CNN Refuses to Play the Truth: Hamas Jew-Killing Moused

Dec 14, 2004
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So this is one of the shows that they play to their children, I personally think that this is very sick; The producers of this show are directly aiding the massing of more destructive and larger numbers of child militants.

Here's a few links for you guys to decide about this yourself:

Glen Beck Segment Regarding Arab Mickey Mouse Knockoff.

CNN Downplays Jew-Killing Mouse

It is quite obvious that CNN's translators are totally screwing up being that this is what happens:

"1) First of all from context: mickey asks what you should do to liberate al aqsa? Girl on phone answers: we will fight, Then mickey asks what else? What we want to do? (ahna bidna). And girl answers: annihilate the Jews.

2) Secondly its clear from the order of words: Jews (yahood) is in the end of the sentence."
Brainwashing tool/ Jew-Killing Mouse Pt.1:

Brainwashing tool/ Jew-Killing Mouse Pt.2

Comments....Is this something that should be shown via news networks or not, I personally think this sort of stuff is far more important to hear about than most of the stuff the they show on the news anyways. But I want to hear what you all think.
Think, no thinking is doubleplus ungood, we, the collective people, must watch the informative films that are given to us by the leaders.
Well, I saw a piece on it the other day on CNN, and they showed quite a bit of it... so I'm confused.
It's far superior to any North American kids show... Besides, it's all cultural. I only watched one video, and all it basically said was that they're united under Allah and that they will never back down to murdering invaders. WTF MICKEY MOUSE!?
I kinda want something like that to broadcast here.


But no, we're "civilized" now, stupid hippies and their peace.
I see nothing wrong. CNN shows the original translation, then gives their own translation. And gives the response of the original translators.
CNN and other mainstream outlets definately seem to be selectively choosing certain criteria to air though, just look at the republican candidate debate, Ron Paul had the highest public rating and yet there wasn't even a mention of him. To the mainstream news outlets it was as if he didn't even make a speech, if that isn't selective censoring then I don't know what is.
I have no idea why, but whenever I see Fireygoose, I immediately think of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. But I can't remember why.
I have no idea why, but whenever I see Fireygoose, I immediately think of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. But I can't remember why.

Firey goatse? WTF?

I think that shows just screwed up. Cmon mickey mouse? What ever happened to copyright and Miska Mouska Mickey Mouse and his great club house? I bet they made Mick Mouse WAr House
I have no idea why, but whenever I see Fireygoose, I immediately think of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. But I can't remember why.
Bull Goose Loony, I imagine.
Ah, probably. That and he seems insane.
I see nothing wrong. CNN shows the original translation, then gives their own translation. And gives the response of the original translators.
But it's quite obvious their translation is wrong. It's the fact that they're planting doubt about it, when their should be none, that's wrong. News is supposed to be fact, not opinions and twisting the truth to fit an agenda or view.
Please Jintor, you must give respect to receive any from me anyways.
But the main part that pissed me off when it comes to CNN's report is that, even though Memri said the translation was "We will annihilate the Jews", CNN basically crosses that out saying there is dispute about that, takes the statement out of context and translates it as: "The Jews are killing us". So CNN's couple of Arabic Translators are better than all the translators at Memri combined? That's a joke. Here's the Script of words that were exchanged:
Memri's Excerpts from the Children's TV Show.
Please Jintor, you must give respect to receive any from me anyways.
But the main part that pissed me off when it comes to CNN's report is that, even though Memri said the translation was "We will annihilate the Jews", CNN basically crosses that out saying there is dispute about that, takes the statement out of context and translates it as: "The Jews are killing us". So CNN's couple of Arabic Translators are better than all the translators at Memri combined? That's a joke. Here's the Script of words that were exchanged:
Memri's Excerpts from the Children's TV Show.

yes because MEMRI is agenda free:

wiki said:
MEMRI has been criticized primarily for its choice of the content it selects for translation. Brian Whitaker, the Middle East editor for the UK Guardian newspaper, has criticized MEMRI for having a pro-Israel bias and agenda, and not being explicit about this on its website. He has written, "My problem with Memri is that it poses as a research institute when it's basically a propaganda operation",[3] that material selected by MEMRI for translation, "further the political agenda of Israel, and ",[7] and that, "MEMRI's website does not mention you [Carmon] or your work for Israeli intelligence. Nor does it mention MEMRI's co-founder, Meyrav Wurmser, and her extreme brand of Zionism ... Given your political background, it's legitimate to ask whether MEMRI is a trustworthy vehicle"[3]
Please Jintor, you must give respect to receive any from me anyways.

