Assassin's Creed Review?

So I just have to hold one button down to do the cool ass running? boring, I wonder what else is dumbed down.
Assassins Creed just moved to the bottom of my list.
I'm now iffy about this game (reminds me a bit of the idea of killer 7 where you hold in a button to run on rails >_> )
Yeah, Fable 2 will likely be a letdown for you folks too.

I, in the meantime, should be having great fun with both of these titles. Don't feel so limited quite yet, mmkay?
I think it would be worse if people got frustrated with a more traditional control setup and not being able to hit all the right buttons at the right time to climb a high tower. They want you to feel free in the environment to scaling buildings. There is still a timing/skill aspect but it isn't in the basic repetitive moves. Since it is context based, certain moves will only be available for a window of time to nail.

For example, I've played Spiderman 2 on gamecube and it was really fun but simple. Go anywhere. Swing, climb, do little tricks like wall running etc. If they made it tricky to do those thing it would kill the game. It's fun to play that game just swinging around and picking up random thugs. GTA is fun just driving not doing missions. There is nothing complex about it but it's awesome.
I think it would be worse if people got frustrated with a more traditional control setup and not being able to hit all the right buttons at the right time to climb a high tower. They want you to feel free in the environment to scaling buildings.

For example, I've played Spiderman 2 on gamecube and it was really fun but simple. Go anywhere. Swing, climb, do little tricks like wall running etc. If they made it tricky to do those thing it would kill the game. It's fun to play that game just swinging around and picking up random thugs. GTA is fun just driving not doing missions. There is nothing complex about it but it's awesome.

Agreed. I've not a problem with this layout really. I want to play Assassins Creed, not 1080 Snowboarding. Button mashing fails.
Im afraid it`s true., one of the biggest norwegian gaming sites also played the 98% final version of Assasins Creed and said the same about the controlling. When being chased you just have to press down the right mousebutton, and he`ll do every jumping and acrobatics by himself. One of the testers said that he enjoyed eating food with he`s left arm while being chased.. lol

Game Reactor, a Norwegian magazine gave the preview a 2 out of 5 score after testing the nearly done version because of the controlling. They also said that the combat was more boring than they thought. Enemies will stand there and wait for you to attack.
I really don't care about that stuff. I want to play it for the story and setting.
I really don't care about that stuff. I want to play it for the story and setting.

You want to play it for the story? What if everything else about the game sucks? Still want to play it because of the story? Go read a book or watch a movie then.
its a shame if the game will blow that much due to the control style, honestly they game had such a cool premise to **** up. I trusted Ubi since they had the POP guys working on it. Why take the control away from the player? pfft. Need more reviews now.
Wow, are you ****ing serious?

They had so much potential, they hyped the game up quite a bit... and they go and shit all over it by revealing a terrible control scheme that pretty much breaks any immersion the game would've had?

Good. f*cking. game.
You want to play it for the story? What if everything else about the game sucks? Still want to play it because of the story? Go read a book or watch a movie then.

I doubt everything else sucks. As long as the gameplay is bareable, I'll be fine. Besides, there are no AC movies, and the book probably sucks.
I really think you people are looking at this the wrong way. They haven't actually removed anything from the players ability to control the character.

The only thing they did, was simplify a process to allow for EASIER and more SIMPLE controls that still allow you the SAME level of interaction.

I think that's what people are forgetting is that they have not sacrificed freedom in the game, nor have they restricted the player.

Old process:

1. Player sees a gap between two buildings and decides to cross
2. Player runs towards gap
3. Player presses "Jump" key prior to gap
4. Character jumps on "Jump" command and clears gap

New process

1. Player sees a gap between two buildings and decides to cross
2. Character jumps over gap

The important thing is that the PLAYER decided for the character to cross the gap, and it was done. Period. No freedom, no interaction, and no sacrifices were made. It really is a BETTER system in terms of the scope of this game where a large part of it is acrobatics. If it were in Half-Life, for example, I would agree with you all that it makes no sense. But I think in this case, it really was a great idea.

I'm really kind of disappointed in you all that you can infer that THIS of all things could break the game. I think it's great, and revolutionary.

Just my two cents. =)
I agree with you Top Secret, I think it's more realistic, I do some 'rookie' parkour IRL here in Stockholm with a few mates who also are interested innit, 'parkour' is also sorta like acrobatics, it's trying to navigate an urban landscape as straight forward as you can, i.e. climbing etc..

Anyway, when you climb and jump around fast, for me atleast, it's far more sorta like 'instinct' rather than 'pushing a button', i.e. its almost like natural motion for me to jump if I'm running and reach a 'hole' between me and the next piece of firm ground, which is why I think the new system will make for a more fluid and realistic interaction with the environment.
The important thing is that the PLAYER decided for the character to cross the gap

But where's the satisfaction of having landed a tricky jump? Where's the doubt - I might not make it! - and tension that comes with it?

Auto jumping has always bugged me, as have games that don't allow you to fall off things. If there's little danger it's simply not exciting being high in the air on a thin, crumbling ledge. It's the difference between being inches from death and riding a bike with training wheels.

I'm not aiming this directly at Assassin's Creed - it might get this spot on - but at virtually every other game i've played that has adopted something similar. It doesn't make actions more instinctive, it simply makes them less interactive and involved.
Auto jumping worked in Zelda:OoT and MM, what's wrong with it here.
2 games that focussed little on jumping/platforming. I never liked it in these games regardless.
There was a great deal of jumping in both N64 Zeldas. Auto jumping, unless it doesn't always work or it's buggy, is a natural advancement in gaming. It's not a parkour sim, it's an assassination game. It's based on the decisions you take and the way you handle them, not twitch reflexes.

