Recent content by MindCrafter

  1. MindCrafter

    Burning car under water...

    It's a truck. It burns underwater. ??
  2. MindCrafter

    Are You Disapointed In Half-Life 2?

    I don't understand. You say it's a fun game, but then you say it's a boring game?? wtfz0r Not dissapointed at all.
  3. MindCrafter

    Coolest character in Half Life 2

    Gregori is the coolest character. At the end of Ravenholm before you enter the mines he laughs while screaming all those things like "Come to the light my child!!". I loved that part :naughty:
  4. MindCrafter

    who wants a free copy of Half Life 2 ???

    Why isn't Odysseus banned yet? God...
  5. MindCrafter

    AA and AT does not affect performance?

    I dunno why but maybe because your RAM is your computer's bottleneck?
  6. MindCrafter

    HELP Stuck on Sandtrap the last bit.

    Well ?
  7. MindCrafter

    HELP Stuck on Sandtrap the last bit.

    I suggest
  8. MindCrafter

    HELP Stuck on Sandtrap the last bit.

    I don't understand, could you post some screenshots so I can help you out?
  9. MindCrafter

    New Matrix Mod

    Du bist sucky at german!
  10. MindCrafter

    OMG , Some One gave HL2 a 8.3 Score :ooo

    "which is wrong because it isn't true..." :thumbs: P.S. What does boasted mean?
  11. MindCrafter

    OMG , Some One gave HL2 a 8.3 Score :ooo

    Ok, I'm going to go on this one.
  12. MindCrafter

    OMG , Some One gave HL2 a 8.3 Score :ooo

    Because your opinion is that some aspects of HL2 failed badly, which is wrong because it isn't true...
  13. MindCrafter

    OMG , Some One gave HL2 a 8.3 Score :ooo

    You have the right to express your opinion, but your opinion is wrong. Nothing in HL2 failed badly, that's not open for discussion. (I'm not saying the game is perfect even though I gave it 10/10 without thinking alot about it)
  14. MindCrafter

    OMG , Some One gave HL2 a 8.3 Score :ooo

    I would give HL2 10/10, not biased. That's my opinion :thumbs: