice to say, if she's having doubts about getting back together just because some other guy put the moves on her, it's probably not worth the grief.

Anyway, good luck with the marines, I guess! Sounds intense and I can't really imagine being motivated towards something like that, but it obviously means a lot to you, so yeah.
I was supposed to see my ex this weekend

first mistake

but on thursday I found out she had made out with some other guy. She wants to start over and be friends for a while and work from there,

second mistake

but she wants the guy she cheated on me with to stay with her too. I told her its me or him, and she has 2 weeks to decide.

third mistake

Yet my mind and my heart are fighting each other, one minute I feel like we can work everything out if she leaves him

fourth mistake ..and it's a whopper

and the next I never want to see her again.

this. this is what you should do

It seems like she hasn't a clue how much shes hurt me and isn't as willing to make things semi-right again (I don't know if I can ever forgive her fully.)Whats the most appropriate thing to do? I just don't know.

see above

She's also the reason why I didn't enlist in the Marines and went out to become an EMT.

fifth mistake and it's the biggest so far

But this changes everything, I've always wanted to be a Marine. They've always been my idols and I really want to go now, especially if she can't leave him.

ok this mistake is threatening to be the biggest yet. she should have zero influence on your decision

I'm now expecting a call this week to get in touch with another recruiter, so I can get some talking points to have a conversation with my parents. I asked them about how they'd feel if I went and they were fully against it, which may have to do with the fact that my brother just went into the Army.

I really have no idea what to do and no one I can talk to about this. I need to get it out and get some opinions before I do something irrational.

you have two distinct and non related issues to work out. one decision should not influence the other. clean break from ex, never talk to her again and when you're back to be normal then make the descision considering the marines
Guess what people cheat, but just because they have doesn't mean they will again. Judging people who cheat as "whores" or assuming they'll cheat with anyone they're with is just bullshit.
That's true, people can change, but I think what we're getting at is that if you forgive someone for cheating, they could see that as a free-pass card and just do it again, only more carefully. It does depend on the cheater.
It does differ from person to person whether they can handle and forgive someone for cheating, and have full trust in them once again, but in my eyes there are a ****load of other women on this planet who don't cheat even once. I take Valve's approach to cheaters. Once they're caught, they're ban't forever.

Anyway yeah, blanket statements like 'all women who cheat are whores' don't work, because people are different, and like KA said it's just wrong to assume one way or t'other.
You kids and your silly problems about your girl friend making out with some other guy. You're young, life goes on. If you think this is actually affecting your life in a big way boy will you be in for a shock in the next few years. Women come and go. Don't ever give up what you want to do with your life because some girl told you to. And don't ever act like a sucker. I don't mean this to be offensive but from what you posted you sound like a total push over. First she gets you to change what you want to do with your life then she makes out with some dude (you really sure she didn't **** him? seriously?). And what do you do? Give her 2 weeks to decide. Seriously bro, think about that for a second. Think how absolutely pitiful that sounds.

Like I said, I am not saying this to be a dick. Most of us have been there. But it's time to learn your lessons from this and move on. The less of a chump you are the more women will respect you. If you come at a women with all your heart she will rip it out and piss all over it as you just saw. Trust me on this.

So grow a pair, forget your feelings for her, and move on. But most importantly look back and realise what a total sucker you were and make sure you never let that happen again. And if you're smart and need to get your dick wet from time to time you can always use her for that. On edit scratch that last part, probably not a good idea in your case since if I had to guess you guys never even had sex (amirite?).
first mistake

second mistake

third mistake

fourth mistake ..and it's a whopper

this. this is what you should do

see above

fifth mistake and it's the biggest so far

ok this mistake is threatening to be the biggest yet. she should have zero influence on your decision

you have two distinct and non related issues to work out. one decision should not influence the other. clean break from ex, never talk to her again and when you're back to be normal then make the descision considering the marines

Ignore everything in this thread besides Stern's post right here. Also, mine I guess?

no seriously ignore almost everything in this thread it is awful awful awful
The girl in question is a whore. She says she wants to get back together but wants to stay with that guy too.

Do you have any self-respect? She is a whore who is only interested in the next cock or a flashy object.

