Official Gold-Date Estimate

i am just happy we have it pinned down to a month for going gold, now that we can set our sights on a defined timeframe there can be less speculation and far more patient waiting. Hopefully this also means we can start specualting on less torturously vital subjects like the release of the SDK.

July maybe? Didn't Gabe say at one point it would be released a month prior to the games release?

Saying that the SDK is being 'slowly' released in bits, apparently.
If I would guess (and I usualy dont) I would guess that it will go gold in the begning (1-10) of August, and Vivendi are probebly gonna be very stressed with getting it out, so maybe btw 20 aug - 30 aug?

I hope that Valve can announce some stuff about the MP, CS/TFC/DOD:Source, and TF2 now soon, cause that is what am really waiting for :)
I don't know but for some reason i don't belive in that article.... I think its another fake... Cause for one its the first time a hear of HomeLan :p second the article just did not seem right.. Maybe we should ask valve and confirm this article..
Striker said:
I don't know but for some reason i don't belive in that article.... I think its another fake... Cause for one its the first time a hear of HomeLan :p second the article just did not seem right.. Maybe we should ask valve and confirm this article..
HLF is very well established.

Striker said:
I don't know but for some reason i don't belive in that article.... I think its another fake... Cause for one its the first time a hear of HomeLan :p second the article just did not seem right.. Maybe we should ask valve and confirm this article..
They've already confirmed it here.
Awesome, I can't the mean time I'm buying three games, Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, Thief 3: Deadly Shadows, and Zelda: The Four Sword Adventures :D
Striker said:
I don't know but for some reason i don't belive in that article.... I think its another fake... Cause for one its the first time a hear of HomeLan :p second the article just did not seem right.. Maybe we should ask valve and confirm this article..
HomeLAN used to host us too btw. Probably actually around the time you joined the forums too! :LOL:
august... september.. yah?
was hoping we would see it sooner, but kinda expected they would release at the end of summer if anything.
typical Valve, just for that I wont buy my Hl2 by sending them an envelope filled with cash!
This might be a dumb question, but do you guys this the optimizations for the game will have improved even if its the smallest bit by the time its released? Maybe a few more fps or something? I'm only trying to pull some positives out of this, omo, bad news.
Farfege said:
This might be a dumb question, but do you guys this the optimizations for the game will have improved even if its the smallest bit by the time its released? Maybe a few more fps or something? I'm only trying to pull some positives out of this, omo, bad news.
Well part of their testing and polishing will probably include the optimisations to make sure the engine is rock solid in terms of stability and lack of crashes; making sure the engine performs well on all systems from DX6/7 to DX9; making sure things like the physics reactions (as seen in that shakey cam video where there's an explosion in a mass of barrels and boxes which causes a lot of lag) are nice and smooth with the minimum amount of slowdown and all in all that should also include a slight rise in FPS.
normally develloping such giant software item as HL2 it needs good sceduled debugging scenario like alfa-testing (sadly no beta-testing for us :( ) Anyway since at the end of developing stages they are forced to do black-box testing of the game by tweaking the overall-performance and output of the game to match the prefered game experience. Finding a bug a bug at this stage makes it verry hard to find and fix itand can seriously alter the release-date. Since the quality must be perfect to not end in a silly hoax pressure makes finding bugs even harder. Adding to it finding bugs of your own creations is harder cause the developers are too much blinded by there proud. Anyway buy some other games in the meanwhile or create some MOD-script-stories...
Good news. I was hoping for maybe gold in July and release in August...but it's within a that's ok.

When I read about their proposed Codename Gordon April Fools joke...I thought that would've been great.

