Perils of Summer Sale: Sunday Update!

stop buying games right away guys, the deals go till July 4th!!! wait until then to buy a game. and sometimes the same game goes for cheaper even if its on sale now.

Yeah, only buy the games on the current sale until July 4th since you could potentially overpay if they go on a sale-o-da-day.

I was thinking about buying the force unleashed... mostly because my friend helped create it... but I can't get past the low metacritic rating. Plus I'm sure better games will go on sale... like battlefront 2....
Who cares what critics think. I had a look, some of the user comments (the minority mind you) gave the game some praise for its merits. Why not try it for yourself and make up your own mind, who knows - you may enjoy it, you might not. At this price it's worth the risk.
SW:FU is a great game, frustrating from time to time due to some control issues (hard to aim with the force grip for instance) but lot's of fun anyway. And play with the controller (preferably XBOX 360 pad).
Picked up Force Unleashed, gotta be able to get my $7.50 worth even if it is crap.
Also, make sure you have 30gbs free before installing the game.
Heh yeah noticed that. I'll have to do it a bit at a time considering my monthly cap is 35G :p
Flotilla, check. Max Payne, check. Is Civ 3 better than Civ 4 or anything like that or should I just get 4?
Gutted for people who bought Half-Life yesterday, its even cheaper today :p
Just get Civ4, you get a ton more for your money.
I may end up just getting both, but I'd prefer not to if one of them is notably superior or makes the other redundant. I'm completely unfamiliar with the series.
No, not really.

It feels very much like it was ported straight from the consoles so don't bother unless you have a gamepad.
Bought the Max Payne bundle since I've never played it before, and I can justify $3.74 as the price of a cup of coffee or something.

Trying to decide whether to get any of the Civ games. I just remember playing CivII once and really enjoying it while it was going, but after just one game where I launched a spaceship with 100% chance of success to Alpha Centauri, and waited forever only for it to never get there, I was too disappointed to bring myself to start playing over again.
So far, got The Witcher, World of Goo, Galcon Fusion... and an extra copy of CS:S for that one guy at the LAN party who doesn't have it... yeah, that guy.

Debating on Civ 4. I'm a big fan of fast-paced Strategy games but I've never really given 4X games a shot, is it worth $10?
It's a fantastic introduction to the world of 4X games so I'd say give the demo a shot and then buy it if you like it.
today I will gift my friend Half Life 1, buy the gothic bundle and maybe a few others. i have Gothic 3 all ready in the box but for $2 you can't go wrong plus I heard theres a patch that makes it more fun
Bought Half Life 1 for myself, finally. Another playthrough is imminent.
Got Supreme Commander 2 despite not having beaten the first with all the factions or the expansion D:
Price too perfect.
Goddamn Ghostbusters has been loading for like 30 straight hours now and is at 86%.
Yeah, I got a bunch of error messages telling me Steam servers were too busy to start my downloads. They're going pretty slow but not 30 hours worth of slow D:
Debating on Civ 4. I'm a big fan of fast-paced Strategy games but I've never really given 4X games a shot, is it worth $10?

Well, I finally bought it now, especially since it is Mac compatible. Ten bucks seems like a steal for the game and all its expansions.
Heh, love Steam.

Only picked up L4D2 so far since have a lot of the others from the xmas sale, and other packs.

Hoping for Metro 2033 to show up (although pack nice but got most of them), Shatter, Puzzle Dimension and Alien Breed :D
I'm waiting patiently for Mount and Blade Warband to hit $5. thats how much I paid for it for the first game
Yeah, I'd really like Warband but I'm not paying anything over $5 for something I already have but with a couple of new features.
SW:FU was a waste of money... It wasn't too rewarding. The only thing you can do with your experienced and leveled up character after you beat the story is play the story again. Had so much potential... Felt rushed... And it seemed like detail and story were more important than gameplay. The only reason gameplay was good at any point is because you can throw people around with the force. The fight scenes were sloppy, and for someone with so much talent, the apprentice sure did get thrown around easy. Was quite frustrating at times. I don't think I'll be buying the sequel either. I wish I could get a refund for a bad purchase... but it was my fault. I could have baught a new drum head so I could play drums again, but no, I had to add to George Lucas' fortune. :(

At least, that's my opinion. Now everybody start crying and feel bad for me.
Eh sorry, that sucks man.

I am quite satisfied with my Max Payne bundle purchase. Last couple of games I bought were STALKER and Rome: Total War, which were both a bit disappointing. But I played 4 hours worth of Max Payne and I'm like "Hey, I still like games, wow!" I should buy all my games 9 years after they're released.
Damnit. So many games and yet I don't get paid until Wednesday! :(
Is Global Agenda worth getting now that they have dropped the subscription fee?
I hear that they are introducing a lot of new stuff with the Sandstorm update.
Must. Stop. Buying. Games. I just got Monkey Island 2 SE D:
Guys, I am a Ghostbuster now. This is amazing.
Guys, I am a Ghostbuster now. This is amazing.

Me too. Isn't it great? Why wasn't this game more popular? I guess the lack of multiplayer and the linear structure make it kind of limited... but it's fun. Sure takes me back to those good old Ghosbuster days.
Is Global Agenda worth getting now that they have dropped the subscription fee?
I hear that they are introducing a lot of new stuff with the Sandstorm update.

I've been checking out some reviews and it really doesn't seem all that bad. Wasn't it already on the special sales? If it goes down to like 10 bucks I'll get it.

I've gathered that it's less like an MMO and more like a customizable/upgradable Third Person TF2.
Me too. Isn't it great? Why wasn't this game more popular? I guess the lack of multiplayer and the linear structure make it kind of limited... but it's fun. Sure takes me back to those good old Ghosbuster days.

Yeah, I don't see much replayability in it, but so far it's pretty fun and a solid representation of GB. I could've sworn that I heard it had co-op, but I haven't seen anything to indicate that in the game.
Yeah, I don't see much replayability in it, but so far it's pretty fun and a solid representation of GB. I could've sworn that I heard it had co-op, but I haven't seen anything to indicate that in the game.

I read somewhere a long time ago that the console versions have some kind of multplayer but the PC does not. I think that was the only reason I didn't buy it when it came out. Until now I actually forgot about it.
Crap deals today.
Either own them already or they're still too expensive.
Crap deals today.
Either own them already or they're still too expensive.

I agree, but then again it is Monday! the worst day of the week so I have high hopes that by the end of the week I'll spend even more money. What steam should do shortly though, and to get their name out even more (i have friends who still don't know what steam is and its like talking to a child explaining it to them) is set up some gift cards you can buy at the stores. i would so ask for one of those for Xmas and my Bday.
Yeah, today's deals are quite shitty. They need to put some of the bigger titles on sale.
I might shoot for oddworld but I don't know if I want another game I'll prolly never game to on my list.