Are you going to purchase COD4: MW2 :: The re-count

Are you going to buy COD4:MW2?

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I was going to pre-order it as soon as it came on Steam, but fortunately IW/Activision/Kotick had the consideration to show me that they were complete douchebags before it became available. I don't think I'll be buying anything associated with any of them in the foreseeable future.
I remember the pop up, even before the price I was like "haha I'm not gonna get this" then I saw the price and checked to make sure I wasn't on an xbox.
89.99 USD for an Aussie? **** a goat, whoever made that decision.
I typed in "Boycott Modern Warfare 2" in Google & got a crap load of site listings that are trying to do just that. I browsed a few of the sites & read what was posted. Some were childish rantings, while others were rather funny & even informative. A few people even told stories how they called IW & were promptly hung up on. Many people also seem to be outraged at having their posts on IW's forums deleted. Quite a few petitions have been started as well.

I don't know if any of the stories are true or not, as I have not followed MW2, but the general gist is that a great many gamers do not like IW & as such will not be buying the game, regardless of platform. As seems to be the case here. I rather enjoyed COD4, but damn, @ $60, that's a little too rich for my blood.

I do wonder how well it will sell though, after it has been released.

I checked no because I'm going to wait, at the very least, for post-launch impressions and writeups from not just major gaming publications but fan sites and FPS types. I honestly see no reason to upgrade from the original MW if majority of the content could easily have been modded in and all we're seeing is the removal of the flexibility which made the PC renditions of CoD titles unique.

It's a big tentative "wait and see" thing for me, I don't exactly know enough of this "" thing to jump on the hate or love bandwagon. It smells awfully of the same sort of rationalizations used for the removal of LAN from SCII, though.

If push comes to shove and I'm going through a dry spell console game wise, I'll pick this up for 360 when I get a decent tele. There's nothing quite like sitting in the front of the TV with your actual buddies and playing split-screen on these sorts of games.
The problem is that this move simply seems to be a way of marginalising the PC versions of important titles, and everyone downing tools and not buying this game is just going to strengthen the argument that PC versions should just be neglected. A difficult, niche userbase doesn't sound like one that Bobby Kotick will ever have time for.
The problem is that this move simply seems to be a way of marginalising the PC versions of important titles, and everyone downing tools and not buying this game is just going to strengthen the argument that PC versions should just be neglected. A difficult, niche userbase doesn't sound like one that Bobby Kotick will ever have time for.
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't buy the game for a console either.

I haven't bought a console game in about 10 years, but I am not making enough of a difference. There's not enough people that feel the same way. **** consoles.
I was gonna file this one away under the "maybe an impulse buy when I'm bored someday" category... not now, though. Now it's just trash.
I typed in "Boycott Modern Warfare 2" in Google & got a crap load of site listings that are trying to do just that. I browsed a few of the sites & read what was posted. Some were childish rantings, while others were rather funny & even informative. A few people even told stories how they called IW & were promptly hung up on. Many people also seem to be outraged at having their posts on IW's forums deleted. Quite a few petitions have been started as well.

I don't know if any of the stories are true or not, as I have not followed MW2, but the general gist is that a great many gamers do not like IW & as such will not be buying the game, regardless of platform. As seems to be the case here. I rather enjoyed COD4, but damn, @ $60, that's a little too rich for my blood.

I do wonder how well it will sell though, after it has been released.


Very VERY well, i was with some people who spent an hour deciding whether to buy a $130.00 edition that features a stupid little statuette or the other ripoff $80 dollar edition, some actually went for the statue. Bunch of ****ing tools
Very VERY well, i was with some people who spent an hour deciding whether to buy a $130.00 edition that features a stupid little statuette or the other ripoff $80 dollar edition, some actually went for the statue. Bunch of ****ing tools

Aaaaand night vision goggles. It's a pretty damn good deal.
Does it really? the ebgames listing didnt say shit about it including goggles

thats kinda cool, but they didnt know about the goggles either and still why?
The problem is that this move simply seems to be a way of marginalising the PC versions of important titles, and everyone downing tools and not buying this game is just going to strengthen the argument that PC versions should just be neglected. A difficult, niche userbase doesn't sound like one that Bobby Kotick will ever have time for.

