Robert Culp, Voice of Dr Breen Dies

Hectic Glenn

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Aug 8, 2004
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The highly regarded American actor Robert Culp has died at the age of 79. Best known for appearances in Everybody Loves Raymond, I Spy and most notably as the voice of Dr Wallace Breen in Half-life 2.
The 79-year-old actor was rushed to Queen of Angels hospital shortly after 11 a.m. after hitting his head while taking a walk outside his home. He was pronounced dead at the hospital a short time later. A preliminary investigation found "that his death is accidental and there appears to be no sign of foul play"
Playing Half-life 2 for the first time was highly memorable, especially hearing those first words...Welcome. Welcome, to City 17. RIP.[br]Dr Wallace Breen: When the singularity collapses, I will be far away from here. In another universe, as a matter of fact.
If only you really could use a giant slug host body, Robert. If only.
Good night, sweet prince.
It's certainly safer than right outside his house...

RIP man. He will be missed.
I always loved his performance as Trent in The Outer Limits - can't say I like his role in Everybody Loves Raymond, it portrays him as a sex maniac.

RIP Culp.
Dying in such an unexpected way is just horrible, although there are few ways, if any, of dying that are not. My sympathies to his family
Well, the debate about Breen is over once and for all.
I just wish it didn't end this way though....
that's sad... Dr. Breen was awesome... haha... Welcome, welcome to city 17
sad news :( also shows valve taking to long with the half life series as well, what happened to breen in half life 2 actally cant remember now its been ages since i played it guessing the character gone in half life no or get a new actor? :/
He really did a stellar job in Half-Life 2, probably the best voice acting work the series has ever seen. I hope he lived a fulfilling and wonderful life.
Damn, that's awful :( My condolences to his family and friends.
I hope he's resting in a host body somewhere.
That really sucks. And it wasn't even cancer or something. :(
He was great. I even watched an episode of greatest american hero last week.
What a shock, such a talent and so unexpected :(

His role as Dr. Breen will always be a landmark in video games, at least as far as I am concerned. Probably one of the first villains in the medium to be truly human and believable, and some of the best voice acting in a game, ever. So sad for him to go in an accident like that, he will be missed.

At least he lived a long life, his talents will be missed.
I never feel sad for strangers passing but this one is.

RIP : No one will replace him
Roughly 280,000 people die each day, and I certainly wish them all a peaceful passaway, but this man will be missed particularly badly for the rest of the month. I hope you had no reappearing voice role. I am sincerely saddened, and I hope him a very relieving and fulfilling rest.

Also, This is Hilarious.
I am glad made a good notification of this.
Well he had a long life, a fairly successful career, and it sounds as if it was a relatively quick death. He'll be missed but it sounds like he had a good run of it.
Damn. Breen was one of the most interesting characters that games have yet thrown up, and one of the even fewer that probably couldn't have been pulled off even better than it was. Great writing and delivery come as a package so rarely...

Thank you Mr Culp, for doing your bit for a medium that many of your generation would be quick to turn their noses up at.
RIP Culp, you were a legend!
Very sad news. Breen was certainly one of the finest VA performances in games.

Personally I'm keeping my fingers crossed for MechaCulp.
Horrible it is.. no one can replace him in further games. I just don't hope for more of this any time soon. Rest in peace...
I'd knew Breen's voice sounded familiar! Unfortunate to make the connection this way, though.
Rest in peace. He had a memorable voice that I will never forget, especially those first few words I heard as I got off the train.

"Welcome, welcome to City 17."
For your information.

Marc Laidlaw said:
Showing incredibly poor taste, some members of the gaming press are asking us if Culp's death means no Dr. Breen in future games. Oh please.

Edit: Here's something from Steam News.

Robert Culp

August 16, 1930 - March 24, 2010

We were deeply saddened to learn of the death of actor Robert Culp on March 24, 2010. We were fortunate enough to work with Culp during the making of Half-Life 2, when he wrestled invisible headcrabs, expressed a passionate interest in animation, and taught us all how to bring a character to life from words on a page, as he voiced one of gaming's most beloved villains, Dr. Wallace Breen. He will be missed.

Looks like the photo they used the one from Raising The Bar book.

May his benefactors treat him well in the place beyond this domain, and may the ground become hallow at the places he stood and that it may turn into ash from which it came.