F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin

The score on EG was harsh but the actual review wasn't too bad and seems to reflect what alot of ppl are saying. I.e. More of the same.
Wow 5/10? It must be really bad.
Damn you yanks.

Another 3 days here, stupid friday releases!
Wow 5/10? It must be really bad.

Yeah, you ignore the fact that everywhere else it's picking up 8/10 and 9/10's and concentrate all your attention towards this one bad ill-informedd review :rolleyes:

Dynasty I will airmail you a copy in like a day you bitch. Just ****ing chill.

It won't do him any good, he'll not be able to unlock it on steam until Friday.
It won't do him any good, he'll not be able to unlock it on steam until Friday.

The retail version will work, at least thats what one of the devs said on the forums.
Yeah, you ignore the fact that everywhere else it's picking up 8/10 and 9/10's and concentrate all your attention towards this one bad ill-informedd review :rolleyes:

It won't do him any good, he'll not be able to unlock it on steam until Friday.
And you ignore the fact that most gaming journalists are retards, hence why Halo 3 usually gets a professional rating of over 90%.
Yeah, you ignore the fact that everywhere else it's picking up 8/10 and 9/10's and concentrate all your attention towards this one bad ill-informedd review :rolleyes:

It's a review by Kieron Gillen (ex-PCG UK). His reviewes were always good (especially his Deus Ex 2 review on PCG UK, 01/04), so I trust him.
Anyone know what the patch fixes? I know leaning and quicksave are not going to be added with the patch according do the devs as they claim they are gameplay decisions, so does anyone know if the letterboxing has been fixed?
It's a review by Kieron Gillen (ex-PCG UK). His reviewes were always good (especially his Deus Ex 2 review on PCG UK, 01/04), so I trust him.

Except some of the things he said in that review are wrong, according to a few people here.
Except some of the things he said in that review are wrong, according to a few people here.

There's a big thread over at the FEAR 2 forums about that review and a few guys said that the same things this reviewer bashed in FEAR 2 such as the "check list of features" "tunnel gameplay" "lack of innovation", were completely overlooked in his Killzone 2 review. Killzone 2 got 9/10 BTW.

So yeah double standards for the win.

Here's an interview done ingame.

it isn't steam only......there are retail copies

Yeah it is, steam is needed to play the game, retail or digital, hence why the pirated encrypted steam filed retail hasn't been cracked yet, it needs steam to decrypt it.
i'd say it's more like a 7 or 8 out of 10
nothing groundbreaking, just a solid continuation of the first game with some minor tweaks and upgrades
i'm still excited to play it!
i'd say it's more like a 7 or 8 out of 10
nothing groundbreaking, just a solid continuation of the first game with some minor tweaks and upgrades
i'm still excited to play it!

How can you give it a 7 or an 8 when you haven't even played the full game yet?
You don't know if it's a solid continuation, everything after the demo could be absolute shit. i'm not saying that it will be, but you can't rate a game you haven't played yet. At least the reviewer no matter how flawed their reviews are have played the game. And it's always the case that high profile game ala Killzone don't get rated as harsh as others it's nothing new.
Well, I'll be playing the full game shortly, I would think it's better than a 5 based on the demo alone.
Yeah lets rate a game that has almost the same flaws higher just because it's more popular. Sorry but that throws their credibility out the proverbial window.

And this thread is just :flame:

That link is disturbing, what have Monolith been doing? I wasn't expect massive changes with the patch, but i was expecting at least the letterboxing to be fixed and perhaps the mouse buttons. So much for the game shipping with patch. I feel sorry for those who are going to have their first play though ruined, now we know why they kept quiet on what the patch fixes cause it fixes nothing on what the community complained about.
Well, I'll be playing the full game shortly, I would think it's better than a 5 based on the demo alone.

Give us your impressions after you've played the game. ;)

And most importantly check the game version, I'm betting they haven't released that patch yet.
I'm planning on getting the game this weekend, but I probably won't be able to play it until late during this weekend.
so I tried the demo...while the environments are much better and more varied than the first one, I didn't find it scary at all....it's basically the same bag of tricks all over again, by the end of the demo I was already getting bored with the super-natural aspect of the game and wished it would just not be there and have more focus on combat.

combat is more or less the same, AI is sucky as it ever was and the iron sights are pointless due to the weapon spread....all in all I'm about as meh as I was with the first one.
A moderator on the FEAR forums confirmed that the retail version ships with the patch in place. FEAR v1.01

So unless that guy played an unpatched steam version (unlikely since the steam version isn't unlocked yet), it looks like they really haven't fixed a damn thing. :(
A moderator on the FEAR forums confirmed that the retail version ships with the patch in place. FEAR v1.01

So unless that guy played an unpatched steam version (unlikely since the steam version isn't unlocked yet), it looks like they really haven't fixed a damn thing. :(

There is a cracked version doing the rounds that is extracted from the retail cd's, so if the patch is added on steam, then it's possible his version does not have it.
My friend just had his Steam version update and it's version V1.01 now. Yet still all the complained issues are still there. I'm sure Monolith will fix some of these issues eventually. But the way they said a patch would be released on launch day had me and many other people thinking that alot of those issues we were having would be fixed. What have they fixed?