I'm not getting any respect, I don't really see a point in giving any tbh. You come across as a pretencious bastard, really.


Everyone has an agenda, now people are just going to go with the one that seems most logical to them, If you think CNN's translation is more logical than that's fine go with it. But I personally think that Memris makes more sence taken into context, therefore I'm going with yours. However the point of this thread is to find out: "Should new corp. play the clips with the original translation or not". It may help if some of you watch the glen beck segment, he mentions some more of the translating agencies that send them back the same results. Something to do Pc... who knows that would be crap though.
Don't try to act like Memri is the only corp. that tries throwing out propaganda. They aren't the news agency here people. haha.

And Jintor, I really hope you rethink things because, Every person who earned the title "great" had to give their fair share of respect before they could receive theirs. Are your ambitions in life putting people down to make you feel more powerful? And most of all don't purposely come in here to offend someone, especially by using words such as bastard and idiot, you don't know me. I have a great family and education. If you have a problem with me, don't try acting like a hard ass about it over the internet. By the way I don't have a problem with you right now, all I ask for is a little respect, by the way I do actually contribute to these forums, I'm not just a Troll believe it or not. Please just stop the hate and celebrate. :E
It's your holier-than-thou attitude that's bugging me. I have nothing to conflict with you about on this particular topic, though, so...

Where did the 'great' thing from? o_O

And I forgot that you're in California, not Australia, so i take back the word 'bastard'. Different connotations.

You're still insane though. :p
so whats the deal whit the terrorist mickey mouse?

I dont find werid some group use something like that
Now, people, just for a quick second, let's turn our attention away from "resistance Mickey" as the Associated Press have dubbed him, and turn our attention toward the genocidal bird, Tarabishu, the talking Chicken who teaches kids about massacres with AK47s:

This is more or less why Palestinian society is sick; Kids aren't impregnable to stuff like this you throw it in their face day after day. As one Hamas member said: "We succeeded, with Allah's grace, to raise an ideological generation that loves death like our enemies love life."
As one Hamas member said: "We succeeded, with Allah's grace, to raise an ideological generation that loves death like our enemies love life."

Yeah its pretty shitty isn't it. What do you think we should do to fix it? Go kill some more Palestinians? That will make their children love us.
Now, people, just for a quick second, let's turn our attention away from "resistance Mickey" as the Associated Press have dubbed him, and turn our attention toward the genocidal bird, Tarabishu, the talking Chicken who teaches kids about massacres with AK47s:

This is more or less why Palestinian society is sick; Kids aren't impregnable to stuff like this you throw it in their face day after day. As one Hamas member said: "We succeeded, with Allah's grace, to raise an ideological generation that loves death like our enemies love life."

yes all palestinians are murderous dogs and should be shot on sight ..especially the babies as they'll one day grow up to strap dynamite to chest in a date with destiny

you're an idiot

oh and if you're going to talk about indoctrinating the youth at least try to be fair and balanced ..or is that too much trouble?
Swing it and miss, bud. Wait, swing it and hit yourself is probably more accurate. You have nothing to say so you make yourself look like an idiot... by drawing out the infamous argument of ME being an idiot. As some people here say: Logical fallacy. Like in that thread where you tried to tell people that I hated black people. Oh well, joke's on you.
Swing it and miss, bud. Wait, swing it and hit yourself is probably more accurate. You have nothing to say so you make yourself look like an idiot... by drawing out the infamous argument of ME being an idiot.

yes you are correct, it is like hitting myself ..punching myself stupid in fact ..yes, that's it! ..talking to you is like repeatedly punching myself in the head ..because no matter the outcome I still come out stupider (duh!) for my effort ..see? it's already working

As some people here say: Logical fallacy. Like in that thread where you tried to tell people that I hated black people. Oh well, joke's on you.

hey I can do that too .. /me points in no particular direction "hey you ...logical fallcy!" ..."you over there with an idea in your head ...logical fallacy!!! ...boy I sure did show-ed him!"

I'm drunk?!? logical FALLACY!!! YOU'RE DRUNK!!!

