The Sun (some pics inside)


Jun 7, 2009
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NASA's recently launched Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, is returning early images that confirm an unprecedented new capability for scientists to better understand our sun’s dynamic processes.

"These initial images show a dynamic sun that I had never seen in more than 40 years of solar research,” said Richard Fisher, director of the Heliophysics Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington.



Thus far solar cycle 24 has not been particularly intense, and some scientists at the recent American Astronomical Society meeting say that it could be half as strong as the last three cycles. There's a lot to learn though. "Space weather forecasting is still in its infancy," says Thomas Bogdan of NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center. "But we're making rapid progress."
I read the title as "Pics inside the sun" and was like :O
the crazy thing is that flare is probably like 10 earths tall.
Um... wat? All spheres/circles have the exact same curvature regardless of size.

Umm, what he's talking about is how much of the curvature you can see... meaning how close/far it is.

The earth is round, but you can't actually see the curvature until you go up into the atmosphere a ways.
Oh lol, I didn't know this article was about our sun. I thought he was judging the size of that sun based on the curvature... Which doesn't make any sense. But he's talking about the size of the flare.
Oh lol, I didn't know this article was about our sun. I thought he was judging the size of that sun based on the curvature... Which doesn't make any sense. But he's talking about the size of the flare.

I always thought that "Sun" was the explicit name for the star at the center of the Solar System.
What made me think it was a different sun was "These initial images show a dynamic sun" the indefinite article confused me.
Sol sounds a lot cooler than just Sun.
Cool universe map. All these space threads really make me wish I'd retained more from astronomy class :(.
Space is goddamn awesome. Let none say anything to the contrary.
According to NASA a "perfect" Solar storm could happen in 2013. Which could possibly make alot of GPS, ATC, Power grids and eletrical products have great trouble functoning and cause possibly trillions of loss to the economy.

On the bright side there would be aurorae all over the Earth. Spectacular but destructive