"Due to tremendous pressure from the gaming community to ship Half-Life 2, we looked long and hard at the game to see if there was anything we could cut that would let us ship sooner. It looked like if we cut the third dimension, we'd be all set, so after five years in development, Valve and Nuclearvision proudly present Half-Life 2D." :D
lol, summer? even if this is true it wont ship till late september, lol sep 30th 2004, good job valve! you freaking idiots
They havn't said anything other than "august" if that ends up being early august then I don't see why it won't reach store shelves by late august, in which case it is still summer.
true but do you expect valve to release it early august??? i don't....
Striker said:
true but do you expect valve to release it early august??? i don't....
i suggest mid august for gold and late and very early setember store release
now i wonder if valve will allow steam users to play the game before it hits stores that would be sweet
Dreglor said:
i suggest mid august for gold and late and very early setember store release
now i wonder if valve will allow steam users to play the game before it hits stores that would be sweet
As over-discussed many times before, the game will be released on Steam on the same date it is released in the shops so the publisher doesn't lose out on any revenue.
Striker said:
true but do you expect valve to release it early august??? i don't....
I don't see why it isn't possible, none of us have any idea how far into testing they are in, none of us have any possible way of making estimates of the dates, so why anyone could feel certain that it will be early, late or mid august when they finish the game is beyond me.
Am I the only one who is slightly crushed by this? Whatever though. I'll just have to find something else to do this summer.
I'm just gald it's comming out this year! Instead of not at all... like when the code was stolen, so many people got discouraged and wanted to quit. I wonder what life would be like without HL2.....and HL3
Gold doesn't mean release! It could take months and months to print all the fancy biozeminades on the boxes.
but now, the question we all have been waiting for. i mean. me. or I.

if this gold dat will be around august huh, en shipping around late august, when will this game hit store shelves in Europe, and more spicific, The netherlands?
now i feel i speak for alotta people. we dutchies love HL2.

i don't think i will be visiting these 3 months. i think this is the most important post for months and i think i better wait alotta months later, so i have a whole homepage for myself (cuz 1 homepage is useally enough)
The game will be released simulataneously worldwide and on Steam.
im not gonna buy that game from steam, and nor will i 'hire' it monthly. as i said before, i wanna know when its able to be bought, in materials u know, a solid plastic box, with a cd inside stating the name Half-Life 2.

oh, or i probably misunderstood you message. you mean if it is released in America, so will Europe? i do hope so.
It will be in boxes on shelves and on Steam on the same day.
Biozeminade said:
Gold doesn't mean release! It could take months and months to print all the fancy biozeminades on the boxes.

Dont you think they have done that allready?
Most major games don't usually take more than a couple of weeks from the time they go gold to the release date. HL2 will most likely take longer than most simply because of the number they will have to print and because of the different versions that will be released but I don't think it will end up taking too much longer from the norm.
dose this mean ?

dose it mean that the SDK is coming soon? I hope it is :borg:
gabe did mention that the sdk will be comming out in "parts" and teh sdk wouldn't be conpletely there until after the release...
i wonder what they will release before that
Dreglor said:
gabe did mention that the sdk will be comming out in "parts" and teh sdk wouldn't be conpletely there until after the release...
i wonder what they will release before that

face poser possibly...i doubt they will release hammer until HL2 comes out...maybe they shall so the same as HL and simply put the hammer install on the CD, that way no one will have the game spoiled by knowing what is in it through the various prefabs, entities and what not.
Dr. Shim said:
2005, yes.
um no...
there in beta meaning that there breaking the game to find most bugs before shipping it
that *should* take only a few months, even if they decide to change somthing in the game that shouldn't take long ethier
at the most they could still ship before october.
(Correcting myself)
They were just finishing up (squashing bugs) a year ago... :p
yeah ain't it friggin true. but, as i stated before, i like a game ALOT(!) more than a buggie game, for example BF:V. BF:V looked a cool game, but it dissapointed a bit IMO.
and sure Halflife 2 needs alotta bug-fixing if it wants its name back that it got when its announced.
Release, or not...

It's interesting to see that so many people in this thread really speculate whether HL2 will be released "summer" or "august" or "september" just because Gabe said something about "august". I mean, come on you guys, these was the same people (Gabe, Lombardi, whoever) that said 30 SEPTEMBER DUDE!!!, and NO DELAY MAN, and so on. And we all know where that all went... well, it went to... er... .... ... nowhere. So when Gabe says something really speculative as "expect to" or "almost done" or "polishing", you can be sure that the game is in fact WID, and if we're lucky we will be playing it this christmas, and that's if we're lucky. :rolleyes:
