No Hiring of White Men Allowed!?

If its because in the past they hired a disproportionately large amount of white people and theyre trying to balance things now, thats fair enough.
Reaktor4 said:
If its because in the past they hired a disproportionately large amount of white people and theyre trying to balance things now, thats fair enough.

No, it is most certainly not fair enough! People should be hired according to their skills and not their skin color! This is blatantly racist, imagine if they stopped hiring Indians as computer nerds because there wasn't enough white people in there, what if they stopped hiring black people. The country(s) would flip out. Just because they stopped hiring WHITE people, its okay. What a load of bullshit.
Vlad , I suggest that you read the article that you posted a link to, rather than skimming the headline:
Canada's federal benchmark for hiring visible minorities is one-in-five. Public Works' proportion of female, disabled, aboriginal and non-white new hires fell from one in eight in March to one in twenty in September of this year.

"As executives and managers, our role includes ensuring that the public service is representative," Marshall wrote in his memo. "This involves providing direction and leadership by example, and demonstrating a firm commitment to an inclusive workplace."
So Canada`s public works employees are 95% white males atm, hardly representative of the population as a whole.
We'd really need the statistics about the number of white people that applied compared to the number of non-white people that applied... and how many, of those, were qualified... and, of those, how many got through training... and various other information before it can be called either racist or acceptable. If 95% of the people that apply are white people, I don't see a problem with 95% of the force being white people. That way every person that applies has an equal chance. If that's the case, and they want diversity, they should start a campaign in that area encouraging people to apply. Should companies be forced to stop hiring immigrants/minorities willing to work for low wages (I'm not talking about below minimum wage) just because they take up a disproportionate amount of crappy jobs? That being said, if proportionate numbers of all people applied and qualified but whites were given preference over non-whites... then, there would be a problem. Until I see more information, I'm not making a judgement.
SAJ said:
Vlad , I suggest that you read the article that you posted a link to, rather than skimming the headline: So Canada`s public works employees are 95% white males atm, hardly representative of the population as a whole.

I did read the entire article, thanks. Theres no excuse for racism, sorry.
Before anyone here takes this article seriously keep in mind the source for this is "world net daily". These are the same people that helped convince Americans Saddam was in one of the hijacked planes on 9/11 or that Terri Schiavo could respond to the world around her (turned out after she died she was blind). All I'm saying is take this with a grain of salt ;).
sins of your forefathers you must address
righting wrongs does have a price you know and well this is it
its certainly not permanant and it is drastic but if it needs to be done then shut your mouth and support it rather than "omg not fair, racism blah blah"
I did read the entire article, thanks. Theres no excuse for racism, sorry.
Read the article, maybe, comprehended it, unlikely. For a start there is no ban on white males;
Pierre Teotonio, a department spokesman, says the new policy is part of Public Works' involvement with the government's "Embracing Change" program and notes able-bodied white men can still be hired but only with written approval
Secondly, how is it racism? The quotas for diversity are broader than race alone, they are infact based on gender, disability and ethnicity. So why are you up in arms about "racism"? Surely it should be "these one-legged chinese women are stealing our jobs" shouldnt it?
Theres no excuse for racism, sorry.
Apology accepted.

On a side note; I pity the fools who get their news from worldnet daily, what a rag. Heres some choice articles from their gift store:
"Best Little Stories from the White House" – a fascinating collection of more than 100 vignettes drawn from the life and times of America's most famous and legendary home.
"Help! Mom! There are Liberals Under My Bed" – the hugely popular book that teaches kids about liberty and the free market.
"Michael & Me" – an enormously popular DVD with WND readers, Larry Elder's film defends firearms while relentlessly skewering Michael Moore.
"Triumph of Design and the Demise of Darwin" – a timely gift for families as the culture battles over the issue of life's origins.
And my personal favourite:
And speaking of guns … "Stayin' Alive: Armed and Female in an Unsafe World" – a classic defense of why a firearm is the best accessory a woman can have.
Must buy my gran one of those :)
Uh, maybe its you who hasn't read the article? They only hire white men with 'written approval'. I.E., racism. Pure, simple. No reason for a long argument.
is the fact not they are taking action to correct the effects of decades of oppression, discrimination and racism

seriously your outrage is very misguided
you might want to look into getting a less overtly biased source of news then the hardcore right wing news website you've quoted
yep another great source of news /sarcasm
john3571000 said:
you might want to look into getting a less overtly biased source of news then the hardcore right wing news website you've quoted

Just did.
read my edited post

i am still confused by your reaction
the news acknowledges the flaws in the current employment make-up and yet you rail against a quick relatively painless way of solving it
Vlad_Taltos said:
Uh, maybe its you who hasn't read the article? They only hire white men with 'written approval'. I.E., racism. Pure, simple. No reason for a long argument.
Uh, maybe you didnt notice me quoting that line in my reply.
Uh, there is no ban on white female employees.
Uh, there is no ban on white disabled employees.
Uh, it beggars belief that you cling to this notion that somehow it amounts to racism.
Okay, If I really wanted to I could search the internet and find a news site you actually like that talks about this, but I don't have the time. It doesn't matter what site talks about the event, it took place.
SAJ said:
Uh, maybe you didnt notice me quoting that line in my reply.
Uh, there is no ban on white female employees.
Uh, there is no ban on white disabled employees.
Uh, it beggars belief that you cling to this notion that somehow it amounts to racism.

