Super Angry Rant



Ok, so normally I don't get picked on, and if I do, I don't acknowledge it, because its usually a joke, but this time its not.:flame:

so, I was sitting, eating my lunch in school today, like normal, when a brown bag smacks me in the back of the head. I, trying to stay came, pick it up, walk over to the table in which it came from, put it down, looked at each person in the eye and said "I am not your trash can, I am not here for you to pick on, I don't even know you, but remember, I am not here to be your friend."

However, this was not the first time, They have been throwing their garbage at me for the past week, and I am becoming enraged to the point where I am about to punch one of them. I want to avoid any physical confrontation at all costs, I live by a motto that goes- "Don't fight people in real life, use them in a videogame." I also try to store any anger until I have an airsoft game or tournament, but now its the winter months, and I don't do any Arctic Commando stuff.

so, without fighting these people, what should I do?
I think I said this somewhere else:

take pictures of their heads, edit them onto gay porn. And that's the end of their social lives in school.
Don't fight. Just ****ing KO them in one hit.


Anyway, I once got hit by a juice box in the lunch room. I was just sleeping with my hood up. I wasn't being picked on though, just a random target. (I was a senior) I don't know if I would have gotten up and done something even if I knew who threw it. I'm kind of a weak person when it comes to confronting people. I'd tell a teacher or something.

Oh, and back when I was a freshman I was walking down the hall one day when this asshole sees me and pushes me into the lockers, for no reason. And keeps walking.

Then the next day, same time same hall, I see him again, and he smiles. Sure enough, I walk by and he pushes me again. The girl he was walking with called him an asshole. Everyone was nice to me though, heh, "are you okay? don't worry, that guy's an ass" etc.

So I stopped walking down that hall.
Let someone know what's going on! I don't know what it's like in Finland, but when I was in school, they had aids in the cafeteria who monitored everything that happened, not to mention the cameras they had installed after 9/11. If they don't take care of it, then inform one of your teachers and get your parents involved. No one deserves this treatment, and it's time for you to take appropriate action.
Flaming bag of dog-crap on the doorstep always works. But if need be, do tell your guidance counselor or something. Sounds like a wimpy way to deal with it, but if they continue you can get them suspended, destroy their education, and ruin the rest of their lives! Hooray!

not to mention the cameras they had installed after 9/11.

Now I keep thinking of a plane diving towards your school when suddenly swerves off to one side and crashes in the field.

"That was a close one, good thing we installed those security cameras"
bah, security is no good. (BTW, AIDS in the cafeteria??)

As I said, photoshop is your friend, use it.
Ignore them. I had friends who would do this kind of shit in the lunch room and the only way they would really lose interest is if their victim did. If they continue to harass you either confront them in a non-angry way, or tell someone in charge.
If you know who's doing it, next time it happens, take your food and while you're walking by them just trip and knock all your food on them.

Be apologetic, so if they attack you then you always have the defense that you really were sorry and it was an accident.
throw it back at the guiltiest looking one. Or what xcell said.
Gorman, I have no shop skills, and using a camera in my school=Saturday detention, and the Admin takes your camera.
and yes aids, as in lunch aids, as in, a wild monkey runs in and one random person gets both laid and aids (now theres a story("swear to god, I took a bite of my sandwich when a wild monkey just straddled me, now I have HIV AIDS))
no, j/k, aids are the kind folk that walk around the lunch room watching for these kinds of morons.
unfortunately, the aids in my school are fat and lazy, often sitting in a chair all period.

I guess I will have to find a teacher to say something to.(Good thing I have an awesome Auto Tech teacher(He's strong as hell, he listens, and he has helped people in my situation before(not my exact situation, but you know))

BHC- I have been ignoring them for the past week, with slight anger build ups each day, but that doesn't seem to work, today was the first time I've ever took action on them.)
When they throw something, throw it back? Then they either do nothing and probably won't do it again, or they start a fight but at least you weren't the one to start it.
When they throw something, throw it back? Then they either do nothing and probably won't do it again, or they start a fight but at least you weren't the one to start it.
I like to avoid suspension.