"your honor I'd like to submit to the ladies and gentlemen of the jury that my client is suffering from Logical Fallaciitis and could not have in fact burned down the orphanage"

oh btw (logical fallacy!) ..I noticed you didnt comment on the jewish kids writing "get better!" on the bombs that killed hundreds of lebanese innocent men women and children but who cares! so long as they're not jews they deserve to die ..the more horrible the better

you and people like you guarentee the israel/palenstinian issue will never be settled (barring the whole area becomes a glass crater) ...but good for you and people like you (on both sides of course because each side has it's stupid fanatics), you're rushing headlong towards the inevitable; just try not to take out the rest of us when you finally settle your score ..but I digress and it falls on deaf ears anyways as you dont understand half of what I say
I didn't comment on that simply because it's redundant. Just like commenting on Palestinian death parades is. I know how I feel about it, and it makes no difference whether or not I repeat what other people have already said about it since it's been blown quite out of proportions already. I mean seriously, how likely is it that everyone would get a hizzy fit each time Hamas, Fatah, etc parade their children around with weaponry? Compared with that, this is a minor incident. And to draw parallels is quite ignorant I say.

On topic: One thing I don't understand about this whole thing - They talk about how Islam is the basis of all civiization, and therefore Farfur(the mouse) shouldn't speak English... Yet, they steal the Mickey Mouse costume from Walt Disney. Ehhh... ok. But seriously, my favourite clip is this one:

Farfur is caught cheating, and he blames the Jews for it. I would have never thought. But I still think Tarabishu the talking chicken was more straight-forward, more to the point. Although he wasn't antisemitic.
I didn't comment on that simply because it's redundant. Just like commenting on Palestinian death parades is. I know how I feel about it, and it makes no difference whether or not I repeat what other people have already said about it since it's been blown quite out of proportions already. I mean seriously, how likely is it that everyone would get a hizzy fit each time Hamas, Fatah, etc parade their children around with weaponry? Compared with that, this is a minor incident. And to draw parallels is quite ignorant I say.

no this is an even more sinister application of indoctrination you're just too dimwitted and partisan to see that ..there is no mistaking the fact that the overwhelming casualties in the saturation bombing of lebanon were innocent civilians ..those kids are nothing more than propaganda tools put in place to downplay the fact that hundreds of men women and children became their inevitable targets's propaganda mainstreamized ..the mickey mouse while more replusive on the surface has less of an effect in terms of scope due to it's limited audience ..a handful of children (relatively speaking) is nothing in comparison to reaching millions if not billions of people ..but again you wont uinderstand a single word I wrote and will continue to waste my time by bringing up CIAR or some other nonsense .. at the very least you'll dance around my points or ignore them completely
Hye nemesis, I got a question for ya. When you were a kid what do you think would have affected you more, some stupid mouse on TV or the death of a close relative because of bomb that came from another country. Think about it.
Hye nemesis, I got a question for ya. When you were a kid what do you think would have affected you more, some stupid mouse on TV or the death of a close relative because of bomb that came from another country. Think about it.

To be perfectly honest, as a child I could see myself just about caring more about a cartoon or a children directed t.v. show than close relatives dying. Children are relatively immune to the breaking of a lot of the emotional bonds that would impact adults much more. For instance my grandma passed away when I was 10, I was pretty sad, but last thanksgiving my grandpa died and it really hit me quite a bit harder(I'm guessing my age/maturity had a lot to do with it).

Guessing as these shows seem to target an age group of somewhere between 6 and 10, most if not all children will view this program at least once in their childhood. Once may be enough to reinforce what society already teaches them. So basically what I'm saying is, I don't believe this really sets the foundation for their hatred towards Jews in general; however it certainly doesn't hurt the cause. Am I at least right on that?

So what's scarier from a Jew's perspective, knowing a family member was killed by a suicide bomber or knowing that in 10-15 years your children will be facing a similar situation except magnified by who knows how much...5, 10 times....

Just my two cents.:rolling:
To be perfectly honest, as a child I could see myself just about caring more about a cartoon or a children directed t.v. show than close relatives dying. Children are relatively immune to the breaking of a lot of the emotional bonds that would impact adults much more. For instance my grandma passed away when I was 10, I was pretty sad, but last thanksgiving my grandpa died and it really hit me quite a bit harder(I'm guessing my age/maturity had a lot to do with it).

I know the grief is slightly less due to immaturity and suchlike, but caring about a cartoon more? :O
FieryGoose, I certainly see what you are saying but I think you are kind of missing my point. We are not talking about dying of natural causes, we are talking about death from being killed. Even if you were too young to understand it when it happensed you are going to start asking questions when you get older, like "why did Israel drop that bomb on that ambulance my mother was in"?