There was a ban on White Males, though. Wether you like it or not. It doesn't matter what the reason is that they banned white males from being hired, it matters that they did in the first place. That is racism.
Vlad_Taltos said:
There was a ban on White Males, though. Wether you like it or not. It doesn't matter what the reason is that they banned white males from being hired, it matters that they did in the first place. That is racism.
Im waiting for the penny to drop.
Try and understand this: There was no ban on white female employees. There was no ban on white disabled employees. There was a temporary ban on white male employees, only.
Look Im getting tired of spelling it out for you, if you dont get it now , you never will.
he's not too smart is he....
i'll spell it out slowly
racism.... means.... discriminating.... based ...on ....colour ....only
While it may not be racism, I still think its stupid to put a temporary ban on white men who want to join. This has nothing to do with the "sins of our forefathers." I'd want someone capable of protecting me, not someone protecting me simply because they aren't caucasian :|. Its ridiculous. If white people are the only ones applying, then let 'em. Who cares? There's nothing wrong with diversity. It is allowed, but if the only people applying are white males then just accept it and move on. You can't force blacks/hispanics/asian/etc. to join in chance of balancing the ethnicity rate.
john3571000 said:
he's not too smart is he....
i'll spell it out slowly
racism.... means.... discriminating.... based ...on ....colour ....only

You're right; but I don't agree with their blocking the employment of white males. It's discriminatory; the idea of hiring people based on qualifications other than their ability to do their job doesn't go down well with me
Reaktor4 said:
If its because in the past they hired a disproportionately large amount of white people and theyre trying to balance things now, thats fair enough.

Not if it means people better suited to the job are overlooked.

Yet another example of political correctness gone mad.
i agree - its not a black and white issue
turning away a white male who is perfectly qualified because of what he is, is a terrible price to pay
on the other hand generations of imbalance and real discrimination have created this situation and it is only right to try and undo the damage

the lesser of 2 evils maybe?
It is descrimination pure and simple. However it just goes to show that discrimination isn't something that always has to be a bad thing in the long run. By making room for people who will be qualified but wouldn't get the job before we are essentially going to help them reach a point where eventually others like them will be just as qualified as the people who we normally give the job too.

There are always exceptions to the rule.
I come from a mixed race family, but I came out white. Do I still have to atone for the sins of my forefathers? Or should I just start carrying around a whip and wear a pretty white robe? Maybe I could be half considered for the job, I could work half days for half wages.
its complete bs..I get harassed at school a lot for being a 'white boy'..I often get called a cracker and the teachers hear it they dont care...if I or another white person were to drop the n-bomb (have to call it that because I would probably get warned and called a racist by other people on the forum, what a joke) I would be probably suspended for a long time. The word cracker is really offensive and Im getting sick of being called it like it's nothing.
good. white people are terrible. they created this shitty country that is responsible for so many dastardly deeds.
Racism. This David Marshall guy needs to be fired.

"Robb Macpherson, a labor attorney with the firm McCarthy Tetrault, agrees Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms permits some discrimination to assist groups identified by the government as disadvantaged"

WTF? Are people that retarded? This isn't the 1950's, we don't identify people solely based on the color of their skin.
OCybrManO said:
We'd really need the statistics about the number of white people that applied compared to the number of non-white people that applied... and how many, of those, were qualified... and, of those, how many got through training... and various other information before it can be called either racist or acceptable. If 95% of the people that apply are white people, I don't see a problem with 95% of the force being white people. That way every person that applies has an equal chance. If that's the case, and they want diversity, they should start a campaign in that area encouraging people to apply. Should companies be forced to stop hiring immigrants/minorities willing to work for low wages (I'm not talking about below minimum wage) just because they take up a disproportionate amount of crappy jobs? That being said, if proportionate numbers of all people applied and qualified but whites were given preference over non-whites... then, there would be a problem. Until I see more information, I'm not making a judgement.
QFT & E.
I find this along w/ all other examples of affirmative action highly offensive and in ways, it should be offensive to those of a minority race.
good. white people are terrible. they created this shitty country that is responsible for so many dastardly deeds.
Oh noes! Dont tell me Solaris got his mind control device finished. :O

I like the term cracker. A cracker, technically speaking is an Old Florida cattle rancher. The term comes from the distinctive crack made by their whips while rustling up cattle. Its usage has grown though and is applied now to all white people, even if they are not from Florida. I think the term honkey is the equivilent of ****** in my opinion.

