LEAST favorite character

That Cat

Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
I'm not sure if anybody has done this but I'm just curious, WHO is the character you hate most?For me it is Breen (the obvious choice).
There is only one character in the games that I hate. It's the scientist at the very end of We've Got Hostiles who's been in the control room that you've been trying to get to for the whole chapter but refused to open the door for you.
The CP who makes you put the can in the garbage, I impulse 101'd and crowbar'd him in the face. Arrogant jackass...

Why Cubbage?
There is only one character in the games that I hate. It's the scientist at the very end of We've Got Hostiles who's been in the control room that you've been trying to get to for the whole chapter but refused to open the door for you.

pics? i dpnt remember much of hl1
Wow people actually responded to this thread yay!
thanks guys!
What don't you liek about her though
She is probably one of my favorites
I love all the jokes she makes in Ep 1

She just annoys me the way she's dead soppy with you all the time. i find it nauseating. If you like her, that's fine, but I don't like her.
Alyx.....she's not awful but i REALLY want her dead by the end of the series that way Gordon can become more emotionless and become the ULTIMATE killing machine >=D
Probably have to say Cubbage. Not a big fan of the stash.
I never understood why the only British person in the game had to be such a dumbass :(
Also, maybe all the scientists who are big fat jerks to you before the experiment in Half Life, then after everything goes wrong, they ask you for help.
Also, maybe all the scientists who are big fat jerks to you before the experiment in Half Life, then after everything goes wrong, they ask you for help.

Agreed. Though, Gordon is pretty forgiving.
Also, maybe all the scientists who are big fat jerks to you before the experiment in Half Life, then after everything goes wrong, they ask you for help.

Thats why you get your revenge by killing them straight away after they help you open a door, give u health etc.

It's called retribution, God does it..... So do I
A lot of the scientists in 1 were knobs. The guy hiding in the garbage, the constant "I hope you know what you're doing" and "this is as far as I go" comments etc. Judith is right up ther for me, as well as Breen. But my number 1 would be the soldier who threw me into the compacter in 1. "what body? He,he,he,he,"
most certainly cubbage, the arrogent asshole took credit for the gunship.:frown:
oh and judith, grabbed a harpoon all the way through nova prospect and pinned her to the wall.:sniper::x
Mossman. Shes a good character persay, but if I met a woman like that in real life, (actually I think i know a few...) I'd hate her guts.

I like the cast almost in its entirety, but got the most smiles out of Kliener and Magnusson in episode 2.

I like Alyx alot, and while I agree she gets a bit.. 'soppy' as someone put it sometimes, shes a damn good character, really well developed and easily the best female lead in any story driven game, or game with a story for that matter. I say this because the almost all others are walking pairs of tits in retarded leather outfits, and every time I see a new game like this it just pisses me off more and more. And those that arent are sadly often very poorly developed. So I really want her in the story post ep3!



all have to stay! 4-8 more hours of gameplay featuring these characters is simply dozens and dozens of hours too little!
I like Alyx alot, and while I agree she gets a bit.. 'soppy' as someone put it

That would've been me!!! :p I could think of the right word to use. If someone has a better word, though, please let me know!!!!
hmm..hard to say.
1 would be in EP2, outside the autogun.i had destroyed it, and a soldier had somehow managed to survive, but was being attacked by 2 zombies.i shot them both dead, and the soldier i just saved turned around and blasted me in the head!ungrateful arse, so i spawned about 50 zombine around him...
as for actual characters...id say Breen.
Magnusson. That idiot deserved to have his casserole explode in the microwave back at Black Mesa.
So intelligent you can only htink of stereotypes to describe people?
What do you mean by this? Im Bitish and im intelligent. Let be guess your an American George bush supporting red neck?

I find YOUR stereotype of everyone who supports George to be a redneck just as aggravating.
im british and im intelligent, but im not going to go accusing Maestro of being ignorant or anything like that because we all are some time during our lives.