Who should the presidency go to?


  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • John Mc Cain

    Votes: 5 6.8%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 66 90.4%

  • Total voters


Jan 25, 2008
Reaction score
well the big question... whos the next president?

Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me


One that doesn't obsess that Obama's middle name is Hussein.

It means Handsome One ffs.
Noam Chomsky

but I'm voting Obama
Obama. My detest for Hillary has started to reach alarming levels. I've even toyed with the idea of voting McCain if she gets the nomination.
Obama 100%. Clinton would still get my vote over McCain by a very small margin though. Her fear ad campaign in Texas sickened me.
Hillary is the worst candidate.

Obama is an anti-war moderate, while McCain is a pro-war moderate. so I'd probably vote for Obama, if I were an American.
Can somebody inform me as to what Hillary's much-touted experience consists of? Aside from sitting on the board at Walmart and a failed healthcare initiative.
This is an incredibly biased poll and a very badly worded thread especially considering I'm not eligible to vote in the US.

I have no opinion so I voted Obama because he's got a funny name and looks cool. Also his middle name's the same as my friend's middle name. Also because he's been drawn in those cartoon-meme things and it looked funny. Also because i felt like it lol.

This is an incredibly biased poll and a very badly worded thread especially considering I'm not eligible to vote in the US.

Mccain will be representing the republicans, he has been chosen. As for democrats, its a choice between obama and clinton. Its not biased at all - it uses the only remaining choices.
Obama. My detest for Hillary has started to reach alarming levels. I've even toyed with the idea of voting McCain if she gets the nomination.
I was having the exact same thought 10 seconds before I read your post, but then I realised I wasn't American anyway.
Obama. My detest for Hillary has started to reach alarming levels. I've even toyed with the idea of voting McCain if she gets the nomination.
Hehe that made me chuckle. Sadly the elections get quite a bit of coverage in the UK too and I'm extremely close to screaming till my lungs bleed if I see Hilary Clinton do that sadistic smile again. I'm certain if she gets in first thing she'll do is exile her husband...
ya but she's also satan's cabana boy when it comes to being anti-video games
I also don't know how her pro-Iraq vote has somehow figured into her being less authoritarian than Obama on that graph, if it has figured in at all.
I'm Surprized most of you prefer Obama over Clinton.

Seeing as Hillary is more libertarian then Hussein

And seeing as this forum has a hard on for libertarians.

It's not just a question of policies though. I think a lot of people severely undervalue the importance of character in an American president. And she has only led me to think of her as a sneaky, petty, two-faced liar riding on the debt her husband owes from a sex scandal. And I have no doubt that if her campaign makes it past the primaries with its current tune, she will be eaten alive by McCain.

No wonder Republicans want her to win.
I will be voting for someone on the Democratic ticket. McCain just needs to **** off. I like both Obama and Hilary, so it really doesn't matter who gets the nomination.
This is an incredibly biased poll and a very badly worded thread especially considering I'm not eligible to vote in the US.

I have no opinion so I voted Obama because he's got a funny name and looks cool. Also his middle name's the same as my friend's middle name. Also because he's been drawn in those cartoon-meme things and it looked funny. Also because i felt like it lol.


jeez druckles ive always admired u. guess not the same for me? :)
Obama, but I'd rather have McCain over Hillary.

W4d5Y post properly or you won't post at all.
Obama and Hillary have the same opinion in almost every issue, but Obama's personality is 1000% better than Hillary's.
Hillary wants mandatory health insurance, which is a terrible idea.
Obama. My detest for Hillary has started to reach alarming levels. I've even toyed with the idea of voting McCain if she gets the nomination.

Whoa... no. No. NO.

<swats with a newspaper>

I've been becoming more liberal, you've been becoming more... conservative!

Obama is clearly the best choice... but Hillary is FAR preferable than Mccain.

These days, the only things I really dislike about Hillary(compared to the past me, which was rabid at the mouth anti Hillary, for reasons I don't know why), is her stance on videogames... which I'm sure can be fixed.
I'll admit that my daydreams of McCain voting are largely spurred by my immediate dislike of Hillary, as I am generally not of the same political alignment as the man. But the alternative is a woman I don't trust one iota to either be honest or competent.

So it is a kneejerk thing. Unfortunately, many voters do vote according to them. And I'm sure McCain would get a fair chunk of votes from "Hillary hate" just because she's such an unappealing woman.
So it is a kneejerk thing. Unfortunately, many voters do vote according to them. And I'm sure McCain would get a fair chunk of votes from "Hillary hate" just because she's such an unappealing woman.

Pretty much. The scary thing is all of the conservative pundits and such publicly saying the want Hillary to win the nomination. They know they can beat her. Her supporters should wake up and see that.
I so had my fingers crossed for the Huckabee/Colbert campaign;(

Obama I suppose