I'd rather Activision give up on PC games than have set the standards future PC games. The only really good PC games Activison publishes is the CoD series anyway, and companies like DICE are hearing the outcry and promising not to make the same mistake. type systems becoming standard would be the worst thing to ever happen to the multiplayer PC FPS community, that's not even a slight exaggeration.
I'm actually rather psyched by the notion that the PC community might genuinely stand up for itself in the case of MW2, but also skeptical as to if there's any real weight. It's rare that the press so wholly agrees with the loud forum-type masses, together they may actually put a dent in PC sales.

It's a whole other story if is actually competent as a PC platform, which I sincerely doubt will be the case, at least not immediately upon launch.
It's a whole other story if is actually competent as a PC platform, which I sincerely doubt will be the case, at least not immediately upon launch.

I hope fails miserably; if it succeeds it will be death of mods, community servers, custom maps, and free content. It would be horrible.
if Steam's top sellers list is any indication, it's not doing as well as I'd expect one of the most popular games of the year to do. It's already fallen to 6th place, behind ARMA 2.

Could the boycott be working?
I already bought CoD4, don't see much additional "fun" added to buy a full priced game.
if Steam's top sellers list is any indication, it's not doing as well as I'd expect one of the most popular games of the year to do. It's already fallen to 6th place, behind ARMA 2.

Could the boycott be working?

It's PC sales will certainly be affected, but I'll bet you ten bucks it'll still be the fastest selling game of the year, if not the past three.
It's PC sales will certainly be affected, but I'll bet you ten bucks it'll still be the fastest selling game of the year, if not the past three.

I agree, the sales for COD4 were massive, they were freakishly high, much larger than the previous games in the franchise. Its a large player base that will have preordered COD4-2 the second it was announced last year.

However allot of people buy into FPS's post launch on the PC because of the competative side, and with tournament play being snubbed this time, they may lose that market, but given the difference between Console sales and PC sales, I just dont think they will give a crap.

The real worry, is if they put the right spin on the decision, other companies might be inclined to copy a developer like IW.
On the other hand, smart developers will see that the only reason MW2 succeeded, in spite of its probably-shit PC support, was sequel hype in the established fanbase. If a regular developer pulled this shit I doubt they would ever break even, let alone sell millions.
There's no denying that it will sell crazy on the consoles, but I'm talking purely about the PC version. Even though our market isn't as large as the console market, it must still be significantly profitable if a company like Activision is still releasing games on it. No company wants to see a large chunk of that profit evaporate because of a single easily avoidable mistake. The MW2 hype train was going full steam ahead on all platforms until Robert Bowling uttered that one line.

If sales go down, it doesn't matter how they respond, it will set a precedent: No dedicated servers = no sales on PC.
I'm sure some of you have already seem this, but some footage was apparently leaked from a user who got it early, I think. Probably spoilers in this (no cutscenes, but possibly a segment from the beginning of the game).

Looks pretty damn controversial to me, what do you think?
No one would bat an eye if it was in a movie.

Actually, now this makes me want to buy it JUST FOR THIS PART.

It just looks so damn awesome.
Hell, in some stages of Ace Combat, you level cities. But, you can't see anyone you're killing, and they're just boxes on your HUD, so it's okay!
So Left 4 Dead 2 gets banned in Australia but mowing down civilians in an airport gets an MA15+?
My copy is free and I wouldn't otherwise shell out cash to play it. I think not including dedicated server or mod support is retarded, but I don't really care for COD MP so it's not a huge deal to me. If it becomes a trend though I will rage.
Like I said before, the one thing I regret about not buying MW2 is missing the single-player.

Maybe I'll buy it later, I don't know.
Well that doesn't make any sense. Do you guys have an independent rating board there? Or, which body makes that decision?