Found it! Audio from 9/11. you hear explosions


Sep 23, 2003
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found a stream of it non torrent. There is the explosions that are noted on the camera filmed by rick siegel (trusted person from Camera Planet)
Whoever was asking for audio anaylisis here it is...
I didn't feel like getting yelled at for brining up an old old thread. So I made a new one.

After each explosions (keep in mind approx 9 [Less than I think, more like 7]second delay in the sound from across the hudson river) you can see dust rising from the streets keep in mind NO tower has fallen yet... so what could cause these dust clouds to be rising?
There is just a clip from a larger movie which goes into very detailed anaylisis of the building sound waves and they remove sound delay.

I still think this is an important topic and documenterys are still being made. There should be a great concern to everyone.
Let's try not getting into name calling again.

Oh and there are people reactions to explosions as quoted from AP

Two woman react to a third explosion at the World Trade towers, while observing from the Brooklyn Promenade which provides a view of the Manhattan skyline. Photos by Kathy Willens (AP) corresponding to these pictures

Also if you look at the auido stream
thanks to frank, we can see the explosions are at the 300hz mark and down.
Pauly said:
so what could cause these dust clouds to be rising?

Oh, I don't know... perhaps the hundreds of pieces of debris that fell from the tower before it callapsed?

The World Trade Center was a revolutionary type of building. It had a concrete core center and steel sheeted outer shell supports that ran the entire length of the building. Both towers also had 4 concrete supports on each corner of the building (running the entire length).


As you can see here, there is one of the steel supports. Do not be fooled, that piece likely weighted 3 tons, and pieces MUCH larger than that fell off prior to the building collapsing. Please keep in mind that even one ton of steel falling from over 500 feet is going to make one hell of a loud bang.

Then, again, conspiracy theorists conviently leave out facts like this when they present their "evidence."

Also, the helos flying around the WTC were all news and police helicopters. And multiple ones were flying around both towers at almost all times, therefore it's rather unlikely a chopper was "bombing" the towers.

It was me that asked for audio recordings.

Let me clarify.


The one that you think was brought down by explosives.
It collapsed several hours after WTC 1 and 2. In full view of the worlds press.

Again........World Trade Centre 7.

Not obscure recordings of 1 and 2, or dodgy links, photographs or even dodgy footage.

Audio recordings of WORLD TRADE CENTRE 7
SIlverstein the guy who owns the building says he gave the order to pull it.

Ill even give you a video if you want.
I've seen the video, so if it was pulled (actually the correct term is "drop", but I digress) and demolished by controlled explosives where are the audio recordings of.........................WTC 7?
Whys it matter, it proves that he demolished his own building when the fires were under control, ive heard the tapes, but cant find them.
You guys can't be serious...if your still believing those 9/11 conspiracy theories you need some help.
My personal opinion is that 2 of those choppers were actually alien ships using advanced visual stealth technology to disguise themselves as the helicopters.
The alien ships dropped steel eating nano machines onto the building to collapse it.
You can clearly see the "bird" at one point, but where does it come from?
Well i know what it really alien scouting pod, disguised as a bird.

But seriously, those explosions were pieces of the building falling off.
Put it this way, if a car hitting into a wall down the road recently sounded like a bomb in my house imagine what a great big lump of concrete/metal falling from the top of a skyscraper would sound like?
There is the energy of a few kilos of explosives there, so why shouldn't it sound like it too?

and if it's not falling stuff then it's gas containers or fuel air mixture dentonations (very likely in a building with gas supplies)
What is wrong with you conspiracy theorists? What is missing in your lives that you turn to the most far-fetched idiotic theories for the 'truth'? Is it the desire to feel superior to the general population by 'knowing what's really going on'? And in Solaris' case, do you need more justification for your hatred of the US? Newsflash, you're not someone who's onto something among a throng of sheep. You're a nutcase amidst a mostly sane population.
Glirk Dient said:
You guys can't be serious...if your still believing those 9/11 conspiracy theories you need some help.

You're correct; the sad part is that despite everything that is put in front of them, despite all logic and common sense some people need to cling to this great conspiracy.

9/11 was dreadful and the reason I dismiss these crackpot theories is simply because it they make a mockery of this tragic day.
baxter said:
You're correct; the sad part is that despite everything that is put in front of them, despite all logic and common sense some people need to cling to this great conspiracy.

9/11 was dreadful and the reason I dismiss these crackpot theories is simply because it they make a mockery of this tragic day.

Why did it take so long to muster fighters?
Save it pal, I have neither the time nor the inclination to answer bullshit questions.

You want to put bullshit theories forward, back them up with reputable sources.

You want to believe that the US really planned and carried mass murder of its own citizens, fine. Don’t expect me to play along with nonsense like this.
short recoil said:
My personal opinion is that 2 of those choppers were actually alien ships using advanced visual stealth technology to disguise themselves as the helicopters.
The alien ships dropped steel eating nano machines onto the building to collapse it.
You can clearly see the "bird" at one point, but where does it come from?
Well i know what it really alien scouting pod, disguised as a bird.


-Angry Lawyer
When he said "pull" he mean pull the firefighters out of the building. He was saying how they (firefighters) lost many men in the 2 towers and that they should pull them out of 7 World Trade Center. If Im not mistaken he was talking to a FDNY chief. Again, conspiracy theorists never like context in a phrase.
shadow6899 said:
it's funny all you people who say conspiracy theorists are nutjobs are doing a pretty good job of proveing they themselves are too. Everything you guys said about the conspiracy nutjobs could be true about you guys too. I don't see how you can automatically dismiss facts and the like just b/c you think it makes a mockery of the event. To me not knowing a truth is a bigger and far worse of a mockery to the lives lost during 9/11.

