DEATH OF A PRESIDENT--A new movie about the assassination of George W. Bush.

Feb 24, 2005
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Gabriel Range, the British producer/director/creator of "Death of a President," the fictional documentary that sight unseen became one of the most talked-about movies of the Toronto Film Festival, has sold U.S. distribution rights to Newmarket Films, which handled Mel Gibson's equally provocative movie "The Passion of the Christ."

The film is shot as if it were a conventional television documentary, even though the events are fictional.

Range, who also co-wrote the film, uses footage taken of Bush during three visits to Chicago to create the scenes that lead up top the president being shot.

He also uses special digital effects to superimpose the head of the president on that of an actor pretending to be shot, and he creates a flowery eulogy delivered by President Dick Cheney at the funeral of his predecessor.

"People didn't know what to expect. Our film has a very striking premise but it is not sensational or gratuitous. I hope people will see it as a balanced film and compelling drama. It is an oblique look at the ways the United States has changed since 9/11. We use the lens of the future to explain the past.

Well, I can't say that this sounds like a great idea, but it will certainly generate some buzz. I actually have no idea how this is going to sit with the people of this country or the world for that matter. While Bush is not exactly loved by many people in the world, I don't think making a mockumentary about his assassination will do anything but piss even more people off. It just smacks of bad taste imho, but, having not seen it, I can't say for sure what their intentions are. Thoughts?
Personally, I wouldn't call it a "mockumentary", simply because so many people might take that the wrong way (as, to most people, I assume the word "mock" conjures thoughts of comedy or heavy satirical mocking).

Still, sounds like a cool movie.
mockumentary = This is Spinal Tap

this is not a mockmentary there a name for documentaries that are more like wishful thinking? :E
From what ive heard, it isnt concentrating on the assassination itself - its more about the events leading up to it, the political aftermath etc. So its probably less sensationalist than you may think. I could be wrong though.

Its getting shown on tv here in a month or two, so we shall see!

On a related note, some of the people in the US who are saying it shouldnt have been made are the same people who were going on about the importance of freedom of speech in the wake of the Danish cartoons controversy. Hypocrites...
I could understand concern. We could see future assassination attempts inspired by the movie.
I could understand concern. We could see future assassination attempts inspired by the movie.

I dunno, if somebody is plotting to kill the president I doubt they need a TV movie to inspire them. They're probably determined/crazy enough to do something anyway.
Jebus, fine--its not a mockumentary you anal twats! Its just a fake documentary then. :dozey:
Sounds interesting, unless it's nothing but the killing of George Bush and no other purpose.