don't you question anything?

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Jan 8, 2010
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~ This is in no way meant to be a Troll-Thread, i honestly want to know your answers to this question~

Christianity Questionnaire

1. There are thousands of different religions in the world, and in the vast majority of cases people follow the dominant faith of the culture they were born into. Is it not arrogant and self-centred to think that your faith is the "true" one and all the others are false?

2. What is the point of prayer? Surely your god knows what you are going to pray for beforehand - and has already decided on his course of action. Is it not absurd to think that you can persuade god to change his mind?

3. Why does god insist that you worship him? Is he insecure - or an egomaniac?

4. Matthew 1:16 "And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus."
Luke 3:23 "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli."
The bible is full of contradictions - explain how, even with just the small and fairly insignificant contradiction above, the bible can be the infallible word of god.

5. Thomas Paine: "Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon that the Word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and for my own part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel."
Please explain why the bible is referred to as the "good book".

6. Thomas Paine was referring to the old testament in the above quote. Please explain why the god of the old testament (an angry, vengeful god, worthy of scorn not worship) - is so different from the god talked about in the new testament.

Q7 (regarding creation)

a. "In the beginning God created the heaven and earth" ... what was god doing before "the beginning", and where did he reside?

b. Explain how god made light, then separated light from darkness, BEFORE he had created the sun, moon and stars.

c. Explain why "he made the stars also" - countless billions of them - at the end of the forth day, when it had taken him all of the previous time to work on just one small planet.

d. "And God set them [the stars] in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth". We know that the stars are not set in anything, and they are rather more than just light-givers (particularly as most cannot even been seen from earth). Why is god so ignorant about his own creation?

8. Thomas Paine: "When I am told that a woman called Mary said that she was with child without any co-habitation with a man, and that her betrothed husband Joseph said that an angel told him so [in a dream!] I have a right to believe them or not; such a circumstance requires a much stronger evidence than their bare word for it; but we have not even this - for neither Joseph nor Mary wrote any such matter themselves; it is only reported by others they said so - it is hearsay upon hearsay, and I do not choose to rest my belief upon such evidence."
Please explain why you believe that Mary was a virgin mother.

9. Please also explain why you believe that Jesus rose from the dead, and why the accounts in the bible of this event conflict.

10. Jesus apparently died for us, facing god's wrath in our place. Why did he have to do this? Why couldn't god forgive us anyway? Why does god - a perfect being - have negative, human-based emotions like anger and wrath? Is not the whole concept absurd?

11. Please attempt to justify eternal damnation. Surely even the most evil people who ever lived (Hitler, Stalin etc.) don't deserve to be horrifically punished for eternity (and I don't think many Christians have really thought about what eternity really is).
Religion is a made up story so everyone has some sort of purpose to live.
exactly how i feel, im just wondering how anybody, in the face of reason and logic and evidence to the contrary, can possibly believe in something as outdated as religion.
**** religion. Make me world president, and I'll show you a world without religion. Might take a few decades, though.
What does it matter if someone has different beliefs and follows a certain religion? The religion doesn't necessarily have to be "right", it's just what they believe. I used to be a Christian but I'm sort of not any more (I'm not going to discuss here why I stopped following that religion). And do those questions really need to be answered?
I'm questioning why you use ~ so much, it makes you seem like a spammer or something. Not saying you are, but it just makes me not want to read any of your posts. Also grammar god dammit, capitals and punctuations and shit.
What does it matter if someone has different beliefs and follows a certain religion?

Because people use their beliefs to justify their actions. I would prefer people to have a logically sound, sane set of beliefs, because it makes the world a safer place.

This is especially true in countries where religion is hopelessly entangled with the state, like in, say, Iran. Even in America, politicians are routinely influenced by religion, and use religious justification for their actions.

But not only politicians, or people in power, but simply ordinary people I meet every day are influenced to certain actions and prejudices on the basis of their religious beliefs. This is not something simply confined to people's heads.

Is it too much to ask that people have reasonably justified beliefs?

The religion doesn't necessarily have to be "right", it's just what they believe.

