Dream Jobs


Nov 3, 2007
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I know there has probably been hundreds of these but not recently so we need another

My dream jobs

I want to be a Chef
I also want to be a Officer in the Military

What're yours?
I want to be a Chef
I also want to be a Officer in the Military
I've always wanted to be a 3d modeler for video games. That's not going to happen, so instead I'll settle for being a successful video game programmer. Not grunt work, higher tier shit!

Unless you mean TF2 engineer, that is one of the most vague things I've ever heard. :-P
Dream job: what Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May do.

Realistic dream job: working for either BMW, Mercedes or VW (or any company they own)
Dream Job: Rockstar. Pretty much an typical 80's rockstar, but I wouldn't get mixed up with coke and shit, I'd be a normal person just playing my music, making millions, loved by all.

Realistic Dream Job: Music Teacher after going to university for music (oh I can't wait). Maybe (since music teachers make alot of money, atleast in my area they sure as shit do, my old music teacher had 2 houses, big mansion type ones, and one was right on the beach to the lake) open and own my own guitar shop.. I go to my local one all the time, it's just the best thing ever. They sit there playing instruments all day, and selling/talking about music.. I'm not talking about big ass 'Guitar Center' kind of stores, I mean like a small ma n' pa business. If ma n' pa played electric guitars.
Main/realistic dream job: Environmental Engineer... doing research on hazardous waste cleanup. Just something to feel like I'm doing something useful.

Side dream job: Phytoremediation researcher. I just found out about "phytoremediation" (using plants to absorb/get rid of hazardous chemicals), and now I wish I had known about it earlier. Plants plus cleaning up waste... wow. Unfortunately you have to have extensive background in plant biology to do that.

Unrealistic dream job from elementary/middle school: Video game reviewer. I thought it would be great to be able to play lots of games for free as soon as (or before) they came out, and get paid for it.
Actor/Comic is my dream job, always will be, and I plan to pursue it! That and writing fiction; short stories, novels etc etc
So a man dies and goes to hell for various reasons. Satan takes him on a tour, showing him the sightsm the pools of brimstone, the pits of suffering, etc. As this man is taking this all in, he's wondering what's in store for him. He asks, and Satan explains,"Well, we've got a couple of openings available. Let me show you-" and leads him down a hallway. Satan opens one door and inside is a man piercing penises stuck through holes in the wall with long needles. Satan's new subject says, ehh, no thanks, and they move on. In the next room a woman is working a conveyour belt loaded up with different body parts. Again, the man politely declines. They move on- Satan opens the last door in the hallway, and the man is surprised to recognize Bill Clinton, sitting on the edge of a bed recieving fellatio from a female companion. The man watches for a moment, and says, "This is alright, Satan, I think I can do this." Satan says, "Alright. Monica, you're free to go."
I want to be a model and a photographer of myself and I'll sleep my way to the top.

and hobo by night
I want to be a model and a photographer of myself and I'll sleep my way to the top.

and hobo by night

That reminds me... I used to want to be a hobo when I was a kid. Actually, I wanted to be an artist, but my mom told me I would turn into one of those "starving artists," so I said I would be a hobo. I still joke that I'm going to end up living in a cardboard box on the streets. Maybe find a stray dog for companionship.
That reminds me... I used to want to be a hobo when I was a kid.
ptshh! who didn't?
Actually, I wanted to be an artist, but my mom told me I would turn into one of those "starving artists,"
It's like turning into a vampire.

I still joke that I'm going to end up living in a cardboard box on the streets.
You can practice by playing Metal Gear.

Maybe find a stray dog for companionship.
You can't buy love! The best dog is a free dog. They come to you. Or you steal them from the neighbor.
Some of those hobo dogs are really big and scary-looking though. Like, scarier-looking than the hobos.
Hobos are only scary because they are unpredictable and desperate. They weigh like 80 lbs. They only look big because they have so many layers of smelly used clothes.

I want a dog that wears an eye patch.
My stuffed animal dog used to wear an eye patch. One time my sister was swinging him around and his eye fell out.
I'm gonna be a journalist.

