Tokyo Game Show 2010

Game of the show, right here:

Whoa--that's like Time Crisis with Love instead of Bullets. Brilliant. This is a fine example of how much more awesome Japanese devs are than American devs. No one here would even think about actually making a game like this. Thanks, shitty prurient repressed American society.
Whoa--that's like Time Crisis with Love instead of Bullets. Brilliant. This is a fine example of how much more awesome Japanese devs are than American devs. No one here would even think about actually making a game like this. Thanks, shitty prurient repressed American society.
I'm sorry but my sarcasm detector is broken.
what are they shooting at the "girls"?
Japanese inspiration, apparently. A thick jet of creamy inspiration.

And that 'software for girls' quack that got posted here actually came up with something as equally Freudian, so there's hope yet for the Western games industry.

It's an embarrassment. Would you want your castle to look like this?

Castles should look fabulous, with seafoam green and purple highlights!


Seriously, have you never heard of bronze gears before? They generally tend to look that way.
I think he is spoiled cuz he thinks good graphics is grey/brown
Castles should look fabulous, with seafoam green and purple highlights!


Seriously, have you never heard of bronze gears before? They generally tend to look that way.

Are you kidding, you're going to slate the graphics of the 8-Bit NES from 28 years ago?

wiki said:
The system has an available color palette of 48 colors and 5 grays.

How about, not having random gears on the wall for decoration in the first place? Maybe come up with something original, or even a real clock tower?

Up until the N64 version, Castlevania consistently had some of the best graphics of any game on the systems it came out for.

Now this looks great:

Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (DS)

Looks pretty interesting right? Well, this game was paned for having uninspired level design
That said, the game does suffer from some uninspired level design

What do you think reviews will say of this new Castlevania trite?

EDIT: I can't get the music from the NES Castlevania out of my head.
There were better colors available on the NES than green and purple for that level. Regardless, we're arguing over silly screenshots when the game probably looks much better in motion, going by the trailer. The Castlevania series has always had unoriginal level design... stone corridors, tombs, caves... only so much you can do given the theme. I think the new Castlevania looks incredible, and I hope I'm right. The voice acting thus far is spot on, the animations are top notch, and character design is excellent. If the game-play is just as good, I'll be buying this day one.
It had 48 colors and 5 grays - that means it can only really shade with grays.

The PS3 is millions of times more powerful, and in fact, surely has 16.7 million colors available. But it's all blue, gold, and vampire red #3.

And the trailer? The trailer was all CGI, as I remember.

The thing that bugs me is that they are trying to emulate the look of the first game 25 years ago, when that game only used some of those ideas because that was the best they could do. It was so limited. The NES cartridge held like 64 KB, or something, and the PS3 disc holds what is it 25 or 50 GB?

And it's 3D - it's practically limitless. The NES could just move a few sprites around and scroll a background - that's all it could do.

Drat - it's so uninspired. :sadface:

I think the new Castlevania looks incredible, and I hope I'm right. The voice acting thus far is spot on, the animations are top notch, and character design is excellent. If the game-play is just as good, I'll be buying this day one.
Hey, it's okay if you like the look. I mean, I just think - this is Dracula's castle or someshit. Vlad the Impaler existed in the 1400's. Why does it look like they just built this castle and the paint still hasn't dried? Oh, but they added some cracks to some of the walls.

Approaching the castle high atop the mountain, a lightning storm rages as extreme wind throws twigs at you with swirling debris. The Castle should be in total ruin, with sweeping vistas - windows that see out to amazing sunsets and moonlit woodland, huge bricks crumbling everywhere: falling beneath your feet, and crumbling on your head; Epic stained glass windows crashing around you as bats and all kinds of **** tries to stop you - that should be the obstacle damage challenge - not random flame shooting mechanisms and walking on gears that don't actually connect to anything.

How do you know you like the animations and voice acting - you've only seen the CGI trailer in Japanese.

Yes, the gameplay should be good at least, so there's that, and some of the large enemies looked pretty cool, though they don't make me want to buy the game.

I predict 6 or 7 out of 10. Disappoint.
Do want that love shooting game.

If the heart-eyes were replaced with ahegao then I would buy a 360 right the **** now.
How do you know you like the animations and voice acting - you've only seen the CGI trailer in Japanese.

I predict 6 or 7 out of 10. Disappoint.

All the footage you've seen of the game has used the in-game engine.

playstationlifestyle said:
The game will not use NO CGI. All cutscenes were made using in-game graphics.

Also, the following trailer, as well as the original debut trailer, has English voice acting in it.

Finally, here's a gameplay demonstration featuring some very moody and decrepit gothic-type scenery:
Finally, here's a gameplay demonstration featuring some very moody and decrepit gothic-type scenery:
OK, you've convinced me with that. That's just great. That's almost exactly the kind of environment I envisioned and described. And the gameplay looks spot on.

