ok...question for all.


Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
What is up with the numerous threads attacking America, and all it's actions?

everyone here is so quick to anger over things the US does, such as the prison "scandel" that involved a few US soldiers, or the attack on the "wedding", etc.

granted, it was wrong in the case of the prison, undetermined in the wedding, but still.

WHERE is the anger over the beheading of an american civilian? Wheres the anger over coalitian troops being striped, killed, skinned, and dragged through the streets to cheering crowds?

Where is the anger over Iraqi terrorist killing hundereds of other Iraqi women and children to kill a few US soldiers and Iraqi policemen?

Are you people just so dead set on hating the US that your willing to ignore those things so you can justify your hatred of us?
Ahem, read "Michael Moore - Stupid White Men" and your questions shall be answered.
Murray said:
Ahem, read "Michael Moore - Stupid White Men" and your questions shall be answered.

And then realise that Michael Moore is a moron and just laugh at him.

I'm not going to go into detail, but I really don't like him.
so I guess you're furious at your own government for the deaths of 500,000 iraqi's over the last 15 years? or does your sympathy only extend to coalition soldiers?

700 dead soldiers doesnt compare to 10,000 dead civilians
Feath said:
And then realise that Michael Moore is a moron and just laugh at him.

I'm not going to go into detail, but I really don't like him.

I bet my arm you've never read his books, watched his documentaries or read his articles
I dont care what people think about america. as far as i see it, anyone who hates america is usually just ignorant- as america is more than just a superpower- it is a huge network of towns, cities, families, freinds, villages, companies, organisations, landmarks, soldiers, workers.... basicly, america isnt a thing or a just a country- it is a huge chink of people, old, young, ignorant smart... and just because theyre president isnt as good as it could be, or theyre greedy leaders are sucking up money- it doesnt mean the country itself is bad.

and cpt.stern- try and edit your posts instead of making a new one. just a helpful tip :)
Murray said:
Ahem, read "Michael Moore - Stupid White Men" and your questions shall be answered.
Read Micheal Moore and be bombarded with a pile of crappy opinions.. and possibly the worst solution to the troubles
this ww3 and american civil war is taking to long :\
cant we just get it over with
Feath said:
And then realise that Michael Moore is a moron and just laugh at him.

I'm not going to go into detail, but I really don't like him.
Even though if he is a moron, that doesn't mean that he isn't telling the truth, no?
And even if he isn't, I don't think he surpasses Bush:
"We know they have weapons of mass destruction in Irak"

Aww well, your opinion is your opinion. :|
Suicide42 said:
I dont care what people think about america. as far as i see it, anyone who hates america is usually just ignorant- as america is more than just a superpower- it is a huge network of towns, cities, families, freinds, villages, companies, organisations, landmarks, soldiers, workers.... basicly, america isnt a thing or a just a country- it is a huge chink of people, old, young, ignorant smart... and just because theyre president isnt as good as it could be, or theyre greedy leaders are sucking up money- it doesnt mean the country itself is bad.

and cpt.stern- try and edit your posts instead of making a new one. just a helpful tip :)

i dont understand you patriots. why do you equate people who are against the war as anti-american? WE'RE ANTI-WAR not anti-american
michael moore is hardly a moron, at least he has the guts to stand up for what he believes in no matter what the consequences are
CptStern said:
i dont understand you patriots. why do you equate people who are against the war as anti-american? WE'RE ANTI-WAR not anti-american

IM BRITISH!!! I DONT COME FROM AMERICA AND I DONT WANT TO!!! im just saying a few people doesnt make an entire country crap, even if those people sent soildiers to eliminate civillians.

and cpt.stern, i just said 5 mins ago NOT TO MAKE A NEW POST and edit your last post if its been 3 mins... :hmph:

glad we got that cleared up :D
CptStern said:
michael moore is hardly a moron, at least he has the guts to stand up for what he believes in no matter what the consequences are
Like telling the Catholics of Northern Ireland to breed until they outnumber the protestants.

CptStern said:
michael moore is hardly a moron, at least he has the guts to stand up for what he believes in no matter what the consequences are

You could say the same for President Bush. Don't give me this crap about Bush lying either cause you could say the same for Michael Moore. Both seem to have been caught in a few "untruths". I agree with you that Michael Moore is standing up for what he believes in. I also believe that President Bush is, and Al Franken is, and Rush Limbaugh is.

