Weekly Steam Update and UFO Afterlight.


Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Yet another weekly Steam update; with something to warrant jumping up and down to - Episode 2 Concept Art! [br]
Early on during development we spent a lot of time working on concept art of key areas of the game, so that everyone on the team could share a vision of what the final game would look like.

[br]Also mentioned is the addition of many new 2K games to Steam - Rail simulators: Sid Meier's Railroads, Railroad Tycoon II Platinum and Railroad Tycoon III, The old but still loveable X-Com: Terror from the Deep and the Build and Destroy Pack; CivIV, CivIV: Warlords, CivCity: Rome, and Shattered Union.[br]
To see the original message, either boot up Steam or head over here.[br]
Not mentioned in the Steam Update was the addition of UFO Afterlight to Steam.
Holy shit those shots look amazing!
cehck again, they are concept art, I hate it when people do that...

it looks awesome, but for a econd there i thought i REALLLY need to step my game up
I think they might be a cross-breed, cause the rocks look like they're in-game. Maybe its make a bit of the map - then paint on what you want the end product to be?

Good God I hope we get the fly in that chopper.
By shots i meant picture, bad wording. But they are a cross between real screenshots and art. Valve is know to use that method.
I think they might be a cross-breed, cause the rocks look like they're in-game. Maybe its make a bit of the map - then paint on what you want the end product to be?

Good God I hope we get the fly in that chopper.

they are indeed cross breed...
That third picture is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I don't even have words for it. I want to rasterize it and print out a giant-size poster of it to hang on my wall. It's beautiful.
That third picture is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I don't even have words for it. I want to rasterize it and print out a giant-size poster of it to hang on my wall. It's beautiful.

Just save it as your desktop pic. ;)
That helicopter interests me the most. I assume we won't be flying it, but shooting out of a helicopter's belly is still awesome.
Interesting that, for the third week in a row, they fail to mention the most-played HL2 mod.
Another confirmation that GMan is involved in Ep2 !!! :D
Those look awesome.

The third one is the Arctic base... is that going to be a "key area of Episode Two"? I was expecting we wouldn't go there until EP 3.
I do hope valve will bring out a high res version of the 3rd image :O
What it looks like is at the start the G-Man kidnaps Alyx while she is unconcious. After the train crash of course and a few other parts like the combine crossing the bridge. Then the G-Man should show you where to go which is Kraken base. It appears as though we will be fighting combine in snow suits though. And Judith is kidnapped like I suspected because that combine is holding the rebels up. The second shot is seeing the citadel after the fight with dog and the strider. Looks like a little stream of water on the ground. The last one with the helicopter is gonna be a cool scene though. Looks like we will be flying in that helicopter to Kraken base instead of going there in a ship like in the beta HL2. Maybe Alyx will be at the controls while you shoot down combine gunships? All thoughts of course.
The Gman kidnappes a chick and is able to freeze time, ... :naughty: i wish i could do that.. haha

Awesome! That one with G-man is most amazing. It really made my day.
Ohnoes guys, we blew our load early by releasing all the trailers last year, but the game still isn't ready!

Release concept art!

Seriously, I'm expecting untextured weapons renders any day now. Valve need to work on their PR.
Does anyone know if the smoke from the destroyed city is going to be dynamic or static?
it could be part of the skybox, it could be a poly in the 3D skybox, it could be a polygon with particals infront of it, it could be a special pixel color that mets pixels on youre screen cousing youre tft monitor to burn with real smoke effects, or ... something else, who knows.

Interesting that, for the third week in a row, they fail to mention the most-played HL2 mod.

What would that be?

None of the mods out atm really have alot of players, there's probably only about 6/10 servers max for any given mod.
Let us pray for xlucidx, who is about to be slain by a disgruntled lawyer.
What would that be?

None of the mods out atm really have alot of players, there's probably only about 6/10 servers max for any given mod.

Zombie Master.

The total number of players is irrelevant - I said "most played" not "has lots of servers"
Zombie Master.

The total number of players is irrelevant - I said "most played" not "has lots of servers"

Could you clarify your "most played" statement there?

How can you tell if it's the most played?... When I hear that, I'm thinking of the number of players playing it at any given moment.

I'm not bashing the mod or anything, if that's in anyone's head... it's a great mod, just has shit maps for it atm.