I already have 2 absences of my allowed 12 (8 for phys. ed.) 5 more and I get phone calls and shit(plus I gots another Auto tech trip to some trade school(which would make numero 8 in PE, so I fail that class))
If avoiding suspensions is your game, then tell an authority figure. :/
"Next person to throw anything at me is a homosexual", "Shit, no wonder your not on the team, throwing like that", stuff like that.

Or, for extra fun points, everytime they throw it, pick it up and take it home. Once you have a large bin bag full, take it in with you. When they throw something at you, pick it up, wander over with it and the bag and say, I think you dropped this, as you empty the entire bag on them.

Either that, or kick them in the balls and tell them not to do it anymore. Continue kicking untill they promise.
"Next person to throw anything at me is a homosexual", "Shit, no wonder your not on the team, throwing like that", stuff like that.
I lol'd.

That shit only works in 90's movies man.
However, this was not the first time, They have been throwing their garbage at me for the past week, and I am becoming enraged to the point where I am about to punch one of them. I want to avoid any physical confrontation at all costs, I live by a motto that goes- "Don't fight people in real life, use them in a videogame." I also try to store any anger until I have an airsoft game or tournament, but now its the winter months, and I don't do any Arctic Commando stuff.

so, without fighting these people, what should I do?

Kill every 1st born in your neighbourhood.

I, trying to stay came, pick it up, walk over to the table in which it came from, put it down, looked at each person in the eye and said "I am not your trash can, I am not here for you to pick on, I don't even know you, but remember, I am not here to be your friend."

Causes this
so, I was sitting, eating my lunch in school today, like normal, when a brown bag smacks me in the back of the head.

and Repeat until:
They have been throwing their garbage at me for the past week, and I am becoming enraged to the point where I am about to punch one of them.
because they think it is funny, they do it deliberately to get a (dramatic) reaction out of you.

I don't have any magical solutions but punching one of them, while feeling good, will most likely bring more attention to you than less.
I was about to advise you to smash their heads into the ground (which is really actually effective), when I realized that

i) may not be possible due to size or aggressivness of the target compared to the OP

ii) may be punished by authority

So, my advice: Get a teacher or something. I never hit anyone unless they hit me first, and that is one helluva effective way to be able to not get punished for fighting. (Although, I admit, over here it's considered natural for guys to fight, and we didn't get punished very much)
There's three ways to deal with this kind of situation.

1. Let him push you around. Every time a guys gets one up on you like that, it lowers your social standing and heightens his, other people will see they can push you around and will do so too look cooler than you. Vegeta posted about some guy pushing him into the lockers, that guy sounds like a wanker, the girls whilst saying he was an asshole, probably wanted him bad after that. It's unavoidable, a guy who can get away with that is the alpha male and thats who girls want.

Option number one is the easiest, but if you take it repeatably in your life, you'll end up being tooled by every guy trying to make themselves look cool.

2. Respond with violence. This one has it's pros and cons. Sometimes you have to do it. If someone just pushes you into a locker to make themselves look tough, you have to respond aggressively if you want to maintain some kind of social standing. It doesn't matter if you get your ass kicked, it's part of being a man. People will respect you for standing your ground and will not mess with you again, no matter how badly you lose.

In the past I've been too reluctant to use number 2, it takes guts, one time I had a few guys who used to tool with me on the bus, just throwing paper at me, holding my bag as I got off the bus so I'd miss my stop. This was a couple of years ago. But then one time I just punched the guy in the face and got off, I never had any problems from those guys since.

