Is Half-Life Scary to you?


Jan 7, 2009
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Well it is to me, when you walk around a corner and a headcrab just jumps at you. I end up puasing the game for a few mins just to calm down LOL!:cheers::cheers:
It spooked me when it first came out, when I was much younger. The idea of the Combine from HL2, though, are frightening. In that Orwellian sense.
Scary, not really. I was startled many times but I feel horror games have forgotten suspense and just try to shock and startle you over and over.
It does scare me. All FPS's do (except maybe TF2). Very little though.
Not really. ravenholm is kinda scary the first time, but after that, I can beat without killing hardly any zombies.
Well, not really. But those times where you are alone somewhere or Ravenholm where dead zombie suddenly jumps up back you are scary.
maybe if you're like 10 years old.
It doesn't scare me. The end of Lowlife unnerves me and I nearly had a heart-attack in Ep2 when the fast zombie leaps up at you in This Vortal Coil but other than that, no it doesn't scare me.
I got over it, once I figured out that bullets hurt things.

Games that work more on a psychological level are a lot worse, like STALKER.
Yeah, it definately creeps the hell out of me sometimes. But it's not as thriller-ish as for example the old Tomb Raider games, where ugly blocky enemies would just appear in the most random places. Especially in games 1-4. When I play I end up shrieking like a little girl.
half life had a scaryish feeling to it the first time I played it, but that goed ages ago
Not really. I used to jump when i rounded a corner and a headcrab was in my face, but now that i know where they are, it doesn't happen anymore.

The Ep2 elevator makes me panic a little though.
I oftentimes get jumpy with the ant lion guard chase in Ep2. I always naturally get a little jumpy when something large and fast-moving is right behind me with violent intentions, drawing closer and closer, noticeable by the gradually crescendoing footsteps.
I oftentimes get jumpy with the ant lion guard chase in Ep2. I always naturally get a little jumpy when something large and fast-moving is right behind me with violent intentions, drawing closer and closer, noticeable by the gradually crescendoing footsteps.

Agreed. This panicked the shit out me on my first play-through. Also, I'm now thinking that the only reason fast zombies were created was to give people heart-attacks. Four times now I've nearly had a bloody heart-attack because of those smegging fast zombies!
It's strange though, because I'm freaked out more by the normal zombies. o_O I think it's the gross noises and limping animations... And the liters of blood on their clothes... And the big tick-like parasites on their bodies.

Other than that they're fine. =P
Some bits sacred me/creept me out the first time but not anymore. Although when I was a good bit younger the Opposing Force demo (my first slice of Half-Life) sacred the living asap out of me. My girlfriend started playing it this week. She's in Ravenholm and she's terrified of everything. It's kinda cute.
Fast-zombie section whilst waiting for the lift in Ravenholm, HL2.

Games like Dead Space scare me more because its all about the anticipation of whats gonna scare me. Once the sound has finished going from quiet to loud, and the zombie is actually on screen, my nerves are fine and I find it almost laughable.

But anything chasing me I get that tight stomach feeling of 'oh shit go go go go'.
the only game thats ever made me jump is bioshock, especially if someone sneaks up on you.
It's strange though, because I'm freaked out more by the normal zombies. o_O I think it's the gross noises and limping animations... And the liters of blood on their clothes... And the big tick-like parasites on their bodies.

Other than that they're fine. =P

Have you played Ep2 yet?
Poison zombies breathing and moaning still puts me on edge, and poison headcrabs always make me jump simply because they dish out so much damage. The more damage a creature attacks with, the more it's going to play on my nerves.
2 things:

The antlion guard chasing after you in Ep 2

The first time in OpFor that a Gonome runs at you with its chest-teeth chomping. I didn't notice it was different from the other zombies til it was RIGHT THERE, lol
I think FO3 is waaay more scarier. Like traveling in the night and randomly a super mutant blows your head off.
Fast-zombie section whilst waiting for the lift in Ravenholm, HL2.

Really? I actually found that the least frightening section of the level as the zombies took forever to get up the pipe, and waiting until they were almost up the top of the pipe so I could watch the ragdoll fall on the pile of corpses was not scary at all.
I remember in HL1 when you just finish the cliffs section of the game. You're a bit fatigued and low on health after the helicopter fight, then you reach the drain pipe and think you're safe....and suddenly a headcrab jumps out at you.

Startled me so much the first time through that I actually fell off the cliff in game :LOL:
Half-Life is not scary. Penumbra is. I don't scare Valve games cuz it's not horror shooters.
only the cheap stuff (ie: headcrab comes at you in the vents) but nothing that utterly scares me. if theyd kept the child slave factories then that wouldve been pretty scary.
Some parts of half life scare me a little bit, like Ravenholm and lowlife. But I don't really think of half life as a scary game.
Headcrabs are not too bad, just annoying, but rather the zombies are, especially with their voices. And when you're in those dark and unknown areas, no idea what will happen.

But I still love this game, and want to finish it. I gave up F.E.A.R. after playing for about an hour, that was more scary to play.
Yeh, the cheap headcrab attacks still startle me in some times. Though the main game itself is not scary (with the possible exception of the dark tunnels in Op4 with those big nasties waiting to kill you, and the 1st time through Ravenholm).

F.E.A.R. is too damn scary, especially when those near-invisible ninjas jump at you.