Who has more sex Atheists or Religious people?

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It doesn't matter how many examples of immoral activities or ignorant thought can be attributed to a religion. There is no way to state that "religion is retarded" without being disrespectful to legitimate belief systems and moral codes which individuals and groups have set up. It is offensive and intolerant, and there's never a place for it.
You keep saying it is a legitimate belief system, but you can't explain why.

Is believing lesbians under the surface of the moon a legitimate belief system? No? Then why is a belief system that tells you there is a god out there who tells you who you can and can't stick your dick in to legitimate?

Both are totally absurd and both don't have any evidance behind them.
But the argument has moved on, and instead you are now invalidating sections of the Bible, concluding that these fallacies make Christianity invalid. Good question: Why would Christians base their faith on a book with sections they ignore, sections which can be undeniably awful? I think this can be compared to other respected forms of thought, from scholars, scientists, philosophers, or polititians. Usually, no one agrees entirely what is said or taught by any of these people, so why should a religious text which includes MANY sections from MANY authors be an exception? I think most Christians don't rely on the Bible alone, but rather the teachings and interpretations of their church and community, saying that every Christian is only a Christian if they strictly adhere to every word of the Bible is just untrue.
No matter how many times you try to excuse it the bible is the basis of Christianity. So when Christians rely on the teachings of their church they rely on the teachings of the bible. Nobody is saying that they believe every word the bible says. That's the entire point. They take sections they like and ignore sections they don't like. And if you are going to do that why even need the bible? What's the point?
I've avoided the argument about the validation of deities, but it may be relevant to the original dispute. I think you may define religion as a literal belief in a supernatural being. This is probably true of many people, but others may instead think of their deity, or fantastical religious stories, in a metaphorical sense. Maybe God represents their conscious and tells them to stay humble, while a story about a superhero getting his hair cut reminds people that bitches be schemin', watch yo back.

But seriously, I think you take religious beliefs too literally and stereotype based on ignorant and malicious people.

This makes no sense to me. As I told you I have no problem with people that think there is some supernatural being out there. I have a problem with people that think there is a christian, or a muslim, or a hindu super being out there. Aka religion.

And to Krynn. Yes buddy, I ruined the whole thing. The guy was making totally rational arguments until I came in here. Of course it wasn't me he was ignoring, I think he ended the discussion by saying Eejit arguements were weak and he didn't see this going anywhere so he wasn't going to respond anymore. But by all means, blame the fact that christians are incapable of simple cirtical thinking on me when he was more than happy to participate in this dicussion many pages after I first called religion "****ing retarded". But I'm sure he appreciates the cop out excuse you gave him and will thank you later.
No Limit, the belief in God is kinda like a political belief, like that misguided thing about how "free speech" should be a right.

Believing in freedom of speech and believing in God are the same thing, albeit with slight variation in the degree of retardation.

Numbers, the thing is we can look at history or even today and see that free speech is not retarded. When peopel don't have free speech bad things tend to happen to them. But I see what you did there ;).
At this point, you are just ignoring entire portions of what I am saying and putting it on me to prove that moral code and customs people have followed for thousands of years is at least somewhat legitimate and should be respected.

Don't kill, don't rape, respect your parents, respect your neighbors, come to a community event once a week, read stories and understand the morals of them, follow teachings passed on for years, follow customs practiced by your family for generations. These are examples of legitimate religious beliefs and parts of religions. If you want to tell me that "religion is retarded," then you have to disprove every aspect of religion. If you want to disprove that homosexuals should be murdered, the Earth is flat, life was created in a week, please be my guest. It won't make what you are ultimately saying justified. Examples of a literal belief in something totally ridiculous will not make anything justified either, because I am very clearly talking more about principles of morality and customs and not any literal beliefs.

No Limit said:
No matter how many times you try to excuse it the bible is the basis of Christianity. So when Christians rely on the teachings of their church they rely on the teachings of the bible. Nobody is saying that they believe every word the bible says. That's the entire point. They take sections they like and ignore sections they don't like. And if you are going to do that why even need the bible? What's the point?

Because other sections of the Bible are very important to people. To repeat my analogy with an example, Sigmund Freud was a respected father of modern psychology. He also told everyone to do coke all of the time. But that doesn't invalidate everything he theorized.

Religious customs can evolve to fit modern life, which can mean rejecting exerts from a 2,000 year old text but maintaining it's basic principles. But you are ignoring huge sections of my posts and repeating yourself over and over, so I think any discussion might be over. I didn't think I would convince you not to be an abrasive bigot, but maybe others on this forum will be a bit more respectful.
And to Krynn. Yes buddy, I ruined the whole thing. The guy was making totally rational arguments until I came in here. Of course it wasn't me he was ignoring, I think he ended the discussion by saying Eejit arguements were weak and he didn't see this going anywhere so he wasn't going to respond anymore. But by all means, blame the fact that christians are incapable of simple cirtical thinking on me when he was more than happy to participate in this dicussion many pages after I first called religion "****ing retarded". But I'm sure he appreciates the cop out excuse you gave him and will thank you later.