I sort of wish it wasn't 'turn on a dime running' - that there was actually some animation involved there where you are trying to slow down to change direction, or banking a turn while running, but I suppose in this game, it's just not going to work because the game is designed around you being a nimble bad ass - what with the dodge moves, etc.

Out of some of the subtle touches, I like the slow motion hits and the sync block, in particular.

Everything is great. Hopefully all of the levels look that great. Do not like that clockwork room, though. :p
I have been too busy with life to catch up on TGS, was there any screen-shots or info about Demon's Souls 2?/ I'm about halfway done with my 1st play-through (this game gives me the shits lol)
I have been too busy with life to catch up on TGS, was there any screen-shots or info about Demon's Souls 2?/ I'm about halfway done with my 1st play-through (this game gives me the shits lol)
It's not Demon's Souls 2 officially, but it may as well be. I think Sony owns the DS IP (maybe) so this other dark fantasy game which is Demon's Souls 2 in all but name is what had to be done in order to let 360 gamers enjoy it outside of Japan (it is a PS3-exclusive in Japan). Here's the trailer:
Dick status: told

What's so great about Keiji Inafune?
lol @ Patrick Stewart narrating Castlevania: Lords of Shadow!

Sure sounded like him at least.
What's so great about Keiji Inafune?

Nothing if anything he's a total **** imo and its ironic coming from him about japanese gaming dying when all he's doing is ruining capcom franchises by trying to westernise them

e.g. lost planet 2, dead rising 2, resi 5, the new devil may cry
Out of some of the subtle touches, I like the slow motion hits and the sync block, in particular.

Everything is great.
One thing I don't like (that I can't seem to let go) is the balancing on the beams part. Obviously, the demo player was an expert at the game, however it seemed that it could have been more of a challenge, rather than an annoyance.

When you start loosing your balance, you seemed to have way too much time to 'Press R2' to recover, making it nothing more than an annoyance - press R2 to continue. It should require faster reaction.

Actually, even better, would be to use the SixAxis tilt control to maintain balance. It shouldn't have to be really difficult or sensitive to make that challenge a bit immersive and interesting. It's obviously not hard to hold the control level, so maybe when you walk to the left edge, as you start to tip, you would lean the controller to the right to counter. To add to that challenge, later in the game, they could make it so that you have to balance while bats (or some enemy) attacks, and you have to fight them off, without falling.
Nothing if anything he's a total **** imo and its ironic coming from him about japanese gaming dying when all he's doing is ruining capcom franchises by trying to westernise them

e.g. lost planet 2, dead rising 2, resi 5, the new devil may cry
Mr. Inafune had nothing to do with Lost Planet 2, RE5, and DMC series.

Your only correction is DR series.
Keiji Inafune is the head of R&D and the global head of production at capcom

He has everything to do with everything

Plus he was the Executive producer of Resi 5 aswell
Plus he was the Executive producer of Resi 5 aswell
Resident Evil 5 wasn't at all like any game developed five years before at the same studio. No Siree. Or at least, the racial stereotyping was completely different this time.
when japanese developers talk about how to reacht he western market,a thing that comes to my mind was how ace combat 3 had the storyline so drastically reduced to "appeal" to the west,unlike the japanese vertion whit a long stoyline whit branchings in your way leading to diferent endings
japanese vertion got like 52 misisons while american like 36,so that makes this whole "lets westernize!" thing not a good one....
Games like Demon's Souls was created to appeal to the western market, and it paid off.
Games like Demon's Souls was created to appeal to the western market, and it paid off.

Agreed unfortunately this is NOT what capcom is doing =/

if they want to westernise look at games like demon's souls or vanquish not do what they're foing now V_V
The first Resident Evil on the PSX - the voice acting, some of those characters = just hilariously wrong.

I like Shenmue.
Nothing if anything he's a total **** imo and its ironic coming from him about japanese gaming dying when all he's doing is ruining capcom franchises by trying to westernise them

e.g. lost planet 2, dead rising 2, resi 5, the new devil may cry
As if Lost Planet, Dead Rising and previous Resident Evils weren't already heavily western influenced. I wouldn't say that the whole Japanese market is crap, but for the most part Japanese-made games tend not to appeal to my tastes as much as western-made ones do. Dead Rising, Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil being large exceptions because they were intentionally made to appeal to western audiences, and they do.

Oh, and on the weird girl-shooting game, what the hell is happening? I know the game exists entirely to be a tightrope walk between hentai and a light gun game and probably has next to no story but how the the guy loosing health? The girls seem to run up to him, pull out pieces of paper and bow and he takes damage. Then again, it's probably just manga tropes no one but Vegeta gets.