But I personally don't care. If it was left free form, I'd be just as happy with it for all the reasons you pointed out, Warbie.
But where's the satisfaction of having landed a tricky jump? Where's the doubt - I might not make it! - and tension that comes with it?
Yeah, this kind of thing can be very exhilerating, but it also gave me ulcers in games like Castlevania. Ugh.

As I imagine playing AC now though, I really think that until you guys play it, you cannot judge how it will play. In my head it seems completely intuitive and very addicitve and very "why wasn't this thought of before?" I think it may be weird for a couple of minutes, but then really really nice.
I have to admit, when I first read this I was a little annoyed as well - my first impresion was that it will be pretty crappy like this. However, thinking about it... how could it be done any other way?

Can you just imagine how annoying half the moves we've seen in the videos would be if you do it manualy.

I think we've got 3 extremes:

1) Jumping manualy e.g. Halflife in 3rd person - can you imagine trying to just run and jump getting the perfect speed and direction onto little beams with a system like this?!

2) Jumping / climbing like Prince of Persia. As a form of platforming this game works really well (regardless what you think of the game as whole). I think a lot of people expected it to work like this. However, PoP is a linear game where you can fail and retry everything over and over, you also get to rewind that lets you try it many more times. Not really in the style of this game I feel.

3) Crackdown - Ok, its got the same jumping type thing going on as halflife but obviously expanded on with climbing. You ask me crackdown with full agility stats its just dam good fun. I love it. What buttons do you use? "A" thats it, you just slap A over and over.

I dont quite know what point im trying to make... ok, if you just HOLD a button down and he jumps where and when he needs to this could be a bit crappy... but can you think of anything better? I'm kind of assuming here that when your climing on a wall you've have to press the button to jump between holds or something. Maybe holding down the jump button rather than having to get perfect timing might be a nice compormise between continualy falling to your death, because you miss timed it, and coming up with an awesome escape route that you plan before you attack and making it first time.

/My 4p (at current exchange rates)
It's quite odd seeing a lot of people realize about the controls just now, after it has gone gold, when the info has been out there for a long time. Nothing 'changed'. hehe
But where's the satisfaction of having landed a tricky jump? Where's the doubt - I might not make it! - and tension that comes with it?

This is a good point, but I still think you are incorrect in this specific case. We are not playing Link here: We are not a little boy from the village out to save the princess who is going through puberty.

We are a MASTER Assassin. This guy's career is based around jumping between gaps in buildings.

It's quite odd seeing a lot of people realize about the controls just now, after it has gone gold, when the info has been out there for a long time. Nothing 'changed'. hehe

Haha, yeah. I think it spawned because one reviewer didn't like it, made a comment, and now the community is having a panic attack. =)
Auto jumping worked in Zelda:OoT and MM, what's wrong with it here.

This isn't Zelda. Zelda's core gameplay is centered around exploring dungeons and solving puzzles. From what we've seen, the gameplay in Assassin's Creed relies heavily on acrobatics and stealth. In my opinion, having to simply hold down a button to complete a chain of jumps seems very dry and restrictive. Same with the 1 button combat. I want to have the ability to time my jumps, I want to be able to jump too soon and fall short of where I was hoping to land. I don't want a game that was supposed to offer freedom to be that restrictive.

I was really looking forward to this game. I hope the gameplay is not as flat as these details make it sound.
saw a few videos, sounds pretty awesome. Just wish the pc version came out this month as well. Not that I'll be short of games :p
I've seen loads of videos on assassins creed now and the jumping doesn't seem to work in the way some people suggest it does ... in the tech demos that they take along to places like gamespot (for example) the guy playing sometimes ****s up a jump and lands on the floor and how would this happen if it was just an automated / scripted event?
Wanna know what would be sweet?

If when you're not raising suspicions, the leaps and stuff are easier to handle and stuff like it would be normally, since your guy is a pro.

But it'd be awesome to have an option to set it so that once an alarm is raised and tensions are high, you have to manually time certain jumps and events more precisely, leaving the opportunity for blunders and dangerous close encounters if you miss a leap and trip down to the street below.
We are a MASTER Assassin. This guy's career is based around jumping between gaps in buildings.

I'd of thought it was more about being able to kill people efficiently to be honest, rather than jumping from post to post. Frankly having seen the videos of the game beyond the visual richness of the environments I thought it looked pretty underwhelming and the floaty nature of the free jumping at odds with environments and the main characters dress sense (leaping from pillar to post wearing armour...).
How is Assassin's Creed anything remotely in the vicinity of the ballpark of Stranglehold???
How is Assassin's Creed anything remotely in the vicinity of the ballpark of Stranglehold???
I think he means the context-sensitive stuff is similar which, if he had done his homework, he would see that its not.

Yeah, Stranglehold sucked.

EDIT: New preview here.

All in all in then the breadth and freedom of the game's worlds is staggering, and the movement and combat can at times be a joy. That said, our inability to sample missions, or spend longer with the game leaves us unsure whether Ubisoft Montreal's 'organic design' mantra has really hit the nail on the head from a control perspective (do players have the patience to embrace this new scheme?). That said, Assassin's Creed is truly 'next-generation' from an artistic and design standpoint, and it looks like we could be rewarded with a truly inventive title, even if it isn't utterly flawless when it reaches the Xbox 360 and PS3 in a few weeks time.
Here's a new video featuring yet another Jade Raymond interview, but there is a lot of new footage and you can even see the context menu pretty clearly. Contains some spoilers though:

Edit: Link re-directs to the wrong video.