New Source Engine Update Has Been Released


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Source Engine Update Released for CS:S, DoD:S and HL2:DM. What has been changed? Look below.
  • Fixed Half-Life 2: Deathmatch crowbar swing speed difference between Windows and Linux servers
  • Fixed a potential hang bug in the server browser
  • Fixed certain filenames not protected by sv_pure
  • Fixed CSoundEnt spam on the server with high numbers of player slots on a server
  • Fixed Half-Life 2: Deathmatch chat bug on Linux servers
  • Minor optimization to the askconnect panel
  • Fixed IP address column reporting IPs backwards
  • Security fix for file transfers as reported by James Gray
  • Fixed players able to make their name disappear in the scoreboard by setting it to "~~ ~" in the options panels
Gentlemen, update your engines now!
Thought they were done with the old source engine.

I posted this comment because Digi told me to.
Wonder if anyone cares about this... But atleast has something to write about!:bounce:
I think nobody's gonna care about this update very much. But it's bound to get high reads, as everyone would wonder if it's a graphics update and check it out.
*looks for uber sechsy ep3 screenies* ... /suicide

So this wont do anything to fix the problem where I can actually play any css?

Damn. Go valve...
You've got the ultimate bug fix right there, mister.

Dont know if that was a smart arse pun on whatever I said or somethin else...

But yeah CSS neva loads nemore, keeps getting stuck at Retrieving Server info or crashes which random bullshit errors or it just freezes and I have to do a hard restart. ****en Valve cant even make a game the runs, so many people have this problem and yet no fix for it...

And if your saying I shouldnt play css, then damn you :frown:
And if you're stupid enough not to do the PagedPoolMemory fix you're not worth playing it.