Isn't it better to believe something that is right rather than something which is wrong, regardless of the circumstances?

And do those questions really need to be answered?

He raised some fairly good questions which ought to be justified by any Christian. If someone wants to base their entire life on an ideal, wouldn't it make sense for them to make sure that what they believed was rationally sound?

Oh, and as for the OP, could you justify this statement before you begin criticizing religion? :

The supernatural is something that isn't supposed to happen, but it does happen
Never question faith, it's been around for thousands of years, and I think I would trust it more than saying evolution is real!

An atheist says that we were made from apes which is wrong and immoral. He also believes that everything was created from nothing. Christianity at least believes in morals.
Yes, everything. And I am seriously questioning your avatar right now.
~ This is in no way meant to be a Troll-Thread, i honestly want to know your answers to this question~

Christianity Questionnaire

1. There are thousands of different religions in the world, and in the vast majority of cases people follow the dominant faith of the culture they were born into. Is it not arrogant and self-centred to think that your faith is the "true" one and all the others are false?
Faiths have become very familial, however this is not necessarily because each member believes their faith is the one true faith. They just haven't been exposed to any other religions. Being brought up as a Christian, going to church when you're younger etc. doesn't automatically indoctrinate you (as has especially been seen in today's youths). The problem lies with faiths being used as territory markers, relying on entire cultures being merged to synonymity with these religions. This is a problem with religious leaders, not the ideas of the religions themselves.

2. What is the point of prayer? Surely your god knows what you are going to pray for beforehand - and has already decided on his course of action. Is it not absurd to think that you can persuade god to change his mind?
Praying is not seen of as a one-way message which God then mulls over and either accepts or denies. It's seen as more of a conversation. Have you ever tried having a conversation where one party has their fingers in their ears? Perhaps prayer creates an opening for God's love to get through to you, and by not praying, or even just conversing in your mind with whatever higher power you think may be out there, you're essentially sticking your fingers in your ears.

3. Why does god insist that you worship him? Is he insecure - or an egomaniac?
God doesn't insist that you worship him. He/She/It has never descended from the heavens to proclaim he requires a love quota. The only people that insist you worship God are the very people who stand to gain something from it. There used to be a time when Christians said that only men of the cloth, who were trained in Latin, could speak with God in his native tongue. That way, it keeps the general population in what is essentially a subscription service. They would pay whatever they could, and the priests or whatever would pray for them.

4. Matthew 1:16 "And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus."
Luke 3:23 "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli."
The bible is full of contradictions - explain how, even with just the small and fairly insignificant contradiction above, the bible can be the infallible word of god.
This shouldn't need explaining. It's obvious--and has been for a long time--that the bible was merely created by scholars centuries after the supposed birth and death of Christ. The fact it contains contradictions just proves that point further. The only people who claim it's the infallible word of God are again those who stand to gain from it. Or mentally ill.

5. Thomas Paine: "Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon that the Word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and for my own part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel."
Please explain why the bible is referred to as the "good book".
Because "****in' epic fantasy, y'all" was already taken. Seriously does this really need answering? Giving it a negative connotation would make less people want it. Advertising 101.

6. Thomas Paine was referring to the old testament in the above quote. Please explain why the god of the old testament (an angry, vengeful god, worthy of scorn not worship) - is so different from the god talked about in the new testament.
See response to question 4. The scholars noting the tales down were like "yo dawg, this shit is dark!" and the other scholars replied with, "oh snap brah, let's make God get all stoned and be like 'it's aaaawl coooool'.

Q7 (regarding creation)

a. "In the beginning God created the heaven and earth" ... what was god doing before "the beginning", and where did he reside?
a) probably fapping (explains the big bang), and b) in space, duh.

b. Explain how god made light, then separated light from darkness, BEFORE he had created the sun, moon and stars.
To be able to invent light, you must first define it.

c. Explain why "he made the stars also" - countless billions of them - at the end of the forth day, when it had taken him all of the previous time to work on just one small planet.
Rush job. He had so much to do by day seven so he thought he could just come back to them later.

d. "And God set them [the stars] in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth". We know that the stars are not set in anything, and they are rather more than just light-givers (particularly as most cannot even been seen from earth). Why is god so ignorant about his own creation?
He's not? God didn't write the bible, you know...