As stern said, both sides of this conflict are totally ****ed in the head. Wether it is people like nemesis who believe if the country is backed by the west everything they do is by definition moral, and people that watch that cartoon who believe they are on a mission from god to defend their holy land.

I just wish these freaks didn't drag us in the middle of it.
As stern said, both sides of this conflict are totally ****ed in the head. Wether it is people like nemesis who believe if the country is backed by the west everything they do is by definition moral, and people that watch that cartoon who believe they are on a mission from god to defend their holy land.

You know I also drink blood, right? The world's not black & white, man. Taking sides doesn't make you a lunatic.
Heh, you're like Stern. You have nothing to say so you start shouting profanities at people. Only you try to be arrogant about it. If you had a point, you're terrible at conveying it.
Heh, you're like Stern. You have nothing to say so you start shouting profanities at people. Only you try to be arrogant about it. If you had a point, you're terrible at conveying it.

nemesis lets be honest here soon as you're confronted with what even remotely looks like a fact you turn and run with your tail between your legs only to materialise at some later date with a new thread on CAIR, Muslims savages/jews as innocent victems etc ...until confronted with facts which then causes you to disappear only to re-materialize at ......and so on, and so on

edit: lol you prove my point

You bring absolutely nothing to debates except biased opnion which is easily dismissed with even the most superficial research. If I hurl "profanities" your way it's because you deserve it, I dont take too kindly to bigots charlatans or partisan yesmen too dimwitted to recognise propaganda when they encounter it

anyways I've given you plenty of material to counter in this thread far you have been unable to counter anything I've said
All opinions are biased, man. But all in all, I'd say I'm less biased than quite a few people here. "Fox News is crazy", heh. Nice discussional value there. I suppose that's unbiased. You keep mentioning me bringing up CAIR and having my arguments defeated, yet you are unwilling to discuss it because you don't like the source of the report -- The same thing you did in this thread --, the largest of its kind on their pro-terror activities to date.

But what do I know, I'm a racist, right Stern? I mean, I mean obviously I hate black people and Arabs. My point with this last part is this: Don't try climbing up on that pedestal of yours again.

You paint me a racist, you call me a nutjob, you call me an idiot(constantly), and you suppose I take you any more serious than you take me?

By the way... I guess your definition of "superficial research" means burrying your head in the sand. The various CAIR threads anyone?
Fox news is ****ing crazy...I don't see how anyone who objectively views that channel can come to any other conclusion.

I don't know if you're racist or not but you sure as hell stereotype, i can think of numerous occasions where you mention how jews run all levels of the media etc.
I don't know if you're racist or not but you sure as hell stereotype, i can think of numerous occasions where you mention how jews run all levels of the media etc.

I would scratch my head, but my ears are already bleeding, so I think it's redundant at this point... :rolling: :D
All opinions are biased, man.

there's a difference between informed opinion and opinion ..anyone can have an opinion but it doesnt mean it's an informed []iopinion[/i] example (I'm using you and I out of convience): I was an art teacher, you probably like art ..who's opinion holds more weight, mine or yours?

But all in all, I'd say I'm less biased than quite a few people here. "Fox News is crazy", heh. Nice discussional value there.

might I remind you of your constant criticism of muslims and CIAR usually without a single shred of evidence or worse yet inaccurate information that you clearly did not research

I suppose that's unbiased. You keep mentioning me bringing up CAIR and having my arguments defeated, yet you are unwilling to discuss it because you don't like the source of the report, the largest of its kind on their pro-terror activities to date.

why is it so hard to understand that if a group with a specific agenda publishes articles that adhere to that specific agenda regardless of factual accuracy they're biased ..I mean their sole raison d'etre is to take on whatever issue they've commited themselves to regardless if it's true or not.. certainly you should be able to see that it's little more than propaganda reporting is supposed to be about reporting news not opinionating ..that's what editorials are for

But what do I know, I'm a racist, right Stern? I mean, I mean obviously I hate black people and Arabs. My point with this last part is this: Don't try climbing up on that pedestal of yours again.

oh for the love shut the **** up ..seriously you're a mental midget who cant get past one or two points are you answering anything I've posted in this thread? you just spew sentence after sentence that effectively says absolutely NOTHING except to regurgitate the same idiotic points over and over again ..stop wasting my time if you cant find the cajones to address my points directly

By the way... I guess your definition of "superficial research" means burrying your head in the sand. The various CAIR threads anyone?