After posting I saw that the n-word was blocked but honkey was not. What is with that?
Vlad_Taltos said:

Sounds a lot like how the Denver police department stopped hiring white people. O__o Okay, so its only okay if white people are discriminated? How cool. (Just kiding). Civil Rights parade in Canada, anyone?

This is exactly how the whole womens rights thing is now.

They wanted rights, and they got it, yet they STILL whine about being descriminated, so they start womens clubs and tell men they're schovanistic and that they are big dumb oafs.
To the former argument, I remember the statistic of black people in jail is like 80%. So by that logic, we shouldn't jail black people because that wouldn't represent a correct population or because there are too many already?

I don't understand this logic. How does race and proffesion relate? Nothing is ever perfectly balanced to "represent" the population. It's just a correlation = \.
Sorry for being a bit late.
You know, for undercover operations dealing with criminal groups consisting of ethnic minorities having an all white police force is going to be too obvious.
Racism in all forms is terrible. Its no more right if its caucasians being discriminated against. Punishing individuals and making THEM pay for their ancestors deeds, is not the right way to go about things. Our history is seperate from whoever lived in the past and practiced racism.

I live in a predominantly latin suburb, and it sucks to be called 'white boy' all the time. I don't say anything discriminatory about them. :dozey:
Well, best case scenario would be that the whole hiring process be unconsciously colourblind.
Since that apparently wasn't working, they tried a crappy quick-fix.

It's obviously not perfect, but at the same time there really aren't any easy answers to the situation.
I don't approve, but at the same time I really can't think of an alternative.
Vlad_Taltos said:
No, it is most certainly not fair enough! People should be hired according to their skills and not their skin color! This is blatantly racist, imagine if they stopped hiring Indians as computer nerds because there wasn't enough white people in there, what if they stopped hiring black people. The country(s) would flip out. Just because they stopped hiring WHITE people, its okay. What a load of bullshit.

I'm left speechless by the pure stupidity of this post.
TheSomeone said:
I'm left speechless by the pure stupidity of this post.

He made a good point. It only seems to be racism when any race other than whites are getting sh*t on. Like I said blacks/latinos/asians can say cracka/cracker in school and the teachers won't do anything, but if a white person was to use slang against their races we would get suspended for a long time if not expelled.
No hes wrong.

A police officer has a position of power.
Its a big problem if a Police force is racist, like it used to be in USA 1960s.
In the city in question the department had 95%white men police officers, this is breeding grounds for racism. So they are now trying to balance it out a bit.

-but if a white person was to use slang against their races we would get suspended for a long time if not expelled
As they should.
Zeus said:
He made a good point. It only seems to be racism when any race other than whites are getting sh*t on. Like I said blacks/latinos/asians can say cracka/cracker in school and the teachers won't do anything, but if a white person was to use slang against their races we would get suspended for a long time if not expelled.

No you see, that's just us white people who like to self-victimize. If I had a penny everytime I heard that I'd be at least $10 richer.

Blacks don't owe you anything to you. Whether you're asian, latino, happa or white; whether you just immigrated or were a northerner who's family never owned slaves, by participating in the capitalist system and being weatlhy, you have a responsibility towards the poorer classes of the system (not incidently, the majority being black).

It's not that blacks are stupid or lazy, if you're born in filth, renting out some old project that's falling apart, your mom has to commute 2 hours everyday to get paid $6 an hour, your first priority won't be school. Not because you're too lazy or stupid to do good in school, but because you simply don't grow up in an environment where you are encouraged to do good in school. Your first priority will be simply to stay alive and feed yourself and your family, and the quickeste way to do that in a similar environment is crime.

How do we stop this infinite loop? How do we stop these people from continually making themselves miserable and criminal? They can't do it by themselves, they simply don't live in an enviornment that we are used to, where "education" is actually valued. Well, for one we can take affirmative action: Trying to hire a more politically correct-staff in order to force them out of their miserable routine.

This is also good for you. It will reduce black violence and crime, especially if this step is taken in the police. Imagine if now, your police station was 95% black, how safe would you feel?

We can't ignore skin color, that will not stop racism. We have to aknowledge skin color, and that blacks are at the bottom of the chain because we put them there, and we also need to acknowledge that inside, we are all a little bit racist. I'm sure at first glance, many of you would rather approach a white person than a black one to ask for the time or for a quarter for a phone call. We can't help it, but we have to try and do so by acknowledging that we can't help it.