Post a screenshot!

Ni No Kuni (DS)



This is far and away the best looking DS game I have ever seen and it is loads of fun to boot! The phone pics make the screens look weird and pixelated but trust me, they are not IRL. :)
Primordus. The first Elder Dragon seen in Tyria.

I finished up my Legendary Cartographer this week so I took some screens of the nice places I visited.




That's it. Finally time to dig my original copy of Freespace out of the closet.
I still don't know why the original was called Descent: Freespace, was it just an attempt by Interplay to cash in on the success of that franchise?
Those who have been in chat the last few days will know how much this means to me

And how many brave soldiers died on the road to that victory?

P.S. You really should update your DOSBox, the current official version is 0.74 :p
This thing shot missiles desperately as it was going down. All 4 crew survived the crash landing but were quickly torn apart by our team.

Meditating before battle

Viper checking our secondary forward delta vector niner gauges

Looks pretty fun. Can the free client play with you guys? How long to missions usually last?
Arma 2 free can't play with us the way we're playing now, with ACE mod, but we could play vanilla Arma 2 with you if you really want to try out the game.

Mission length varies. Domination game mode goes on until we decide to stop. We were playing that dom mission for the last 4 hours or so. People can hop in and leave on the fly. Normal simpler missions usually last however long we survive, which could be half hour to 2 hours or something.
I'll post this here too


Also, had a lot of fun, especially when I was crawling through the forest near the end there picking off all the guys trying to flank you.



I laughed my butt off at this, so unexpected.

When I saw "This is madness!" I immediately thought of it, and then I read the next line and was like 'haaaaa!'
Playing Aliens: Infestation for the Nintendo DS, it's a side-story to Aliens: Colonial Marines and has been a collaboration project between Gearbox Software and WayForward.

The easiest way to describe it is a simpler Metroidvania with Aliens. Your different marines act as your lives, if your marine dies he is dead the entire game but a level has some marines spread around it that have been seperated from their teams that you can recruit to replace your losses, but those replacements are finite as well.

Boarding the U.S.S. Sulaco.


My original crew.


Time to play the hero!


The Queen Bee herself!


Lost two of my men to the bitch before she went down, R.I.P.


Ran into another marine later on that decided to join my team, apparently he's an alcoholic.

That makes me wish I still had a DS.

BF3, Caspian Border, high settings / 4x+high AA / no ambient occlusion, clickthrough for full size

Aren't they static skyboxes?

They certainly didn't seem dynamic when I was playing.
Aren't they static skyboxes?

I'm pretty sure they are static skyboxes/skydomes. What I would like to know is, what resolution does the texture have. It certainly looks very sharp.

EDIT: ****ing small image bullshit... can't read anything.


I'm the King, baby!

P.S. Game is old and only properly supports that res, so you have to excuse the images being so small.
RAGE has to be one of the most obvious ports I've seen in a long time.

For shame id, for shame!
It's a game everyone appears to be giving a go at but me, like borderlands. I just can't get interested for some reason. But I gladly play Fallout :\
Must be the vehicle focus.
RAGE has to be one of the most obvious ports I've seen in a long time.

For shame id, for shame!

Bethesda is to blame for the PC controls. Would you even think Id would have agreed to such bullshit controls?
I'm glad there are configs out there fixing it.
Started playing it myself and overall I am enjoying it. The only bug I'm having is the apparently omnipresent pop in texture bug, but it's not too noticeable.

On the graphics side it looks pretty good, although higher resolution textures would've been better. However even with higher resolution textures I still think the Unreal Engine is better. In my opinion Bulletstorm overall looks better than Rage.

On the gameplay side, it's good, definitely better than Wolfenstein 2009, or Singularity.
Bethesda is to blame for the PC controls. Would you even think Id would have agreed to such bullshit controls?
I'm glad there are configs out there fixing it.
It's not the controls so much as it's the fact that it doesn't let me customize settings from the game menu!

Even Halo 2 on PC let me do that!

P.S. Remus, I assume you are aware that id didn't have anything to do with Singularity?