Has anyone here played the full game what do you think of it?
Yeah it is, steam is needed to play the game, retail or digital, hence why the pirated encrypted steam filed retail hasn't been cracked yet, it needs steam to decrypt it.

umm then how are people playing the game then??? care to explain that sherlock.
Yeah it is, steam is needed to play the game, retail or digital, hence why the pirated encrypted steam filed retail hasn't been cracked yet, it needs steam to decrypt it..

Actually that's false. The retail versions are not encrypted i have a friend who's been playing it before release. The Retail version come with everything needed including the exe. All you have to do is extract all the files from the disc image to bypass the installer then copy over some cracked steam dll's and it works. I can't say the exact method as i didn't see him do it but that's pretty much how he said he did it and i did see him playing it.
It's strange why Monolith didn't bother with Steams Zero day protection as that's the main form of piracy Steam is effective against. If you include the exe and don't encrypt the files then why bother?
Actually that's false. The retail versions are not encrypted i have a friend who's been playing it before release. The Retail version come with everything needed including the exe. All you have to do is extract all the files from the disc image to bypass the installer then copy over some cracked steam dll's and it works. I can't say the exact method as i didn't see him do it but that's pretty much how he said he did it and i did see him playing it.
It's strange why Monolith didn't bother with Steams Zero day protection as that's the main form of piracy Steam is effective against. If you include the exe and don't encrypt the files then why bother?

The fact remains that Legally Steam is needed.

umm then how are people playing the game then??? care to explain that sherlock.

Because it has since been cracked Sherlock. The retail legal game needs Steam, do some research before you try being clever.
The fact remains that Legally Steam is needed.

No it doesn't. All you need is one legit Steam file that everyone has no matter if you don't own any games and a Steam loader. A Legit Steam client is not needed to play the Steam version or the retail version. I've seen it in action, you don't need to have Steam running to play it and it works online aswell. So sorry there Sherlock, but there was ways to bypass the need for Steam on the retail version before it was released. The methods used to crack L4D and Saint Row 2 all worked on this and was made easier by the fact that no encryption and all the files were included on disk.
Going to pick it up right now. Post a few screenshots later.
No it doesn't. All you need is one legit Steam file that everyone has no matter if you don't own any games and a Steam loader. A Legit Steam client is not needed to play the Steam version or the retail version. I've seen it in action, you don't need to have Steam running to play it and it works online aswell. So sorry there Sherlock, but there was ways to bypass the need for Steam on the retail version before it was released. The methods used to crack L4D and Saint Row 2 all worked on this and was made easier by the fact that no encryption and all the files were included on disk.

You appear to igonre the word Legally, bypassing steam is not legal at all. The game is released to run on steam, the only way of avoiding this is to use cracked .dll files, hence, illegal. Nobody could play the retail released version before released until the loader was released. The warezz forums were full of people waiting for this crack, so there was no way the game could be run from the CD before this crack appeared.
You appear to igonre the word Legally, bypassing steam is not legal at all. The game is released to run on steam, the only way of avoiding this is to use cracked .dll files, hence, illegal. Nobody could play the retail released version before released until the loader was released. The warezz forums were full of people waiting for this crack, so there was no way the game could be run from the CD before this crack appeared.

Sorry, i was referring to when you said that the Steam version was encrypted and hasn't been cracked yet. Oh and that loader was made back when HL2 was released and has worked for every Steam based DRM to date, including Fear 2. Kinda makes you think why Valve doesn't update the DRM on Steam. Is there any news of a proper patch? not the BS patch that was released. I saw the game on sale for ?9.97 and thought for that price it's worth it. Only Steam says it's "not available for purchase in this country" and won't let me finish activating. Anyone know how to fix this?
Played about 4 hours of it today before I accidentally corrupted my save and had to start over. You know what though? I wasn't mad and I didn't care. The game is ****ing good so I had no problem replaying those parts.