Seriously, if you get back with her I promise she will cheat on you and any other people she ever gets with.
Don't be so ****ing reactionary, Solaris. She made out with another guy, that doesn't make her a whore.
it just makes her tramp, not technically a whore. I think money would have to be exchanged or at least anal sex with multiple cocks. HEY FROSTEDXB DID HE STICK IT IN HER POOPER?
Maybe you should contact her once you return from service. Ask her to remain single or whatever, but don't start a relationship. If by the time you return she is still single, then go ahead and try again.

Problem is, nothing stops her from lying in your face.
Maybe you should contact her once you return from service. Ask her to remain single or whatever, but don't start a relationship. If by the time you return she is still single, then go ahead and try again.

? are you being serious? because this is terrible advice. as if she's going to wait till he returns from the service to shove some other guys dick UP HER POOPER

but seriously that's terrible advice
Maybe you should contact her once you return from service. Ask her to remain single or whatever, but don't start a relationship. If by the time you return she is still single, then go ahead and try again.

Problem is, nothing stops her from lying in your face.

You kids and your silly problems about your girl friend making out with some other guy. You're young, life goes on. If you think this is actually affecting your life in a big way boy will you be in for a shock in the next few years. Women come and go. Don't ever give up what you want to do with your life because some girl told you to. And don't ever act like a sucker. I don't mean this to be offensive but from what you posted you sound like a total push over. First she gets you to change what you want to do with your life then she makes out with some dude (you really sure she didn't **** him? seriously?). And what do you do? Give her 2 weeks to decide. Seriously bro, think about that for a second. Think how absolutely pitiful that sounds.

Like I said, I am not saying this to be a dick. Most of us have been there. But it's time to learn your lessons from this and move on. The less of a chump you are the more women will respect you. If you come at a women with all your heart she will rip it out and piss all over it as you just saw. Trust me on this.

So grow a pair, forget your feelings for her, and move on. But most importantly look back and realise what a total sucker you were and make sure you never let that happen again. And if you're smart and need to get your dick wet from time to time you can always use her for that. On edit scratch that last part, probably not a good idea in your case since if I had to guess you guys never even had sex (amirite?).

This and what Stern said are probably the best things (at least not the most extreme).

Although, to answer your question, you would be wrong.

The only thing that makes me know she didn't screw some other guy is the fact that it took us a year and a half to not be so nervous to have sex for the first time. I doubt she'd be so quick to jump in someone else's pants when we only did it once.

Being far away in the Corps is probably the best thing for me now, I'd have no way to contact her too often. Maybe a letter to tell her I haven't died, and like flamingdts said, contact her when my service is over. I won't ask her to stay single, because I know that if I met someone else, I probably wouldn't stay single either.
why torture yourself with what might of happened? you'll underestimate it anyways because you have something to lose by confronting that particular reality

FrostedxB said:
Being far away in the Corps is probably the best thing for me now, I'd have no way to contact her too often

dont run away from your problems. the best simplest solution is to cut off all ties.
why torture yourself with what might of happened? you'll underestimate it anyways because you have something to lose by confronting that particular reality

dont run away from your problems. the best simplest solution is to cut off all ties.

This isn't a problem that can be fixed without time and work, if that. I'm not running away from a problem, I'm running towards a dream. A dream that should already have come true if I hadn't been to foolish to prioritize.
This isn't a problem that can be fixed without time and work, if that. I'm not running away from a problem, I'm running towards a dream. A dream that should already have come true if I hadn't been to foolish to prioritize.

you're using her dating someone else as justification for chasing your dream. it'll be hollow because your motivation isnt 100% for your own reasons. right now a big chunk of that is to "get over her"

the best way to get over her fast is to cut off all ties and start dating again. dont look back, look forward
Being far away in the Corps is probably the best thing for me now, I'd have no way to contact her too often. Maybe a letter to tell her I haven't died, and like flamingdts said, contact her when my service is over. I won't ask her to stay single, because I know that if I met someone else, I probably wouldn't stay single either.

Jesus, dude, after everything that has been posted here you are going to take the absolute dumbest advice given to you?

If you want to go to the marines, cool, go to the marines. But for ****s sake man, get this girl out of your head, it's over. You sound like a total vagina right now and if I was sitting next to you I'd kick you in the balls. And again, I don't say this to be mean to you, we've all been there. But it's time to grow a pair and grow the **** up.

