Steam Holiday Sale Now On - Up to 80% Off

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Well the sales have come a little earlier this year, but my word...there are some incredible deals to feast your eyes on! Visit the Steam store page now.[br]There will be special daily sales too and today there are amazing savings to be had!
  • Battlefield 2 - ?3.75
  • Borderlands - ?20.09
  • Red Faction Guerilla - ?8.74
  • Resident Evil 5 - ?14.99
There is also the unreal pack, atari games, eidos pack, THQ pack, Rockstar collection, 2k games, ubisoft games & major indie titles.
None of the EA game are on sale and I've been wanting to buy Dead Space and NFS Shift.

Also Flashpoint Dragon Rising is not even worth a dollar until the devs decide to allow support for dedicated servers.

I dunno. Kinda bummed out about this Holiday sale compared to last years. Bioshock for $5 is hard to top I guess.

Plus how do I go to the normal Steam page. I can't see the update notes anywhere.
Now these were the sales I was waiting for.
i just bought stalker and mirrors edge but wish either Quake or Doom had been on sale :(
Oh god, this is overwhelming. Must take some time to focus on the best possible game/money compromise.
****ing great deals there. GTA IV is wellll worth $7.49.
Indie: It's like, whatever, dude... check out my skinny jeans!

I love Valve humor.
Is Saint's Row 2 really as fun as people say? It's 15 bucks

And are there any good Splinter Cell games?
Why is GTA4 the cheapest possible GTA game? I'd honestly rather 3 or SA.
This is awesome, I bought Railroad Tycoon 2 Platinum and Evil genius for $3.34 and $1.99 respectively.

Just picked up Stalker for $1.99 and Witcher Director's Cut for $13.99. Win.
Argh, I just bought STALKER from Best Buy for $4.99 on Black Friday, and had to take a long bus ride to get there. Crap! I'm almost mad at Valve for making it so ridiculously cheap.

I may get Company of Heroes for $9.99 on the last day of the 50% off THQ sale, in case they have a special 1-day sale or something. Is it worth getting COH: Gold (includes COH & Opposing Fronts) for $14.99, or should I skip on Opposing Fronts?

[edit] I just noticed Braid is $2.49. I bought it for $5 on a Steam sale a few months ago. Seriously, screw you Valve and your holiday sales on things I already bought :p
I was thinking of buying the Borderlands DLC but they still haven't bothered to remove SecuRom.

Eidos Pack looks veryu good but i already own more than half the games on there.
holy shit i just pissed my pants with awe at how much stuff is on sale!!
Rome: Total War Gold is now $2.49. I was actually planning on buying it for $9.99 but never got around to it over the past year. I think I'll buy it now...
some of the low prices are ridiculous, i got the witcher for $30 recently on steam on sale and now its $13??


Finally bought Mirrors Edge for PC instead of Xbox!
also bought Clear Sky although it's been a long time since I've played STALKER! May need a little refresher!
some of the low prices are ridiculous, i got the witcher for $30 recently on steam on sale and now its $13??


Yeah man some of these make me want to cry. I guess I've learned my lesson... Always wait for the Steam Holiday Sale.
we should make a steam secret santa thread...these are so low. anyone hurting financially??
I would so participate in secret santa now ;)

I'm gunna go for these!
Hell yeah Warped, we should play RRT2 some time.
Bought STALKER the first time it was on sale, played for about 5 minutes and then nearly threw up due to the head wobble. Haven't played it since. Just bought Mirrors Edge, but Bioshock for $5 was the best deal of all time. OF ALL T- *attacked and eaten by giant rabid squirrel*
Hell yeah Warped, we should play RRT2 some time.

yeah man, buying it now, and I get paid day early so I may get the Eidos pack as well. i just want Batman and Deus Ex but for a few bucks more I get a shitload of games

I'm gunna go for these!

Whoa I never knew there was an Atari 80 game pack... lol at Air-Sea Battle being included. So much nostalgia.

Bought STALKER the first time it was on sale, played for about 5 minutes and then nearly threw up due to the head wobble. Haven't played it since. Just bought Mirrors Edge, but Bioshock for $5 was the best deal of all time. OF ALL T- *attacked and eaten by giant rabid squirrel*

I felt really sick playing Stalker too when I tried it last week. I was hoping it was just due to having my laptop screen at a weird angle, but it's probably the actual game itself. When was Bioshock $5? That's insane!
God... damn.. I don't know what to ****ing buy!
When was Bioshock $5? That's insane!
That would be last christmas. I think there was an interview shortly after where they revealed sales supposedly rose by 1300% for that game. I expect Mirror's Edge will probably see a similar effect.
That would be last christmas. I think there was an interview shortly after where they revealed sales supposedly rose by 1300% for that game. I expect Mirror's Edge will probably see a similar effect.

I would have bought Mirror's Edge but I got it for PC on disk for $6 like 3 months ago. I'm a bargain bin shopper but Steam always has the best deals and I don't have to drive anywhere or wait for it
Valve knows how to make not spending money this Christmas extremely difficult...

At first I was just planning on buying Trine but after looking I want to get Evil Genius, the Jedi Knight pack, the Lucas Arts Adventure pack and Beyond Good and Evil are looking very tempting as well.
Bought STALKER the first time it was on sale, played for about 5 minutes and then nearly threw up due to the head wobble. Haven't played it since. Just bought Mirrors Edge, but Bioshock for $5 was the best deal of all time. OF ALL T- *attacked and eaten by giant rabid squirrel*

I felt really sick playing Stalker too when I tried it last week. I was hoping it was just due to having my laptop screen at a weird angle, but it's probably the actual game itself. When was Bioshock $5? That's insane!

Exact same for me. Bought it during the $4.99 sale, but the headbobbing thing was just too nauseating and distracting; it was game-breaking. Like you, I played about 5 minutes and said screw this, and left it alone. A few months later I looked up a non-headbobbing mod that actually worked, and I played again for about 5 minutes to test it out and planned on coming back later, and I guess I forgot to play it (still haven't, but I will). But this definitely did work for me, even for the Steam edition. Read what comment #12 says. 12:;77365

And I agree -- Bioshock for the $5 sale was the most amazing deal EVER! I can pretty confidently say that it may be the best five bucks I've ever spent.
So apparently the Atari Games don't really run that well with my 32bit version of Vista. I have a laptop with Win 7 and I may try it on there instead but just crossing fingers here
God... damn.. I don't know what to ****ing buy!

UGH! It's terrible... I was complaining about not enough sales and now there are far too many. Anyone ever read The Paradox of Choice? This situation exemplifies the subject of that book... far too much variety and choice for about the same price. I'll prolly be out of hard drive space before money. I already have almost half my other games uninstalled.

I think I might get SW Battlefront... there are at least half a dozen other games I'm considering as well... I can't even stand waiting the 36 hours until the next super sale batch comes along...
UGH! I think I might get SW Battlefront... there are at least half a dozen other games I'm considering as well... I can't even stand waiting the 36 hours until the next super sale batch comes along...

There's more to come...? Holy **** I'm blind. I don't believe how much money I'll probably spend these next coming days!