I've read all of your stupid threads on CIAR fact most of the time I end up making you look like a fool by pointing out either how inaccurate your research is or how stupid the subject is least I do the research, I'm convinced you dont even click on the links I provide ..that last thread on top signs of fascism more than proved that

You paint me a racist,

in that instant you were

you call me a nutjob,

well you're irrational that is a type of mental problem

you call me an idiot(constantly)

mostly your ideology, and the few times I do call you an idiot you deserve it

and you suppose I take you any more serious than you take me?

I dont care either way ...look man, you're not a challenge ..mostly because you're not mature enough to look at things with a critical eye, examine the facts, cross reference sources and then come to a well rounded opinion, instead you read one idiotic article in that completely idiotic blog Little Green Footballs and all of the sudden you're full of piss and vinegar screaming about how CAIR ate your baby ..enough already, stop reading idiotic partisan OPINIONS and accepting them as fact ..I've read LGF on many occasions and the writers truely are stupid ..I could out debate them without breaking a sweat and I dont even consider myself a good debater, it's just that they're that stupid that anyone armed with even a mediocrum of knowledge can easily shoot down any of their points
there's a difference between informed opinion and opinion ..anyone can have an opinion but it doesnt mean it's an informed []iopinion[/i] example (I'm using you and I out of convience): I was an art teacher, you probably like art ..who's opinion holds more weight, mine or yours?

So because you've taught art, your opinion means more or is somehow more informed than mine? That is ****ing assumptious of you.

might I remind you of your constant criticism of muslims and CIAR usually without a single shred of evidence or worse yet inaccurate information that you clearly did not research

Criticism of Muslims: There's a difference between criticizing Muslims and criticizing terrorists. Granted, most terrorists are Muslims, but please, I urge you to find some of that flaming rhetoric where I say that the entire Muslim world is inferior to our Western one. As far as CAIR goes, having been a fundraiser for Hamas, with many of its elected directors having been jailed for terrorist related activities, I say it's only fair that they get their share of criticism. Like the IRA. They have turned into something else, but they, unlike CAIR, aren't sueing anyone who highlights these awkward quirks of theirs. You see, I need to elaborate on this in front of you because you already labelled me a racist.

why is it so hard to understand that if a group with a specific agenda publishes articles that adhere to that specific agenda regardless of factual accuracy they're biased ..I mean their sole raison d'etre is to take on whatever issue they've commited themselves to regardless if it's true or not.. certainly you should be able to see that it's little more than propaganda reporting is supposed to be about reporting news not opinionating ..that's what editorials are for

Oh God, do you hear yourself? Whether the source is biased or not is irrelevant to you. You avoid addressing various issues that don't lean against your political mindset because you can't spin them or disprove them. That's what you did in this thread and you've done it before.

oh for the love shut the **** up ..seriously you're a mental midget who cant get past one or two points are you answering anything I've posted in this thread? you just spew sentence after sentence that effectively says absolutely NOTHING except to regurgitate the same idiotic points over and over again ..stop wasting my time if you cant find the cajones to address my points directly

Watch out everyone, he's gonna blow! ...again. Seriously, going temper tantrum every time you're mad doesn't help you. Makes you look like... To be honest, it makes you look immature and childish. I ****ing have to regurgitate it untill you learn that not everything that doesn't sit well with you is propaganda.

I've read all of your stupid threads on CIAR fact most of the time I end up making you look like a fool by pointing out either how inaccurate your research is or how stupid the subject is least I do the research, I'm convinced you dont even click on the links I provide ..that last thread on top signs of fascism more than proved that

Heh, that was a nice post I guess. But then again, you did the same thing each time I presented information on CAIR's past from various sources. I can't stress this enough because you will look the other way each time. Reading the thread != reading the articles posted. I have a feeling that deep down, you know this. Reading between the lines here, you seem to imply that there are moments where you do not end of making me look like a fool, when are these moments? I know you can't name any, as it's just decor for your rhetoric, just like your insults.

I'm curious, and I want you to answer this - Do you still think I hate black people? Remember that little incident - I remembered an episode of South Park, and you called me a racist, believing I had deeper reasons for doing so. I think you also called me an idiot, but it's hard to keep count of the times you've done that. Call me all the names you can find, but please, I wanna know.