Nobody respects push overs, especially not women. What you need to do is learn your lessons from this and make sure you never let a girl walk all over you again. I'm not kidding about this, if all you do is try to make a girl happy by giving in constantly they will think you are weak (because you are) and they will piss all over you for it. You are 18, right? You got your entire life ahead of you. Better girls will come your way, I promise you (especially if you go in to the marines, you'll be dodging pussy left and right). And when the next girl comes along don't treat her like she's above you, that will never work. Always have the attitude that she is on your level, or better yet, below (sorry to any ladies reading this, you know I speak the truth).

Do yourself a favor and try this experiment. Don't ever call, text, or communicate with this girl in anyway. Wait for her to try and get in touch with you, she will. Don't ignore it, but blow it off. Then don't contact her at all, wait for her to reach out to you again. She will.

At that point whatever you do don't get back in to a relationship with her. The only point of doing this was to show you that you own the bitch, hopefully that will make it easier for you to stop being such a vagina. The bottom line that you have to accept is that it's over, no buts, ifs, it's simply over.

Good luck to you bro :cheers:
the reason why she's confused and cant make up her mind as to which one she'll date is because she's testing new waters but keeping a foot in the old waters just in case she doesnt like the new ...waters

do you really want to be the old waters? used and discarded once she decides new and exciting is better than old and predictable?
Jesus, dude, after everything that has been posted here you are going to take the absolute dumbest advice given to you?

If you want to go to the marines, cool, go to the marines. But for ****s sake man, get this girl out of your head, it's over. You sound like a total vagina right now and if I was sitting next to you I'd kick you in the balls. And again, I don't say this to be mean to you, we've all been there. But it's time to grow a pair and grow the **** up.

Nobody respects push overs, especially not women. What you need to do is learn your lessons from this and make sure you never let a girl walk all over you again. I'm not kidding about this, if all you do is try to make a girl happy by giving in constantly they will think you are weak (because you are) and they will piss all over you for it. You are 18, right? You got your entire life ahead of you. Better girls will come your way, I promise you (especially if you go in to the marines, you'll be dodging pussy left and right). And when the next girl comes along don't treat her like she's above you, that will never work. Always have the attitude that she is on your level, or better yet, below (sorry to any ladies reading this, you know I speak the truth).

Do yourself a favor and try this experiment. Don't ever call, text, or communicate with this girl in anyway. Wait for her to try and get in touch with you, she will. Don't ignore it, but blow it off. Then don't contact her at all, wait for her to reach out to you again. She will.

At that point whatever you do don't get back in to a relationship with her. The only point of doing this was to show you that you own the bitch, hopefully that will make it easier for you to stop being such a vagina. The bottom line that you have to accept is that it's over, no buts, ifs, it's simply over.

Good luck to you bro :cheers:

You really go the extra mile to truly represent that avatar, you know?
Maybe you should contact her once you return from service. Ask her to remain single or whatever, but don't start a relationship. If by the time you return she is still single, then go ahead and try again.

Problem is, nothing stops her from lying in your face.
Yeah, then she could write him love letters and photos in her panties and then it'd be a whole thing where his squadmates steal it and play keep away with it and then they get into their jammies and pillow fight.


Thanks No Limit, your right.

From now on, if she really wants to talk, she has to start it. And when I get out, if I do (I may sign on for 20 years and get the comfortable pension.) then she has to be the one to call me or find me.

Like I said, if someone else comes my way, I wouldn't skip the chance because of her.

Stern, I need the Marines. Its obvious that I'm a push over and have no dignity. The Corps would restore everything I lost and give me the strength I need to not let this happen again. I know there are other ways, but there is nothing that I respect more then a U.S. soldier, and a Marine just happens to be the best.

You really go the extra mile to truly represent that avatar, you know?

I have no idea what my avatar has to do with anything, but it sounds like you also need to stop being a vagina.

Thanks No Limit, your right.

From now on, if she really wants to talk, she has to start it. And when I get out, if I do (I may sign on for 20 years and get the comfortable pension.) then she has to be the one to call me or find me.

Like I said, if someone else comes my way, I wouldn't skip the chance because of her.

I don't think you quite understood what I was telling you. Even if she wants to get back together with you you say no.

Repeat after me.

I will NEVER EVER get in any kind of relationship with this women again. It is over.

If you aren't willing to do that and want to keep being a vagina instead then ok, your choice. But trust me, you will regret it.
Stern, I need the Marines. Its obvious that I'm a push over and have no dignity. The Corps would restore everything I lost and give me the strength I need to not let this happen again. I know there are other ways, but there is nothing that I respect more then a U.S. soldier, and a Marine just happens to be the best.