8. Thomas Paine: "When I am told that a woman called Mary said that she was with child without any co-habitation with a man, and that her betrothed husband Joseph said that an angel told him so [in a dream!] I have a right to believe them or not; such a circumstance requires a much stronger evidence than their bare word for it; but we have not even this - for neither Joseph nor Mary wrote any such matter themselves; it is only reported by others they said so - it is hearsay upon hearsay, and I do not choose to rest my belief upon such evidence."
Please explain why you believe that Mary was a virgin mother.
Anal totally means she was still a virgin.

9. Please also explain why you believe that Jesus rose from the dead, and why the accounts in the bible of this event conflict.
Because zombies are awesome, and it's hard to avoid contradictions when a zombie Jesus is chewing on your brain.

10. Jesus apparently died for us, facing god's wrath in our place. Why did he have to do this? Why couldn't god forgive us anyway? Why does god - a perfect being - have negative, human-based emotions like anger and wrath? Is not the whole concept absurd?
Not if we are merely made in His/Her/It's image. Also God was totally going through a manic depressive phase back then. He's ok now though.

11. Please attempt to justify eternal damnation. Surely even the most evil people who ever lived (Hitler, Stalin etc.) don't deserve to be horrifically punished for eternity (and I don't think many Christians have really thought about what eternity really is).
It's really not that bad. I hear most of them even get day releases to Los Angeles, where it's only marginally hotter.

Hope that answers most of your questions. As you can tell I got a bit bored half way through.
Never question faith, it's been around for thousands of years, and I think I would trust it more than saying evolution is real!

An atheist says that we were made from apes which is wrong and immoral. He also believes that everything was created from nothing. Christianity at least believes in morals.

ZT, you're my favorite troll.
the best thing you could do for an anti-religious society is to make babies and teach them not to learn about any religions
Religion is a byproduct of humans knowing our own mortality and worthlessness.
the best thing you could do for an anti-religious society is to make babies and teach them not to learn about any religions

And instead rely on them to be brought up on the many wrong beliefs some anti-religious people have about religion. That'll solve the problem.

And how can you teach someone not to learn about something? Isn't that a sort of contradiction? Many of the problems the world has are simply because people don't know more about the world around them. And to think that barring kids from learning about other cultures and ways of thinkings is absurd. How would that make the situation any better?
You know I almost made a serious response.

Then I realized I'd get trolled to hell for it, and realized the OP is trolling just like every other post he's made so far.
Why is this troll not banned yet? It was obvious from post #1 it made.
1. There are thousands of different religions in the world, and in the vast majority of cases people follow the dominant faith of the culture they were born into. Is it not arrogant and self-centred to think that your faith is the "true" one and all the others are false?

One can turn the same question on Athiests/non-believers. There are thousands of different beliefs in the world. Is it not arrogant and self-centered to think that your "belief" is the "true" one and all the others are false?

Not trying to offend/troll anyone, unlike OP.
So, guys, how long before the mods ban this asshat for trolling? I give it two weeks, three at the outside.
I like how OP implies that people here believe in anything.
Haha I actually didn't see the OP's name at first and thought this was made by jverne.
Although questioning things is always a healthy attitude and promotes learning, allow me to answer one of many of my life questions for myself.

Do I question this thread? Not really, because it's all too common for a noob forumite to post threads about religion.
The new guy talks too much, we should kill him before anything gets out of hand
The OP likes to watch furry animals have sex... How can you expect a serious discussion from that!
Hint: if a newbie has to put a disclaimer saying "this isn't meant to be a troll thread" then it's definitely a troll thread.
ban ban ban ban ban ban
All right, all of you who responded with serious replies go sit in the corner for an hour

go on

TechnoHippyChic regulate this douche friend of yours
I question why you continue to make these obviously contentious threads.
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