Who Has The Best Hair: HL2.net edition

I actually said "hehehe" when I saw Van_Halen's post. I found it genuinely funny.

So I get to say it.

So is this poll ever going to happen? This thread is wasteful if no winner is decided.
So is this poll ever going to happen? This thread is wasteful if no winner is decided.

Yes, yes, it should be be up by the end of this weekend. Sorry for the delay, but I've had to go through about 27 names and cut it down to 10 fairly, and I've had to do a lot of hectic stuff irl this week.

I am abstaining from this competition because everyone has cooler hair than me.
im tempted to take someones face and photoshop it to perfection :p

would use mine but tbh, we all know the world would end if i tried to make it any more perfect
Ere we go..

Me from the side:

From the front:

gf cropped out cos I'm posting this on t'internet
I ****ing love Commy.
He completes me.

Commy, if I lived in the UK, you would have been molested by now. :)
His hair looks like a fuzzy helmet. I wubbles it ^_^
I don't know if It's too late to enter myself into this heavily regulated competition, but I will anyways.

Late '07, Titled: "Que Pasa...?" or more simply put, "WTF m8?"

This one was taken quite recently. I'm not depressed it just happened to be the only picture I took that focused right.

Vote for me peoples.
I wubbles badger. He is my fourth vote. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT.

Just kidding I probably won't vote. Or I'll do it on the sly. I'm up to 4 loves of my life now and I don't think I can handle any more.
Hehe, fatty.

I vote for the fatty because she has fat in her hair. It smells like peanut butter.
I know I'm late for this thread and all, but I'm entering anyways. :p


I'm probably the only one with Pi to be bald, so I guess It'll be a matter of whose baldness and goatee is superior. :) I should really re-take the picture though. My goatee's much fuller and cleaner cut now than it was during that shot. :p

BTW:Comrade Badger's haircut screams Liverpool England.
Omg. Your bald head has just won the thread. Seriously. I'm not sure whether it's the combination with the dragon top or what... but... seriously
Omg. Your bald head has just won the thread. Seriously. I'm not sure whether it's the combination with the dragon top or what... but... seriously
Your so dumb Druckles. :) BTW: Where'd you get the alias, "Druckles" from? That's always reminded me of a bath toy or something. Namely a rubber duck. :)

You could always post a rubber duck and I wouldn't know the difference, since you want to remain anonymous.