I will now introduce my self dot dot dot


Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Hello good evening gentlemen and gentlemen you can call me lokain. That is all. :monkee:
Hello, friend.

Drink the water. It's good for you. It stops the screaming in my head.
good boy, now sit
Welcome to halflifefallout, it's safer here.
halflifefallout sucks, don't go there. they support terrorism, and such activities.
And for the love of god DON'T DRINK THE...

it's safer here.
hi welcome 2 our message board :):):):):):bounce:
We are both gentlemen and mentlegen - enjoy your stay!
Welcome to Hl2.net.

Eat the burgers. They taste good. But don't drink the wa- wait what was I saying?
Hello, newcomer.

Don't drink the H2O.

EDIT: Actually, drink all that shit. It's safer here.
Welcome to Helplife2.net

Its safer *yawn* here.

Except when Darkside or RepiV come knocking on the back door.
Oh man oh dude it's back! Finally a chance to welcome all these new folk instead of just letting them run rampant and wild. A place where all men are equal, and all women are men (also fat). A place where one can be oneself, and no one would judge him or call him a lesser man on account of his lesser numerical status. A place where...

Oh right, as to the topic at hand:

Get out.

Edit: Hey neat img tags are broke again.


Welcome, Lokain! You have the auspicious honor of being the first newbie to post in this board in a long time. Welcome to Halflife2.net! We have such sights to show you...
Wait, are you the girl that's been hanging around Steamchat?

Welcome, I probably won't like you!
He won't like you because you're likely over the age of 12.
Hi there, I seen you've found the Steam chat; see you round there sometime :>
Welcome, welcome to Halflife2.net.

it's safer here.
it's safer here

it's safer here

It's safer here

Its safer *yawn* here

It's safer here

it's safer here
Hectic Glenn said:
The following welcome message is prohibited for use by Halflife2.net citizens and can only be relayed via a Halflife2.net staff enforcer.
I fully expect that the inaugural anal reamings that accompany new members to the forum will be doled out among the lot of you instead of the newbie.
You don't need to trick the mods into buttsex, man. Pretty sure they'll just give it to you if you ask.
Don't talk about the moderators like that. It's safer if you don't.
I take it you don't have an HEV suit on your back right now? In this case run down to the Hardware section, it's right under the Politics section from top to down.
Contact the nearest moderator for sales right away! Buy a crowbar today, live to post tomorow!

oh.. hi by the way.
Wait, am I still considered a newb.


btw welcome to halflife2.net forums.

Although we say its safer here, it probably isn't.