being independant sucks, someone tell me which console to buy!!!

you'd be mad to buy the PS3 in all honesty (I intend to buy none) - the 360 has better games (so far), better online, better longevity (ps3 is a bitch to code for), better publicity (sony has been pure comedy gold every week since 2005) and better graphics ... AND it's cheaper
The PS3 has a faster processor (big whoop) and blu ray (which is not guaranteed to even succeed and even if it does the 360 will simply offer an addon player)
It really is no contest
360, for one reason only:


XNA = For $100 a year, any schmoe with half a brain can make games for the XBox 360 and publish them via XBox Live.

XNA = Sony's gaming death knell imo, especially with the joke the PS3 turned into.

If MS continues this the way they should, the XBox 360 will essentially become for consoles what Half Life, and now Steam/Source are becoming for PC games.
Agreed, 360. I don't intend to buy a 360 (ever), but it's definately got more appeal than a Ps3.

Everything about it is arguably better (and in most cases, MUCH better) than the PS3. Price, graphical power, game library, online service...
If I liked the games on both equally I would buy an Xbox360. The games would have to be a lot better (and they might be for others) for me to buy a PS3 with all things considered.
:D !!!PS3!!!PLAYSTATION 3!!!PS3!!!:D

Sure the Xbox 360 has more games :hmph: than Playstation 3 but PS3 has just been released so it's not going to have a lot of games but the games that are out on PS3 rock (except some suck but most rock) such as Resistance: Fall of man. Plus you can do a lot more with the PS3 such as install a different OS (uses LINUX), Upload pictures and videos, FREE internet, CF slot, SD memory card slot, Memory stick slot, (CF,SD,Memory stick slot are only in the 60gb version) also you can surf the web on the PS3 so you can go to your favorite sites, PLUS PS3 has removeable harddrive so you can buy a 20gb version PS3 and then later on buy a 60gb hard drive, PS3 also has backward compatability for ALL playstation and playstation 2 games while 360 is backward compatable it is only compatable with SELECTED GAMES not all xbox games , better visual and audio, wi-fi connection so you can play your PSP online if you do not have a wireless connection, Bluetooth, Blueray (also supports DVD,CD), sixaxis controller which add to the gameplay, and up to 7 people can play at a time( and 7 players seem like a small view for each player).

So in conclusion the PS3 is the better console.
(i recieved a PS3 on christmas and I LOVE IT)

Just kidding, but i also expected people to say ps3 in this thread to be honest. I will probably get a 360 because of the price difference.

thats pointing at mastag

im just kidding mastag my bestestest friend

Just kidding, but i also expected people to say ps3 in this thread to be honest. I will probably get a 360 because of the price difference.

don't buy a 360 buy a Playstation 3. Ps3 is better AND you're use to the ps controller layout
For the love of God, The_Z. Seriously. Just shut up.

Merry Xmas. <3
at this very moment id say neither. id wait and pan out how the ps3 is in a couple months time. in terms of cost, reliability, and games. ive never really been a big fan of the xbox360 for the simple fact that i have to pay to play games online. MMO's is another story, but id not want to plop down $70 for a games like gears of war and still have to pay to play with my friends online.
Theres no such thing as free internet. Youll still have to hook it up, and probobly pay for the support. It's jsut free to surf ON your PS3, no extra costs. anyway, I might get PS3 if they make Ace Combat 6 on it, and for the love of god, please make it for 360.
Oh, buy the Wii mofo.
If I were you I would also consider the Wii, there is very good reason it's so popular and a lot of people like it.

But between the 360 and ps3 I would have to say the 360.

Mainly because I believe the 360 will win this round and the console that wins will probably have the most games, and probably the most good games.

The power is comparable between the 360 and ps3, one is better in one area, the other in another. The PS3 does have the blue ray, but because of the enormous cost of AAA games to make, most games will be made for the 360 and ps3 at the same time, and most likely first on the 360 since it is easier to code for, so most games will be made to fit on a DVD anyway. Besides that most of the memory is taken up by textures and since the ps3 doesn't have as much ram as the 360 there is no reason for dev's to put in higher textures in the ps3 version.

Like I said the 360 is easier to develop for and XNA is availible to indy dev's for a low fee, furthermore xbox live has a lot of casual games that appeal to casual gamers, the market Nintendo is targeting.

The 360 also has better internet play then the ps3 right now, although you have to pay for it. But time will tell which will be better over time, online games like socom worked pretty well for the ps2 and resistance for the ps3 is also working good, and the openness of the ps3 online system may prove to be the best option for consumers.

The Ps3 has gotten a lot of critisim some deserved, some bullshit.
It is true that the 200 extra you pay for a ps3 is because of the blue ray which will have little impact on games, but you will be able to watch HD movies on your PS3 and unlike the PS2, the PS3 is actually a good movie players, furthermore the PS3 is more silent then the 360.

You do have to remember however that Blue Ray may fail, and the movie capability of the ps3 will be worthless then. The chances of it failing are not that big since, it has more support then HD-DVD, sony has a big media empire and the ps3 alone will make sure there will be millions of BD players out there.

But what matter mostly are games, a lot of people would buy a Nintendo system over any other even if they knew it would fail simply because they love Nintendo's first party titles, and though right now I would buy a 360, sony's has some incredibly talented first party dev's. Just image what the dev's of ICO or Shadow of the colossus might accomplish on the ps3.
Not to mention the dev's of god of war, and naughty dog. And Insomniac allredy proved how talented they are with resistance.
at this very moment id say neither. id wait and pan out how the ps3 is in a couple months time. in terms of cost, reliability, and games. ive never really been a big fan of the xbox360 for the simple fact that i have to pay to play games online. MMO's is another story, but id not want to plop down $70 for a games like gears of war and still have to pay to play with my friends online.
The cost is negligible - $50 a year for a load of features that are fully integrated within every single game. What do you get on PS3 and PC? A haphazard mix of third-party chat clients, voice-comm servers, and friends-list programs, where nothing is standardized, and everything is left up to the consumer to figure out.
I'd rather have a PS3..I've only seen one game that I want for the 360...same thing that happened for the xbox. No games I like.

Plus free internet play.
Get a Xbox 360, lots of fun games on there.

PS3 is designed to be a computer, and last time I checked, your using one
Just look at the games/developers that each has.

I did and chose PS3, by a long shot. It's also a much better console IMO, but all that really matters is the games.