For most people, I believe that we all want the same thing--everyone to be happy and everything to be peaceful. We just have different ways of achieving this goal.
Lets all hate America because its the COOL thing to do!!!111!11!!!!

People around the world are getting so caught up in all of this anti-american crap that they start to believe that America is the root of all evil, that they would be better off without the US, that Americans are stupid, and that anyone who disagrees with anything the US does is a like a saint.
moz4rt said:
For most people, I believe that we all want the same thing--everyone to be happy and everything to be peaceful. We just have different ways of achieving this goal.

not everyone wants that. i, for instance, want everyone to spontaneosly commit suicide 42 times!!! bwaahahahahha!!! [/joke]

but no, seriosly, everyone being happy and peaceful would be a major bore. no HL2, no action movies, just bunnies talking to giraffes in a comical fashion. there would be nothing intresting to watch on TV either, as people would be saying "i love you" instead of "die bitch" etc.

i think u get my point
Suicide42 said:
I dont care what people think about america. as far as i see it, anyone who hates america is usually just ignorant

Oh my god you are so, so ignorant.
bigun said:
Oh my god you are so, so ignorant.

wtf did u read the rest? u cant hate america, only its leaders and its leaders opinions.
A2597 said:
What is up with the numerous threads attacking America, and all it's actions?

everyone here is so quick to anger over things the US does, such as the prison "scandel" that involved a few US soldiers, or the attack on the "wedding", etc.

You are such an ignoramus, read and research before drawing conclusions based solely on the fact you dislike Arabs. Yes, shall I bring up you earlier post about 'Nuking the Middle-East'.

A2597 said:
Wheres the anger over coalitian troops being striped, killed, skinned, and dragged through the streets to cheering crowds?

Here he expresses his dismay that the resistance.... Are killing American troops! Shock horror! As far as I'm concerned they are soldiers, killing machines, they are trained to be brutal and have no sense of right or wrong so they accept the consequences that come with this state of mind - especially when it offends and even causes harm to people of a foreign country.
I have no sympathy for soldiers, they die, fine. But they are engaged in a state of War, you dont go up to a opposing General after a Battle and say:

"Excuse me! You just destroyed my 7th Armored Division, Whats your problem, were only here to help and live off your oil revenues???"
bigun said:
You are such an ignoramus, read and research before drawing conclusions based solely on the fact you dislike Arabs. Yes, shall I bring up you earlier post about 'Nuking the Middle-East'.

Here he expresses his dismay that the resistance.... Are killing American troops! Shock horror! As far as I'm concerned they are soldiers, killing machines, they are trained to be brutal and have no sense of right or wrong so they accept the consequences that come with this state of mind - especially when it offends and even causes harm to people of a foreign country.
I have no sympathy for soldiers, they die, fine. But they are engaged in a state of War, you dont go up to a opposing General after a Battle and say:

"Excuse me! You just destroyed my 7th Armored Division, Whats your problem, were only here to help and live off your oil revenues???"
So the Iraqi resistance fighters who are killing alot of American soldiers and kidnapping civilians do not count as soldiers?
bigun said:
You are such an ignoramus, read and research before drawing conclusions based solely on the fact you dislike Arabs. Yes, shall I bring up you earlier post about 'Nuking the Middle-East'.

Here he expresses his dismay that the resistance.... Are killing American troops! Shock horror! As far as I'm concerned they are soldiers, killing machines, they are trained to be brutal and have no sense of right or wrong so they accept the consequences that come with this state of mind - especially when it offends and even causes harm to people of a foreign country.
I have no sympathy for soldiers, they die, fine. But they are engaged in a state of War, you dont go up to a opposing General after a Battle and say:

"Excuse me! You just destroyed my 7th Armored Division, Whats your problem, were only here to help and live off your oil revenues???"
they're torturing our troops (and civilians) as much, and in fact more, than we are doing to them. their orders are to torture the enemies, we just have some bad apples in the army. as far as I see, your opinions are lookin pretty juvenile and blind.

and you anti-war folks(I for one don't really care either way, pro or anti) still can't argue that hussein wasn't a sadististic oppresive dictator.
Quote were I exactly said that.

They do count as soldiers, but dont get yourselves hung up by mercenaries who were killed. They knew the dangers and they are worse than soldiers, paid to fight without any purpose.

I know people always attack the Anti-War Movement by talking about 'Hussein's dicatatorial Regime' but there were many other ways to unseat him. It was done in other countries other than Iraq and does not require War, I mean, look how easy it was to bribe the Generals.

