Virginia Tech Under Lockdown


The Freeman
Jul 5, 2009
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Virginia Tech officials are telling students on their website to stay inside, and secure doors because of a report of a person with a gun in the area.

The alert, issued at 9:37 a.m., said the person with a gun had been spotted near Dietrick Hall, a dining area

Update at 11:09 a.m. ET: Virginia Tech police Chief Wendell Flinchum says no one is in custody and the alert remains in effect.

I don't think it's going to be as bad as the shooting that took place in 2007. It looks like they're more prepared this time around.
I guess Christian Weston Chandler finally cracked.
A couple of middle schoolers there for summer camp saw a dude who was wearing pretty typical college-campus clothes (sandals and a nice shirt) carrying "what might have been a handgun covered with some kind of cloth".

In the 4 hours since, nobody has reported any further sightings etc. Total false alarm. Still quite good to see that VT is all over it this time around in terms of response time and whatnot.
School just lifted the lockdown moments ago, but they've still got a large police force on campus searching for the suspect. They have not found anyone with a gun. I guess it was a false alarm, but we'll see.
School just lifted the lockdown moments ago, but they've still got a large police force on campus searching for the suspect. They have not found anyone with a gun. I guess it was a false alarm, but we'll see.

Probably someone with a replica :p
A dumb thing to bring to a campus. Especially THAT campus.
Why would it probably be a replica? Obviously it would be announced if something that looked like a gun was found. And nobody would be dumb enough to bring a replica gun there anyway.

No gun was actually seen, just 'something' covered in 'some kind of cloth.'
It was probably a batch of freshly baked muffins or something.

Really glad to hear this was just a false alarm though. My cousins teach at Virginia Tech. Thread title really scared me for a few seconds there.
Someone at Virginia Tech gets an erection.

America is gun crazy land, we're not pussies. You aren't even allowed to own pepper spray in Australia, you guys are the pussies.
I came into this thread thinking "god damnit not again." Happy to hear it's probably a false alarm. I mean, who goes on a killing spree on a college campus during summer? There's no one there practically!