OMFG I FOUND IT! Tabbed browsing in windows!!!1!1ಠ_ಠ!!


Aug 10, 2004
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Ever since I discovered firefox and tabbed browsing, I decided I needed it for file managing too. I tried a few file managers but I preferred explorer, all it needed was tabs!

With this little program you can quickly install tabs into windows explorer. Works for XP and Vista.

It seems to have a few other neat features as well, I've yet to fully explore it.

Just thought someone might find this useful :)
That's really neat but mousewheelclicking a folder doesn't work here, so I have to drag a folder to the tabbar. :(
Wow, that's pretty awesome (without actually trying it).

Will definitely be checking this out once I've installed a fresh Windows, ta for the linkage.
Middle-mouse clicking opens the folder in a new tab for me, that's odd it doesn't work for you Brick...You check in options yet?
Right click tab bar > Options > Window panel, and check the mouse wheel click option.
I want it to be known that I hate tabs with a passion. Can't stand the damn things. I'd rather a billion windows open than one extra tab.
Middle-mouse clicking opens the folder in a new tab for me, that's odd it doesn't work for you Brick...You check in options yet?
Right click tab bar > Options > Window panel, and check the mouse wheel click option.

It's set correctly, doesn't work. :(
it doesnt work, followed the how to guide, nothing works -_-
Summary of thread:

Naudian :"OMFG I FOUND IT!"
Naudian :"it's not as great as I thought it would be"

Not downloading.
Is this going to make Explorer.exe use any more memory than it already does?
nope, doesnt work, how the hell do i make it work. the instructions fail greatly, and do nothing
I'll wait till people figure out how to work it before I do. I'll stick with explore for now ;)
what a piece of shit, finally got it working, and the buttons are broken, when i try to open a new window, it replaces the old one completely, and when i exit all of it, i cannot reopen explore, it opens it and auto shuts it down, ****ing piece of shit.
It works fine for me, no problems, but there are 2 things that prevent me from using it:
1. Opening new explorer doesnt open new window but creates new tab instead. Yes I deactivated the "prevent new instances of explorer" option but still doesnt work.
2. Back button doesn't work. When I press back, it just takes me to C: instead of the previous place I was.
Jeez if I knew it was gonna be so buggy for everyone I wouldn't have bothered posting it :p

The only problem I had with this thing is this:

I have a window open with a bunch of tabs, and when I launch something that opens a new explorer window, like say the control panel from the start menu, it would create it in a new tab in the open window (like it's set to) but vista would ignore the "prevent" option and create a new window as well. Kinda messy.'s 5 AM here and I've been perfecting my litestep/windows theme for hours -_-

Have a picture:

Not sure what you mean, it's a popup menu module for LS and you create all the popup entries in a text file.
The launch items 'Development,' 'Gaming,' 'Leisure,' and 'Maintenance' (which I seem to have misspelled) are actually folders with a bunch of shortcuts in them, and the popup menu is set to read from them.

Yes they're context menus :p
This theme takes up around 6MB...
I think you can only replace the desktop shell with it.
I've been trying to find a good way to replace/theme the explorer file manager in a similar way, but not much luck with that :\
Incredibly easy to work.
Instal It;
Log Off;
Log On;
Open up a window;
Right click on the upper half by the toolbars;
Select QT TabBar;
Unlock toolbar;
Drag QT TabBar to it's own area;
Add QT Tab Bat Standard Buttons and move it;
Lock it up;
Sechsellent! :D Combined with Glass2k, this may give new life to my XP Pro...