PAX 2010: Portal 2 Coop Coverage


Jul 6, 2003
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Valve has released new images from the Portal 2 PAX demo. The PAX demo is the first public showing of Portal 2's multiplayer coop mode, which features its own set of characters, test chambers, and storyline.



  • IGN
    The first, most important, and most head slapping "I can't believe we don't see this in more games" addition is the "ping" system. Each player can set markers around the levels to indicate where they'd like their partner to fire a portal. Valve explained that this is something complementary to voice chat, since even when your partner can hear you, it's hard to really accurately describe where "over there" is.

  • TeamXbox

The levels inherently look more complicated (even when they aren't) due to the fact that there are many more moving pieces. The gameplay shown was spot on in its tightness, so creating portals for your buddies turns into a pretty easy task. With no more light shed on the single player campaign, the cooperative mode shows enough promise to get excited about all on its own.

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Thanks to Tony for posting the links.[br]
Those screenshots look gorgeous. Can't wait for the gameplay videos!
nice,more proof that it may not run very well on my pc,those are mass effect 2 kind of looking graphics :(
In the last shot: I can't tell if they're holding each other in fear or if ATLAS is giving the turret an unwanted bro hug?
Looks awesome :D Looks like it might get pretty tough too! Can't wait! :D
The lasers need retouching :( Old Halflife 2 technology doesn't work with beams of light as much I'd like it to.
From what I could tell in the video, the bot that is in the form of an A.I. Sphere GLADOS (that metallic bitch) refers to it as "Blue" while the turret-like bot she refers to it as "Orange.
With ATLAS printed on the back of the A.I, I've already taken to calling them "Fontaine and Atlas" or "Ryan and Atlas". Something Bioshocky.
Jumping, puzzles and friendliness in a colourful game with a woman who speaks to you no matter how ugly you are.
I can see why you queers like the idea of it.