3. Non reactiveness. This is where you show it doesn't bother you. Your cooler than those guys. They throw paper at you, you say with a grin, no wonder you didn't get on the team with a throw like that. Don't be phased by them, sometimes a little joke about it and NOT REACTING emotionally will stop it. If they keep throwing shit at you, then you need to walk over and ask if there's a problem. Your body language needs to be sub-communicating you'll fight if need be. Sounds like you did that, sometimes you need to go with no.2. But not too soon.
I think I said this somewhere else:

take pictures of their heads, edit them onto gay porn. And that's the end of their social lives in school.

I approve. Non-violent which conforms with my (and I hope yours) philosophy on conflict unless absolutely necessary.

The only problem is that you'll actually have to look for gay porn and stand it long enough to edit and print on mass.
Follow one of them home, keep your distance, and act like you're staking their house out for about an hour.
Seriously, though, the authority figure thing is probably the way to go.
Operational pretty much sum'd it up. I'll assume that they're probably bigger / stronger than the OP so a fight might not be in his best interest. It's one thing to fight and hold your ground, but it's another to get beaten into submission. Depending on your physical attributes, it's probably a better idea to just go somewhere else and ignore them. If they keep picking on you, get a teacher / authority figure involved... this may seem 'pussy' but always put your own best interests first.
I am not one to comment on these situations. I would recommend punching their puny little faces in until they're mashed and screaming, gargling their pityful cries of anguish out of the remainder of their throats.

But that's just my personal opinion.
Swing the wiimote a bit earlier, you have to react slightly before contact in order to return objects.
sometimes the only way to solve a problem is to physically teach them a lesson.
Move to a different table? Ignore them?
That usually works for me.
Not that I get picked on or anything.
Smart, sensible, safe way:
Tell a school authority. If your school is halfway competent, they'll care about this and sort it out. It may seem cowardly to bring the headmaster into this, but **** that. You don't have to give somebody the satisfaction of getting physical with you. Taking them out indirectly (with people more powerful than you) can be a great way of getting back at a prick.

Other way:
There's always the straight-up confrontation. I was never a real impressive looking guy. Slim, geeky, bland fashion sense, not too muscular. As such, I got targeted for bullying every once in a while. Somebody - usually bigger than me - would inexplicably start crap with me. It usually never lasted though, because as a young lad full of simmering hatred and a propensity for letting his loud mouth flap off too much, I usually just got the verbal fight part done with right off the bat. I was never conscious of it at the time, but I guess once they realized I wasn't going to be some pushover, they backed off. So things rarely escalated to violence. Most of the time.

...It helps to be able to fight a bit in case they gladly accept your challenge.
When i think about it, ive never really been picked on. I was kind of a nerdy looser my freshman year but no one messed with me tho, sure they all talked trash behind my back, but no one actually bothered me.

Well once, this random guy who just stood there walked up to me with a smile on his face and said i said hi back thinking he was friendly but then out of no where he pushes me really hard so i almost fall and i lost all my air in my lungs and struggled to breath. He then just walked away like nothing happend. The people around me plus the teachers didnt do anything. He moved later on so i didnt get to find out wtf his problem was.

Now im bigger tho and not a nerdy looser anymore, so life is good.
Operational pretty much sum'd it up. I'll assume that they're probably bigger / stronger than the OP so a fight might not be in his best interest.

also, no madder where I move (only 2 empty tables in the cafe) I am always in the vicinity of a flying object.

now, about mastag contribution, what if I followed them, then hung out in front of his house whilst holding an airsoft MP5k?
would that scare him enough?
now, about mastag contribution, what if I followed them, then hung out in front of his house whilst holding an airsoft MP5k?
would that scare him enough?

That would get you at best arrested by the police if they caught you, or at worst shot by them or some stupid neighbor.

I would love to be able to give you advice that I think might work, but I never fared so well with bullies in school. I was too timid and just let them pick on me and it started to negatively affect my school life until I started skipping school regularly to avoid them.

If I was put in the same situation now, I'd certainly stand up for myself, but I can't change the past.