Orange Box - "Gifts"


Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Is there anyone here that doesn't have HL2 or HL2 EP1 that would want it free? :thumbs:

I, as have a lot of others presumably, have got them coming free in the Orange Box.
I'll wait till valve implements a trading system into steam then it trade for another game.Which they probably will in the near future.
I'll wait till valve implements a trading system into steam then it trade for another game.Which they probably will in the near future.
I don't think that'd happen... Valve would be losing a lot of money that way. Valve doesn't gain anything from you "giving back" their game. It's all virtual content. People could just trade in any game they own to play another game, then trade it back when they're done... You could keep doing this forever and effectively own any game you want.
I'll wait till valve implements a trading system into steam then it trade for another game.Which they probably will in the near future.

That's never happening, but you can wait for it if you like!
I was planning to wait till all three episodes were released before buying them however, given the nature of the thread, I'd really appreciate anyone's spare Episode One. It's mainly to play Minerva.
Xune, you shouldn't need episode 1 to play Minerva, should you?
I'll give away my HL2 and Ep1 to anyone who wants it just ask.

Steam ID: pimpinpenguin
Yup, the last installment uses elements like hdr from episode 1. He's also retrofitted the first two parts apparently. Checkit.
Do we even know if this is possible? Why would they allow thousands of people to give away two whole games of theirs?
Um, because it was Valve's idea?

To bring gamers up to date with the Half-Life 2 universe, The Orange Box also includes Half-Life 2, the best-selling and highest-rated action game series of all time, and the episodic debut Half-Life 2: Episode One. Customers who already own these titles will have the ability to conveniently "gift" them to a friend upon official release of The Orange Box.

Bah, me too slow.
Anyone who wants both are welcome to mine. :)

Steam ID cormeh.

EDIT: only though.
I already have them but feel free to give me your copies anyway.

SteamID: Rapstah.
Do not attempt to ask for my gifts anymore. Both have been promptly snapped up.
I'll give away my HL2 and Ep1 to anyone who wants it just ask.

Steam ID: pimpinpenguin

Any chance I could have your HL2 and Ep1 mate? Please? I'll beg if needs be! lol... I'll add you to my steam contacts now shortly! Thanks dude! ;)

EDIT: Or if you've already given yours away, perhaps someone else here would be kind enough to hook me up? Anyone? Hmm? Pretty Please? lol... Thanks in advance anyway folks! ;)
If you have posted your pic in the mug shot thread you can have:

Sin: ep1

For FREE! PM me and my account is yours. First PM with linky to mug wins.

Noone wnats?

Man, you can't even give games away these days!

I'd gladly take em off your hands... but I don't have a digi cam to post my mugshot! :( Well, I kinda lie... I have a cam but the lens is shattered and therefore is rendered useless! :(
Gifts are now available to send to your friends. Restart Steam and see. :D
Sweet! Is anyone willing to send me their spare copies yet? Please Peeps! lol.

I'm Project Manager for a Stargate Mod being developed for the upcoming UT3 engine and I'm willing to give a Beta Tester position to anyone who can "Gift" me their spare copies of HL2 and / or HL2 and HL2 Ep1..!

Check out my site for confirmation of my status on the Mod! ( / ) ;)
How come my posts keep disappearing as soon as I post them? Is it cos I include web links or something? I'll try again here but without the URL's! lol.. Fingers Crossed!

Anyway... What I was saying was... In relation to Joule's post above...

Sweet! But is anyone willing to "Gift" me their spare copies yet?

I'm Project Manager of a Stargate Mod being built on the upcoming UT3 Engine and I'm willing to grant Beta Tester permissions to whoever "Gifts" me their spare copy of HL2 and / or HL2 Episode 1..! ;)

EDIT: Yay... My post stayed this time around! lol... Must've been the URL's! lol... Anyway, Check my profile for the web address to my site so ya can confirm my mod team status! Just incase any o yall are in doubt about me being a Project Manager of the above mentioned Mod Project! lol ;)
I suppose it would be possible to give the gifts over ebay (Have the buyer set up a Steam Client, then give them the information on how to attain the gift)
Probably all gifts are taken up, but to anyone, may I have your gifts?
I've got an HL2 and Ep1 gift thingy if anyone wants them, PM me your SteamID. :)
If there's any people with either HL2 or EP 1 to gift I'd gladly take either. I'd send you my ID by PM. :)
I don't own Half-Life 2 episode 1. Some day I'll probably get Orange Box though, so... no big deal really.