Folding@Home - #96276

Our first snow, new SMP client out, and I'm folding again (using DEINO). I don't think it's working right? It's only running one instance of fah6.exe. It's also running FahCore_78.exe, which seems to be the only service doing any work. :rolleyes:

edit - fixed.
I've been trying out the GPU client, at least it's actually working.
So today F@H decided to jump ship. I'm getting repeated 'serious' errors (Client-core communications error 0x1). I'll try restarting it a few hundred times before, well, waiting for the next beta (or someone to have a simple fix).
Managed to do quite a bit over the Christmas break, with the new 9800 GTX ramping away but we could do with a lot more people folding if we want to maintain our present position or even go up. Maybe some kind of front page recruitment drive or something?
I'm using BOINC LHC@Home and I'm currently member of the Richard Dawkins Foundation team (sorry, Kadayi) I just don't know if I can be member of more groups...
I'm using BOINC LHC@Home and I'm currently member of the Richard Dawkins Foundation team (sorry, Kadayi) I just don't know if I can be member of more groups...

Join us instead, surely you spend more time here than with The Dawkins? :naughty:
I just got my SMP client working again. I have a new video card that'll be able to fold too, that I'll enlist when it gets here.

Polaris, are you folding, or doing simulations for the LHC (or both)?
I am folding proteins on a 2600 pro. :p It says it will take me 22 hours to reach 10,000,000. Whatever those numbers mean.
I spend 90% of my processor time on nothing, so here goes.
Join us instead, surely you spend more time here than with The Dawkins? :naughty:
Well, I'll consider that.

I just got my SMP client working again. I have a new video card that'll be able to fold too, that I'll enlist when it gets here.

Polaris, are you folding, or doing simulations for the LHC (or both)?
I'm more focusing on LHC (some crazy European pride I guess) but when LHC is idle I run protein folding.
I thought the LCH chores were for design purposes? Are they distributing work as needed when the experiments belch out data?
Edit: Nevermind. Have my 4850 and PS3 up and running.
I joined our Group#.


Excellent. Good to see so many people coming on board with this. It seems all a little up hill initially, but after a while it becomes quite compelling and personally rewarding when you hit your next target.

How on earth did you score 4,224 points for 3 WUs today? What's the secret :rolleyes:

Also 938 in the rankings now Woohoo ;)
It's probably the 2 SMP clients I have running in linux. Quad core CPU. 2 VMware setups covering 2 of the cores each and both with SMP folding. And with the Linux SMP client there are some WUs worth 1920 (takes a day to finish). 2x1920=3840
And 384 is what a GPU WU often is worth (but those are finished in hours).

But the GPUs do more points per day. It's just turn in with smaller chunks.
Also 938 in the rankings now Woohoo ;)
Yeah, we are doing really well again now that we have more people involved. Every bit helps.
Averaging 25,000 points per day. Did ~30,000 the last two days.
Yeah it is going well, we should be into the 800s in a week. I think if we can hit top 500 by next year that would be a considerable achievement.

I'm pondering a few upgrades at present: a new processor almost certainly (eyeing up a quad 2.83) and maybe doubling up on the GFX card, but a lot depends upon the work situation as things are a little ropey due to the recession, so we'll have to see.

It's good to see more people active and a lot seem to have really gotten into it as well.
I'm going to try and convince my fiancee to let me fold using her 4850. She barely plays any games anyways, so she won't miss it.

Edit: She wanted to use her own name, so welcome Ali to the team!
I am in as EvoWales

I'm going to try and convince my fiancee to let me fold using her 4850. She barely plays any games anyways, so she won't miss it.

Edit: She wanted to use her own name, so welcome Ali to the team!


edit. updated first post of sticky regarding different F@H clients, links and PPD.
I'm going to try and convince my fiancee to let me fold using her 4850. She barely plays any games anyways, so she won't miss it.

Edit: She wanted to use her own name, so welcome Ali to the team!

Hi! I am Ali, Sedako's fiancee. I got the program installed and have completed one so far!
Hi! I am Ali, Sedako's fiancee. I got the program installed and have completed one so far!

Sweet, welcome to the team. It gets quite addictive after a while :)

Edit: you're not showing in the latest team listing, did you put the team number in the configuration dialog box? 96276?
I am now in a race with giant.


Of course Kadayi will soon pass us both...
Sweet, welcome to the team. It gets quite addictive after a while :)

Edit: you're not showing in the latest team listing, did you put the team number in the configuration dialog box? 96276?


Yes, I did put the team number in. Not sure why it isn't showing up. When I click on MyFolding in the folder that appeared from unzipping the download, I have the right team number put in and I show up on this page with the team stats.
I would check back in 70mins (their next update). The 3rd party stat sites are delayed by a few hours from Stanford's stats page.
3pm extremeoverclocking updates from Stanford current (soon to be old) stats.
3:30pm Stanford updates their own with new stats from user clients. will have those new stats the next time they updates from Stanford (maybe 6pm).
Everything is there now.

Just noticed we're over the 2 million mark already :smoking:

*pops virtual champagne

when you check the team overtake page it looks like we're heading into the harder territory though, with the teams more spaced out in terms of points. Our progress should slow somewhat in terms of ranking.

Naud/Giant. Right now I'm not doing any gaming (other things on my mind) so the rig is 24/7 folding, but when I do decide to head back to Liberty City etc, then I expect my production rate to slow down to a more reasonable level. ;)
I just got a water cooled 280GTX that I'm tempted to run the GPU client on. How is the GPU client?
Ok. I just started a CPU work unit, so I'll wait until this clears before starting. A brief search on the web recommends a new nVidia driver (downloading now), the client (downloading now) and some configuration knowledge about running both a CPU and GPU client at the same time (reading as I type this). I'll fire this up in a few days.
Just make sure that the GPU has first dibs on priority since it's points are through the roof. Set it high in the settings. CPU is lower points so let it be the one to take the hit and wait for extra CPU cycles to work with.
Where are those settings found on the SMP client? The GPU client, when run without the SMP client, doesn't tax the CPU at all (maybe a few percent or so). Do I need to sweat core priority? The GPU2 client is ripping through the work units, maybe too fast: I got popped for an EUE earlier today. Restarting the GPU2 client cleared this, and I'll be checking for the cause once the current WU is finished. Possible causes?

I did switch users while the client(s) were folding. The GPU2 client is apparently sensitive to this.
Sketchy work orders have been reported - looking into this.
Stability? I wouldn't think so. Nothing on my system is overclocked, the power supply is a 700W job that meets the amp/rail requirements for the card, and the card (and CPU) are water cooled. Hours into both the SMP and GPU2 clients running together, the CPU is at 45*C (Real Temp 2.70) and the video card is at 40*/32*C (GPU-Z), so they seem fine.