And I also know that Republicans bang on about the fact that the Iraqi Insurgents are doing the same things to them as they are doing to thier prisoners. If you are going to take this road of thought then you might as well forget about winning any 'hearts and minds' so far I see no American who has taken the moral high-ground.

Dont forget also that Iraqi's have died in US Custody, I hope they get those soldiers who did those things to those Iraqis and ****ing shoot them from 5 feet. I am being serious now. I hope they get sentenced to death.
/Dulrough plugs his ears, shuts his eyes and chants "I see no evil, I hear no evil..."
calm down, bigun. no need to flame about it. Im sure most people in this forum prefer to look at it from a neutral perspective, taking into account the iraquis and the americans deeds- but you cant judge a nation by some individuals actions. theres allwars someone who takes it too far, and theres allways someone who retaliates due to this.

And i think "they have no sense of right or wrong" and "I have no sympathy for soldiers" are harsh comments- theyre only doing their job. they know the concequences but they hardly have no sense of right and wrong. just because theyre president is ordering them to take over a country for the wrong reasons it doesnt mean theyre bad people- theyre onlt there to keep the peace.
bigun said:
Quote were I exactly said that.

They do count as soldiers, but dont get yourselves hung up by mercenaries who were killed. They knew the dangers and they are worse than soldiers, paid to fight without any purpose.

I know people always attack the Anti-War Movement by talking about 'Hussein's dicatatorial Regime' but there weere many other ways to unseat him. It was done in other countries other than Iraq and does not require War, I mean, look how easy it was to bribe the Generals.
And its those mercenaries (although I doubt they are being paid) that American troops have been trying to kill from the beggining. A few bad apples in the US army have killed civilians and/or have done sadistic things to prisoners, but that certainly doesn't mean that that is the goal of the US government. As for the oil, even if the US does end up getting most of the oil (although I doubt that was their purpose for going in) it will still mean more money for Iraq than what it was getting before.
Suicide42 said:
not everyone wants that. i, for instance, want everyone to spontaneosly commit suicide 42 times!!! bwaahahahahha!!! [/joke]

but no, seriosly, everyone being happy and peaceful would be a major bore. no HL2, no action movies, just bunnies talking to giraffes in a comical fashion. there would be nothing intresting to watch on TV either, as people would be saying "i love you" instead of "die bitch" etc.

i think u get my point

yeah i get your point. i didn't necessarily mean that we want to live in a world full of rainbows, unicorns, and flowers. and i don't know what i'd do without the movie THE ROCK.
Suicide42 said:
and cpt.stern, i just said 5 mins ago NOT TO MAKE A NEW POST and edit your last post if its been 3 mins... :hmph:

glad we got that cleared up :D

and I'm going to listen to you because? I dont give a shite if it bugs you
The Mullinator said:
And its those mercenaries (although I doubt they are being paid) that American troops have been trying to kill from the beggining. A few bad apples in the US army have killed civilians and/or have done sadistic things to prisoners, but that certainly doesn't mean that that is the goal of the US government. As for the oil, even if the US does end up getting most of the oil (although I doubt that was their purpose for going in) it will still mean more money for Iraq than what it was getting before.

those orders to bomb civilian targets didnt come from an idividual

btw it turns out the top US general in iraq witnessed the abuse of some POW's...I guess it isnt just "a few bad apples"
CptStern said:
and I'm going to listen to you because? I dont give a shite if it bugs you

fs, youve done this 4 times now (including just then). each was in the space of 4 mins after the other post, and you could have edited your last post instead of making a new one.

the reason im saying this is because you have intentionally (as you have just displayed) made a post that was needless 4 times, and if you read the forum rules this is described as spam. its not just me who doesnt like it, it is a rule not to do this. i dont mind you arguing your point strongly- hell, i dont care if you flame me. i just dont like the fact that your deliberately spamming when you needent, and then angrily replying to me saying you can do what you want.

*edit* as this is off-topic, PM me if you want to discuss this.
CptStern said:
those orders to bomb civilian targets didnt come from an idividual

btw it turns out the top US general in iraq witnessed the abuse of some POW's...I guess it isnt just "a few bad apples"
Right so of course its the goal of the US to do that then right? :rolleyes:

Besides I think it was actually the general in charge of the prison that was witness not the top general of the whole Iraq operation. It doesn't mean all the US soldiers are automatically bad people right? That would be prejudice if you assume that ALL US soldiers are BAD people.