You're weird. An EMT is far more deserving of respect than a Marine.
I have no idea what my avatar has to do with anything, but it sounds like you also need to stop being a vagina.

I don't think you quite understood what I was telling you. Even if she wants to get back together with you you say no.

Repeat after me.

I will NEVER EVER get in any kind of relationship with this women again. It is over.

If you aren't willing to do that and want to keep being a vagina instead then ok, your choice. But trust me, you will regret it.

But thats just it, I am to scared to say nothing could ever happen again. I have a massive lack of confidence in myself. I need something to make me stronger, and a DI screaming into my face and a team behind me I can achieve it.
But thats just it, I am to scared to say nothing could ever happen again. I have a massive lack of confidence in myself. I need something to make me stronger, and a DI screaming into my face and a team behind me I can achieve it.

Oh come on dude. Unless you have a 3rd eye, some kind of serious deformation, or weight 300lbs plenty of women will come your way. Just by the shear fact you had sex with this girl you are already ahead of many of the people here when it comes to girls.

But if you continue to have a massive lack of confidance and roll over for the first girl that comes along then yeah, you might as well stick with this one. Because things sure as hell won't get any better. What you are going through is a phase, a phase that everyone goes through. It's up to you how long that phase lasts. Just know this girl will never respect you, and why you would want that is beyond me.
But thats just it, I am to scared to say nothing could ever happen again. I have a massive lack of confidence in myself. I need something to make me stronger, and a DI screaming into my face and a team behind me I can achieve it.
You're stronger than that, and you know it.
Stern, I need the Marines. Its obvious that I'm a push over and have no dignity.

you dont need the marines to do that for you. you can do that by yourself by building your confidence. being a doormat inst helping

The Corps would restore everything I lost and give me the strength I need to not let this happen again. I know there are other ways, but there is nothing that I respect more then a U.S. soldier, and a Marine just happens to be the best.

the best at what? taking orders? that somehow makes you a man? yes it could be good for you but it could completely wrong for you. especially when you're vulnerable; you could go the opposite where your confidence and self esteem slip away. anyways running away wont solve your problem. confronting your problems will solve them

anyways I'm willing to bet you're still a teen or <25 ..there are plenty of women out there and not a single one is worth ruining your life over. especially when you're young and the likihood of establishing a life long relationship with someone at this age is next to none. so dont bother; go find someone else, this ones no good for you
Be a man and decide for yourself. Stop whining like a little girl and grow some ****ing balls.

By Christ, indecisive people give me the shits.
Dont be her emotional tempon, F her and move on, find a cool chick. What a bitch.
OLolol : > yeah yeah, tampon. Fixed.


Oh yeah, this. Great advice, couldn't have said it any better.
Jesus, dude, after everything that has been posted here you are going to take the absolute dumbest advice given to you?

If you want to go to the marines, cool, go to the marines. But for ****s sake man, get this girl out of your head, it's over. You sound like a total vagina right now and if I was sitting next to you I'd kick you in the balls. And again, I don't say this to be mean to you, we've all been there. But it's time to grow a pair and grow the **** up.

Nobody respects push overs, especially not women. What you need to do is learn your lessons from this and make sure you never let a girl walk all over you again. I'm not kidding about this, if all you do is try to make a girl happy by giving in constantly they will think you are weak (because you are) and they will piss all over you for it. You are 18, right? You got your entire life ahead of you. Better girls will come your way, I promise you (especially if you go in to the marines, you'll be dodging pussy left and right). And when the next girl comes along don't treat her like she's above you, that will never work. Always have the attitude that she is on your level, or better yet, below (sorry to any ladies reading this, you know I speak the truth).

Do yourself a favor and try this experiment. Don't ever call, text, or communicate with this girl in anyway. Wait for her to try and get in touch with you, she will. Don't ignore it, but blow it off. Then don't contact her at all, wait for her to reach out to you again. She will.

At that point whatever you do don't get back in to a relationship with her. The only point of doing this was to show you that you own the bitch, hopefully that will make it easier for you to stop being such a vagina. The bottom line that you have to accept is that it's over, no buts, ifs, it's simply over.

Good luck to you bro :cheers:
Went to talk to a recruiter today, and he invited me to try out the Physical Training session that night.

I lasted an hour and a half before I was real sore and tired. Probably not going to do anything until I'm really in shape.