big girls in tight clothes :|

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Farrowlesparrow said:
I think the whole skimpy clothing thing has gone too far...

I'm not saying that for the sake of decency, but there is something far more attractive and alluring about a girl who doesn't put it all on show, and basically flaunts themselves about. Especially during the winter...what kind of fool do you have to be to wear a tiny little skirt when its snowing? It doesn't say much for the person doing it either...are they so fashion dependent and vain that they can't for one day wear some nice thermal clothing?

its simple some people need attenion so they do weird stuff
Ritz said:
Fat people are still people, there not some alien race. You dont need to learn how to deal with them. God I hate people like you. -.- I hope you get fat some day.

Of course they are, and I'm sure your friends are nicer than I am, but that's not the point. The few heavy people that I have met is really nice, but I've never made friends with any of them. Partly beacause, as I said, there are so few overweight people where I live, but partly, I think I do have some, involuntary, prejudiced against them. That's not to say that I can't make friends with them, but it'll be harder. I don't want to think the way I do, but I do care about other people's looks when I make frieend with them, and I think most people do too.
The_Monkey said:
I do care about other people's looks when I make frieend with them, and I think most people do too.

In the real world.. the adult world, people dont. Unless there walking around naked or somthing, then theres a prob ;)
Mostly it'l be subconcious, but we all judge people by how they look. That changes when we start to get to know them, but when we first meet, looks are very important to how we treat a person.
Ritz said:
In the real world.. the adult world, people dont. Unless there walking around naked or somthing, then theres a prob ;)

It's all in the subconscious, most people, act differently if you're talking to a man or a woman, an adult or a child, your boss or your friend, a heavy person or a slim one. I'm sure you do to.
pr0nking said:
I quite like pretty chunky girls..

You mean thick dont you?
not thin not fat just Thick I agree but everything over 80 kilos is a bit unatraktiv.but that doesnt mean youre a better Person if your thin
The_Monkey said:
It's all in the subconscious, most people, act differently if you're talking to a man or a woman, an adult or a child, your boss or your friend, a heavy person or a slim one. I'm sure you do to.

...Er...Nope. Just cus you do.. you shallow shallow man, does'nt mean the rest of us do ;)
Ritz said:
...Er...Nope. Just cus you do.. you shallow shallow man, does'nt mean the rest of us do ;)

Are you telling me that you don't care about how people look at all? That you, no matter what the apperence, still act the same way to everyone? If that's the case, I admire you.
Ritz said:
...Er...Nope. Just cus you do.. you shallow shallow man, does'nt mean the rest of us do ;)

That statement cant be 100% correct since it's all in our "sub-consciousness" we won't really realized it yet other people realized the differences. I know this from experience :( (and after they feel that they are treated differently, they'll come crashing down on you :x )
Ritz said:
...Er...Nope. Just cus you do.. you shallow shallow man, does'nt mean the rest of us do ;)
That's just wishfull thinking. You do judge people on their apperence, probably not consciously though.
What is with you people? I treat my "Good looking" friends the same way as my "Not so good looking ones" If all you people treat people judged on how good looking they are, then you lot are either kids, or your adults who really need to grow up.
Ritz said:
What is with you people? I treat my "Good looking" friends the same way as my "Not so good looking ones" If all you people treat people judged on how good looking they are, then you lot are either kids, or your adults who really need to grow up.

How can you yourself actually tell? :burp:
CREMATOR666 said:
How can you yourself actually tell? :burp:

Whats that mean? I treat them the same. Funny thing about me is that I can tell what Im doing.
Ritz said:
Whats that mean? I treat them the same. Funny thing about me is that I can tell what Im doing.

It's "sub-conscious", meaning you cant tell the difference unless you asked others. It's in your mind, even though you were not aware of it, kinda like a reflex, you automatically flinched when you feel pain without actually knowing you flinched until someone told you so. :cheese:
i think Ritz has a point...but i also think what she is saying applies to people as they get older.
younger people are more likely to associate appearance with how to treat the person but with life experience that does change...well depending on the individual.
CREMATOR666 said:
It's "sub-conscious", meaning you cant tell the difference unless you asked others. It's in your mind, even though you were not aware of it, kinda like a reflex, you automatically flinched when you feel pain without actually knowing you flinched until someone told you so. :cheese:

Um.. no. Example.

Good looking friend - "Hey there [name], want to go out some time?"

Bad looking friend - "Hey there [name], want to go out some time?"

Best you lot drop trying to get me to admit Im as shallow as you lot are and treat my friends different based on there looking, as Im not going to.
People fall in love with other people via :

Teenage - appearance
Early 20s to Late 30s - money/financial status
late 30s to umm....death? - TRUE LOVE :D

btw, Ritz, I'm not trying to make you admit anything, it's just that there will always be a part of you that tells you to do things you wont realized yourself, even little picky things. :E
i find it easier to talk to ugly chicks than i do good looking ones....does that make me shallow? makes me annoyingly timid towards the female variety...this has nothing to do with the rest of this thread yet somehow may add to it
Just because someone is Fat doesn't mean they're ugly!! That's the media talking. Fat = Beautiful!
mortiz said:
Just because someone is Fat doesn't mean they're ugly!! That's the media talking. Fat = Beautiful!

No being fat doesn't make you beautiful it makes you unhealthy, gives you a bad condition and not good to look at.
mortiz said:
Just because someone is Fat doesn't mean they're ugly!! That's the media talking. Fat = Beautiful!
Sounds like one of those annoying magazines trying to inject self esteem into people who are morbidly obesse.
You say fat is beautiful, but down to personal preference, I carry a little excess weight, but i prefer girls that carry none of only a little. If they are labelled 'fat' in my eyes i won't ever be attracted to them. It may sound harsh but i'm telling you how it is for me and probably many other guys.
mortiz said:
Fat = Beautiful!

Mmm, the way your fatty tissue clogs up your vains blocking blood from pumping to your heart leading to a fatel heart attack makes me so hot.

Sorry.. :(
One of mycousins is morbidly obese its sick. Seriously and he wears shirts that are to smalll...shudder!
I know what you're talking about Hectic. Everyone knows what they like, and fat ususally isn't usually on that list.
I know it's great, remember, all the nice things aren't meant to last! Just like Fat people!
Even though im chubby i still have a pretty hot gf and shes not chubby at all i guess i must be really funny or something :LOL:
MarcoPollo said:
Even though im chubby i still have a pretty hot gf and shes not chubby at all i guess i must be really funny or something :LOL:

Great, guess what? We don't care.

OT: I don't see why everyone cares what anyone else wears, who cares what they look like, if you stare at it, its your own damn fault, grow up children, seriously.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Great, guess what? We don't care.

OT: I don't see why everyone cares what anyone else wears, who cares what they look like, if you stare at it, its your own damn fault, grow up children, seriously.
And bingo was his name-o.

People need to chillax on the "omfg you're so cool because you wear this or look like this".Once you get out in the real world you're going to have other things to worry about then what the person beside you wears.
Well I quite like the look of a lot of graffiti, and thats illegal. People really put on far worse displays with their bodies then with spraypaint on a wall and they get away with it...

Basically :)

I don't mind what people wear, or whether they're trying to be fashionable. I do care that they just look unseemly, and I do care that they are making themselves look foolish. I don't have to care, but I do.
Ugh, even worse are the "I'm over 40 but still feel sexy and young" and act like they're f*cking 18. Guess what? YOU'RE NOT!

Also often accompanied by chunky asses in tight clothes. ;(
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