First off it doesn't matter if you think he was or wasn't making rational arguments. The fact remains that it was a fairly civil discussion once we exclude your contributions.

Secondly, you kept repeating your "BUT ITS ****ING RETARDED" mantra in almost every single post you made, including one just two posts before he said he was leaving, and even in the post you made just four posts before that. How could you expect someone to keep up a discussion when theres some numbnut like yourself is screaming "ITS RETARDED ITS RETARDED ITS RETARDED!!" all the time?
I'd just like to say No Limit, you kept saying the Bible says that the Earth is flat. But it most certainly doesn't. Get your facts right next time ;)
Arguing that religion is retarded is at least as retarded as the most retarded religion could be.

So you need religion to tell you killing and raping people isn't ok? All those things are common sense at this point and they were common sense at the time the bible was written. So you don't need the bible for any of that.

The Quran talks about all those things too. In Islam you can't kill and rape people eighter. So what makes christianity more valid than Islam? If you can't answer that question then you can't explain why christianity is a legitimate belief system. It is no more legitimate than Islam, or Hinduism, or any other religion as neighter has any proof behind them and is filled with countless inconsitencies. They are all bullshit.

And you can't just glance over the fact that the bible preaches things that everyone knows are not true. In christianity the bible is the word of the lord, it is the teachings of the god incarcenation in Jesus Christ. So because of these obvious mistakes in the bible the bible can not be the teachings of God. And if you don't believe it is the teachings of God you can't call yourself a christian.
The Quran talks about all those things too. In Islam you can't kill and rape people eighter. So what makes christianity more valid than Islam? If you can't answer that question then you can't explain why christianity is a legitimate belief system. It is no more legitimate than Islam, or Hinduism, or any other religion as neighter has any proof behind them and is filled with countless inconsitencies. They are all bullshit.
Would you say the same about Buddhism?
First off it doesn't matter if you think he was or wasn't making rational arguments. The fact remains that it was a fairly civil discussion once we exclude your contributions.

Secondly, you kept repeating your "BUT ITS ****ING RETARDED" mantra in almost every single post you made, including one just two posts before he said he was leaving, and even in the post you made just four posts before that. How could you expect someone to keep up a discussion when theres some numbnut like yourself is screaming "ITS RETARDED ITS RETARDED ITS RETARDED!!" all the time?

You can pretend all you want, but religion is ****ing stupid (aka retarded) for all the obvious reasons mentioned in this thread. Your problem is with the word retarded, you need to grow a pair. I'm sorry it offends you, but that sounds like a personal problem. Again, I never called him retarded, just the religion.

And as I just said, he did not leave because of what I said. This discussion started when I called religion retarded, he had no obvious offense to that then since he was willing to discuss it. He only backed out once quoting bible verses no longer made any sense at all and he couldn't answer the most basic of questions about his faith. But like I said, I'm sure he appreciates you giving excuses on his behalf. It wasn't that his belief system is total bullshit, it was because No Limit is such a meanie.

Would you say the same about Buddhism?

Buddhism? The religion that teaches karma and incarceration?

Yeah, that's bullshit too.
Take a step back here.

You keep saying it is a legitimate belief system, but you can't explain why.

I guarantee that any attempts at explaining YOUR own beliefs will fall back on the exact same tautologies of religion.
Take a step back here.

I guarantee that any attempts at explaining YOUR own beliefs will fall back on the exact same tautologies of religion.

How so? My belief system is that we don't know anything as far as life goes. I like to believe in what science believes but even science will tell you they don't really know much of anything when it comes to life and why we are here. So how is saying you don't know not legitimate?

The fact is we don't know.
Can't you see the problem with being needlessly hyper-aggressive about the fundamental beliefs of a person's life? There are better ways to make your points.
Can't you see the problem with being needlessly hyper-aggressive about the fundamental beliefs of a person's life? There are better ways to make your points.

When that belief system is religious? Nah.
"Hey here is my interpretation of the universe through my religi--"
"Well, what do you believe?"
"Oh, cool. I guess."
Ironically, No Limit, you could learn a lot about how to behave towards others from religion.
"Hey here is my interpretation of the universe through my religi--"
"Well, what do you believe?"
"Oh, cool. I guess."
I dont think understanding physics in such detail as we do makes us retarded. But yeah, good point brah.
Ironically, No Limit, you could learn a lot about how to behave towards others from religion.

You can say that about any religion,so what makes christianity, or islam, or any other religion so special?

Hmm...chirpin? Is that australian?
It's bizarre that although you've been here since 2003 you have no idea how to not double-post all the time and no idea how to have a rational and not completely repetitive discussion on an internet forum.

I think that this has been enough No Limit vs. Religion for a while (remember when this thread was about sex? That was way more interesting)
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