Stupidity of Jack Thompson

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Dec 9, 2005
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Well, here is the latest news on Jack Thompson.

Thompson Seeks to File Amicus Brief in Louisiana Video Game Case

The ever-controversial Jack Thompson is seeking to file an Amicus Curiae ("friend of the court") brief in ESA/EMA vs. Foti. The constitutional battle between the video game industry and Louisiana over the state's newly-enacted video game sales law is currently before a Federal District Court judge in Baton Rouge.

Aside from the Miami attorney's standard "I've been on the Today Show" bluster, Thompson's motion includes the following:

"Thompson drafted this video game bill, which has now become law, at the request of Representative Roy Burrell."

GP: Rep. Burrell and Thompson are pictured at left during the May 10th session of the Criminal Justice Committee of the Louisiana House. For GamePolitics coverage of the Louisiana law, click here. More from Thompson's motion:

"...Grand Theft Auto: Vice City... is not even speech, let alone 'First Amendment-protected speech.' For example, hand-held controllers... delivers (sic) a jolt back into (players') hands to give them a visceral, pleasurable 'buzz' when a car tire runs over a skull or a machete cuts off the head of a prostitute immediately after intercourse."

The Alabama Court, upon reading the brief of Thompson and upon hearing his oral argument... denied all of the video game industry's and retaliers' (sic) various motions to dismiss, finding that the sale of these incredibly violent murder simulation 'games' to minors is not protected by the First Amendment... This court may want to hear what (Thompson) has to say..."

"Thompson previously served... in the federal obscenity trial, 2 Live Crew v. Sheriff Navarro, which resulted in the first verdict in history that a sound recording was obscene... The music industry was lined up on the other side in that case, just as the heavily-funded video game industry and retailers are in this case."

GP: Thompson's motion to the Federal District Court doesn't mention the final outcome of the 2 Live Crew obscenity case. The anti-game activist writes in his motion that the office of Louisiana Attorney General Charles Foti has approved Thompson's proposed Amicus brief:

"The Attorney General of Louisiana has informed Thompson, through his office, of his approval of Thompson's participation in this case in the fashion requested."
Why're people still talking about/paying attention to this guy? I all but forgot about him until I saw this thread, and even then I had to look in it to see if it was the right person.

Just let him say what he wants and eventually he'll go away.
Double_Blade, are you trying to carve out a reputation by posting these articles every two minutes? The guy won't cease, we know this, and frankly, don't care anymore.
Darkside55 said:
Why're people still talking about/paying attention to this guy? I all but forgot about him until I saw this thread, and even then I had to look in it to see if it was the right person.

Just let him say what he wants and eventually he'll go away.

I agree... It's really a sad picture of the politicians who will eventually fall out to a stupid little lawyer Jack Thompson.

The ESA had put Jack Thompson into their ignore list though. So whatever Jack Thompson said about Doug Lowenstein will eventually fall into deaf ears.
And you seem to be ignoring key people, telling you to stop. We don't care. Jack won't suceed.
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