So I'm joining the military!

Parents may worry about your safety but they couldn't be prouder.

Unless your parents are hippies.
Wait, don't go sign on'll become a specialist (Sergeant)..cos u have no degree. Try to get higher qualifications so you can go into the officer core at least..

but I don't know how the us mil. works though, but either way..go for the officer way...
I'm not in the US first of all, and second of all your need a university degree for anything officer and above, I don't have the grades nor did I take the right classes throughout highschool to be even considered for university, so unless I got to college for 4 years, then university for another 4 years it wont happen. I'll also have to pay for those things, which I can't.

Pretty much what I'm saying is unless I get like every award you can get and am literally the best solder they've ever seen, I'll never be anything higher then Sergeant.
A sergeant knows the business. Yer rupert with 'is fancy commission may dance 'is coranto and kiss pretty 'ands but when he asks yer to stand in front of a cannon for yer king ye'll be needing a sergeant who knows the ropes and can hold fast to 'em when the going's rough. Sergeants are like rats, an' rats is the smartest creatures on earth: they know never to rise too high, an' they know when to start running.
Corporal is a pretty sweet rank. No responsibilities, but good privileges. Sergeant is one of the toughest ranks from what I can tell. You'll have so many responsibilities, plus you'll be held accountable for your squad.

Maybe. Results vary, depending what service you are in.
Joining the U.S military would be scary. You never know when the president is going to send you to another stupid pointless war again.