Or a novelist.

Hopefully dream job one will lead to dream job two.
Level designer/artist at GRIN in Gothenburg. Seems like that chance escaped me during the summer though :/ Should have been more active, oh well... another year of Uni left!
Freelance editor/fiction writer.

Film director.

Yeah, good luck to me.
Dream job: Journalist/reviewer for a popular videogame magazine.

Realistic Dream job: An IT engineer/Officer for the US NAVY.
Dream Job: An embedded systems programmer for Intel or Freescale or something.

Realistic job: Dead end job as code monkey at a big software firm.
My dream career when I was younger, in a most ambitious kind of way was being a stand-up comedian. A more down to Earth dream job I wanted to do was graphic design.
Anything that requires little work and makes me lots of money.

Money can buy happiness. Oh yes it can.

Officer in the military? What branch?

Realistically? I'll probably end up working at a Nuke plant somehwere since thats the only expirience that I'm going to have over the next 6 years.
Dream Job: An embedded systems programmer for Intel or Freescale or something.

Realistic job: Dead end job as code monkey at a big software firm.

Code Monkey get up, get coffee...
I want to be a military officer.

But if you let me dream, I want to be a military officer in an intelligence unit responsible for domestic surveillance and security, which would let me fill out a form to get a warrent to wiretap anyone I deemed to be suspicious. I and my team in this "public security" section of the Army would listen or watch those evil leftist or liberals or hippies or whatever the current enemy is, and if they do as so much as whisper praise to the works of Marx, go full tactical with MPs on my back and bag the bastard. I would interrogate the man with glaring lights at his face, occasionally throwing ice cold water, shouting, coercing him to give his evil ways up or at least his cronies. I would take out left-leaning politicians that the Army heads or my boss that I'd never see deems to be too dangerous to live. I would call for security checks on those people on the internet who post anti-democratic messages, messages of hate, and of "class warfare". I would "disappear" people who are too famous to be killed. I would....

Well you get the idea.
I want to be a military officer.

But if you let me dream, I want to be a member of the thought police.

I shortened it for ya.

Dream job? Writer. Science fiction-writer preferrably.
Successful movie/game director, F-22 Pilot, Astronaut, Physicist working at CERN, Disney Imagineer, Playboy Photographer, Porn Star.
I want to be a military officer.

But if you let me dream, I want to be a military officer in an intelligence unit responsible for domestic surveillance and security, which would let me fill out a form to get a warrent to wiretap anyone I deemed to be suspicious. I and my team in this "public security" section of the Army would listen or watch those evil leftist or liberals or hippies or whatever the current enemy is, and if they do as so much as whisper praise to the works of Marx, go full tactical with MPs on my back and bag the bastard. I would interrogate the man with glaring lights at his face, occasionally throwing ice cold water, shouting, coercing him to give his evil ways up or at least his cronies. I would take out left-leaning politicians that the Army heads or my boss that I'd never see deems to be too dangerous to live. I would call for security checks on those people on the internet who post anti-democratic messages, messages of hate, and of "class warfare". I would "disappear" people who are too famous to be killed. I would....

Well you get the idea.

My god.
Manager of my own science company
Photographer for National Geographic
Physicist working at CERN

I never should have read 1984.

EDIT: This looks like a great job, tbh.

Children's party planner. There aren't many of them in my area so it would be great if i had my own party planning business. I'm doing childcare this year at college so that should help me get a job as a party planner. When I leave college i plan to work for a local business called the Party Crew, and after that, when I'm about 40 odd I'll start my own business.
Also being a professional cake decorator would be awesome as well!! I'll have to show you some pics of the cakes i have done.
I'm already in a pretty sweet job.

I want to be a scriptwriter. Not for films, I can't stand film. I want to be a playwright. I'm already halfway there, it's ****ing awesome.

Dude, Iron Kat that's a pretty cute job.
Working at Valve
Working at Google
Owning a major business of my interest.
3d Artist for a video game developer. I plan to eventually go to one of those computer graphics art schools around here in a couple years.