Post a screenshot!

Dear God.
That was the only thing I absolutely hated about Morrowind.
First person dice roll combat, that shit only works in games like Eye of the Beholder and the like.

It isn't dice roll combat, it's stat-based and had a lot of potential. If it was developed so that there were more possibilities and feedback in combat (such as a failed roll not meaning that you don't hit, but that the enemy blocked the hit and actually seeing it happen, or the option for significantly stronger characters to overcome more skilled, but significantly weaker characters etc.), it'd be great. Dark Messiah of Mice and Men also based on hidden dice rolls, yet implements what's, to me, one of the best melee systems designed.

Skill = DPS is just a lazy, uninspired combat mechanic.
Loved the combat in Dark Messiah. Although I still love the newer Elder Scrolls games, they still don't have the amazing alien world design that Morrowind had.
BadHat's just chillin'
That's mostly what I was doing that mission as I had the endurance of an asthmatic world war 1 veteran.
Game looks beautiful in the evenings when the scenery is illuminated by burning vehicles.

Staging an assault from the safety of cover and distance on an enemy camp in the treeline about 300 meters away
Morgs and I dubbed this exact spot "The Coziest Place in Thirsk"


This is uhhh...




And you thought Morgs was tall!


Morgs' player is directly modelled after Hokey

Mount and Blade Warband.

Not one of the bigger battles, but pretty good I think. First few are my character and my army, then next few are my army charging (archers shooting arrows from behind), last pics are of the battle. I won this one.






Badass armor of new armor going into battle.


Me vs 20 guys. Took about half hour, but I won that shit!

Jesus I didn't even recognize that as Minecraft at first glance.

I really hate high res packs in minecraft. It just looks bad on really low poly stuff.
Agreed with Vegeta, it just looks ugly as sin. Especially the repeating texture on the grass.
The texture job on that fence isn't even good. Looks like they randomly slapped on a wooden plank texture on the whole thing and didn't even bother adjusting it.
Hurray, bitch party!

It looks fine for me. It's just grainy in the distance because it's higher resolution.
The grainyness isn't the bad part. It just makes the game look like a crappy 3D Studio Max rendering from 2002.
The grainyness isn't the bad part. It just makes the game look like a crappy 3D Studio Max rendering from 2002.

You and I see it differently then. HD textures make the game more beautiful to me. I like the low resolution textures too, but I've played with them so long, I want a change.
Played an awesome fully dynamic mission in arma with the gang. We broke out of a pow camp (which spawns in a random location in the 225 square km island) with a single weapon among us (and no maps or compasses), killing and gathering what we could as we went, while encountering enemy patrols and vehicles along the way.

We took up safety in this church, which served as our main base and ammo gathering point

Is "the gang" getting back together this Sunday/monday by any chance? Been too long since I last played.
We'll try to get a game going. We usually play between 10PM to 4AM est.
Cool, my schedule changed so that I have mondays off now, so Sunday nights are perfect for me, since I usually wont have anything to do on mondays.
Is there a killcam in competitive mode in CSGO or just in casual mode?
Just casual, I believe. It'd introduce balance issues in competitive.