What do you think they should do anyway? Pack up and leave right away?
moz4rt said:
You could say the same for President Bush. Don't give me this crap about Bush lying either cause you could say the same for Michael Moore. Both seem to have been caught in a few "untruths". I agree with you that Michael Moore is standing up for what he believes in. I also believe that President Bush is, and Al Franken is, and Rush Limbaugh is.

For most people, I believe that we all want the same thing--everyone to be happy and everything to be peaceful. We just have different ways of achieving this goal.

when michael moore lies countries dont get invaded
The Mullinator said:
Right so of course its the goal of the US to do that then right? :rolleyes:

Besides I think it was actually the general in charge of the prison that was witness not the top general of the whole Iraq operation. It doesn't mean all the US soldiers are automatically bad people right? That would be prejudice if you assume that ALL US soldiers are BAD people.

I beg to differ:

"A military lawyer for a soldier charged in the Abu Ghraib abuse case testified a captain at the Baghdad prison said the highest-ranking U.S. military officer in Iraq was present during "interrogations and/or allegations of the prisoner abuse," according to a recording of a military hearing obtained by The Washington Post."

the US uses torture...google "School of the Americas" ...the US' infamous military training school that teaches torture methods
I'm american and don't believe a f****** thing michael moore says. he's a liberal bastard who WANTS the rest of the world to hate the us


I think that basically any unfortunate country will look onto a world superpower with an intimidation. And I consider myself more conservative..and I dont think that Bush is too smart. This whole Iraq war should have gone to Saudi arabia if he REALLY wanted to fight terrorism

Cpt. Stern..are you from america?
Calm down, please calm down for God's sake. It's not like your lives are depending on if you convince everyone to believe in your opinion or not.
Vigilante said:
I'm american and don't believe a f****** thing michael moore says. he's a liberal bastard who WANTS the rest of the world to hate the us


I think that basically any unfortunate country will look onto a world superpower with an intimidation. And I consider myself more conservative..and I dont think that Bush is too smart. This whole Iraq war should have gone to Saudi arabia if he REALLY wanted to fight terrorism

Cpt. Stern..are you from america?

I don't hate America - I only hate America's Foreign Policy.

And Vigilante: I'm not a conservative or a liberal. Those are only labels anyway. I don't instinctively believe or disbelieve people. I listen to Bush. I listen to Moore. I research the facts. Then I make up my own mind.

And for the record:

A US soldier has testified that the highest ranking US military official was present during the torture, as stated above.

Many Iraqi fighters AND civilians have died - some of them during interrogation by US soldiers. Several in as brutal a fashion at Berg.

And the Only doing their job defence didn't work for Nazi war criminals. But then again, the US can't be prosecuted for war crimes can they?
Ah, the wonders of the variable truth. God knows what actually happened and what else is slanderous rumour or pure hearsay these days.

For every Iraqi coming forward with a genuine claim of torture or other abuse, there'd be at least another with an entirely fabricated allegation designed purely to "jump on the bandwagon" and further undermine coalition forces.

People, these days, don't know what to believe. Politicians are voted in to act as charismatic liars and misdirect us from actual happenings... if we don't know about it, we don't care, and so we carry on regardless.

America always makes me think of Microsoft. It's huge, rich and powerful, many hate and despise it for these reasons, and yet continue to engage in trade with them.

I think what people "hate" in America is not so much the country but a stereotypical attitude of superiority. Whenever you hear about American actions, you will instantly be reminded of what they're not doing, what they "should" be doing, and that they have a military budget large enough to buy a country.
Vigilante said:
I'm american and don't believe a f****** thing michael moore says. he's a liberal bastard who WANTS the rest of the world to hate the us


This whole Iraq war should have gone to Saudi arabia if he REALLY wanted to fight terrorism

Cpt. Stern..are you from america?

and your personal opinion comes from? research? indepth analysis of the issues he presents?

oh and I dont think the war would have moved to Saudi arabia considering the royal family are busniess partners with the bush clan

again what does my nationality have to do with anything?
Pogrom said:
I don't instinctively believe or disbelieve people. I listen to Bush. I listen to Moore. I research the facts. Then I make up my own mind.

give this man a prize!!! that's all we ask...present the facts, do the research make up your mind....thanks Pogrom you nailed it down to one sentence