Recent content by pmab

  1. pmab

    Hmm my changes on my map wont work :(

    Sounds like a leak, or dodgy brush manipulation that's sent a point off to infinity.
  2. pmab

    Level Designer Wanted

    Zoiks! /me runs away
  3. pmab

    Level Designer Wanted

    Looks interesting! Only issue I can see is that you are limited in size if the map is linear, have you tried compiling a simple map with the maximum length (turn off everything except the basic compile options) and seeing how long it takes to cross? Of course, you could use height to extend...
  4. pmab

    Tips on my lighting.

    have you tried fiddling with the ambient light settings in the light_environment entity? 4th number is brightness
  5. pmab

    Compile Stuck

    you will probably need floors to seal the map and block visibility, so tying them to entities is probably a bad idea.
  6. pmab

    How to set Hammer up? (help me plees)

    just copy the map to the cs source folder after you have made it, I made a nice little batch to do this for me, you could also change the default directory to place maps in for each hammer setup. check the output of the console when you compile the map, you may have an error which is stopping...
  7. pmab

    Three Questions: Cameras, Skyboxes, and Gibshooters

    you need to use the tools/toolskybox texture for the skies in hammer, this is then replaced with the skybox specified in map properties ingame.
  8. pmab

    Vertex tool broken?

    brushes/blocks must be convex - from any point inside the brush you must be able to see any other point without crossing the surface. you've made a concave hull which is not acceptable, it should be broken in two (either through clip or by creating a new brush)
  9. pmab

    Giant rolling ball?

    the sphere function is very limited, seems to blow hammer up after about 18 faces or something, may just be me though.
  10. pmab

    Testing DM map without making a server.

    just be greatful for the spontaneous testers
  11. pmab

    how to test my map

    run css (or whatever), open console, type "map testmapname" you may ahve to copy the bsp to css/maps directory
  12. pmab

    Downloading custom maps from servers

    I'm sure I read about something for mp which redirects people who try to download so that they download the map from a http server rather than the game server, can't remember where through.
  13. pmab

    What's wrong with "Hollow"?

    try to create a complex room using hollow, then add several entrances/exits. its nasty. hollow should be banned, when I first started mapping I tried to use it, and it resulted in a lot of headaches, when I realised I could just create all brushes from scratch mapping became much easier...
  14. pmab


    try the search tool, im sure this has been discussed several times before
  15. pmab

    GMan Ending Script

    thanks, just completed hl2 this minute, and i missed a few bits of it.