I saw the truth as it unfolded on television.

Shadow6899 said:
I don't see how you can automatically dismiss facts

These people have no facts, just crackpot theories.
shadow6899 said:
it's funny all you people who say conspiracy theorists are nutjobs are doing a pretty good job of proveing they themselves are too. Everything you guys said about the conspiracy nutjobs could be true about you guys too. I don't see how you can automatically dismiss facts and the like just b/c you think it makes a mockery of the event. To me not knowing a truth is a bigger and far worse of a mockery to the lives lost during 9/11.

The truth.....

On 9/11 four planes were hijacked, two slammed into the wtc's, one into the Pentagon, one crashed on route.
1000's of innocent lives were ended; thousands more still mourn the loss.

But this isn't enough for some, oh no, there has to be more. The US had to be involved somehow. Intelligence failing are not enough

Therein lays the mockery, half baked theories brought about by centring on certain facts and simply ignoring the rest.

This particular theory is so offensive it defies belief that anybody would give it any credibility whatsoever, but alas people do.

I would gladly be enlighted with the truth, maybe further facts but tenuous grasping at straws in a desperate attempt at pseudo intellect and rounding on the US Government in some bewildering attempt to discredit it with crackpot theories is not for me.
The cause of those outlines is explicitly stated in the so-called "DANGER MEMO," published in defiance of the US's men in black who would cover up the TERUTH.

Obviously the contents of this memo are true, as no-one has disproved them yet.

it's funny all you people who say conspiracy theorists are nutjobs are doing a pretty good job of proveing they themselves are too.
Totally man it they are! They themselves we said too, but I did they purpose.

I'll let that sink in.

Everything you guys said about the conspiracy nutjobs could be true about you guys too.
Except the plausible motivation and scientific basis that are missing in the arguments. Plus the lack of an understanding of the cause-and-effect logic that governs the real world.

I don't see how you can automatically dismiss facts and the like just b/c you think it makes a mockery of the event. To me not knowing a truth is a bigger and far worse of a mockery to the lives lost during 9/11.
Since you want to know the truth but don't know what a fact is, you'll love the DANGER MEMO. It is conclusive proof that aliens are inhabiting our appliances and 9/11 was only one part of their devious plot.

You can tell it's a devious plot because it makes no sense at all!
Wow search on google for this stuff. All of these conspiracy theories have been proved wrong or are do ridiculous no one can take them serious. That is why they remain conspiracy drop it already and get a life. Stuff like this is ridiculous.

Does jets taking a bit longer than usual to get in the air mean the WTC was bombed by aliens who are going to kill us all next? means they didn't know this was a threat and not an accident right away. Idiots...
i bet g.w. bush flew one of those planes into the WTC. he then teleported out with his alien teleporter from mars country.
Erestheux said:
i bet g.w. bush flew one of those planes into the WTC. he then teleported out with his alien teleporter from mars country.

Careful now, you might be giving them ideas.
Erestheux said:
i bet g.w. bush flew one of those planes into the WTC. he then teleported out with his alien teleporter from mars country.

Oh noes! This man knows the secret!

Deploy t3h secret bad luck invisible aliens to ruin his day!
Solaris said:
Whys it matter, it proves that he demolished his own building when the fires were under control, ive heard the tapes, but cant find them.


The fires were under control? So that's why the building was burning on 8 floors when it collapsed?

Quit listening to people with tinfoil on their head, and perhaps think for yourself (or just think) for once.

it's funny all you people who say conspiracy theorists are nutjobs are doing a pretty good job of proveing they themselves are too.

Perhaps you and I are reading a different thread. Oh, yeah, that's because the NSA altered my copy. Those guys have the REAL version.

Everything you guys said about the conspiracy nutjobs could be true about you guys too.

No, they can't.

I don't see how you can automatically dismiss facts and the like just b/c you think it makes a mockery of the event.

So if something doesn't add up, make no sense, has no evidence, and basically sounds stupid; we shouldn't dismiss it? My friend, this is called a "coverup."

All conspiracy theories that sound like bullshit (that being about the majority of them) will be shot down on sight by me if you don't have evidence.

What's sad is the little evidence brought forth by conspiracy theorists is laughable. The thread originator saw dust clouds and heard a loud bang. Instead of questioning what is could be, he automatically claims "BOMB! IT WAS A BOMB! IT HAD TO BE A BOMB! IT COULDN'T HAVE BEEN ANYTHING ELSE!"

I also love how conspiracy theorists can only make observations after the fact. NO ONE said September 12th, 2001 that the U.S. government bombed their own buildings so they could justify an invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. No one. That's why it's just so hilarious that after it's happened, conspiracy theorists "discover the truth."
Guys leave it alone...its these questions and theories that keep this country free and also help bring justice. Most of the time they are wrong and its all Im not saying I believe in any but sometimes they are right. its their persistance to investigate problems that actually help the country...if there actually was something more to 9/11 than we were told we would want to know...and in 20 years we might really find out...just like a lot of other conspiracies that were proven true many years after they had been brought up and ridiculed.
What you all fail to adresse is WHY blow up WTC7?

And how hard would it be to keep everything undercover? This would involve a LOT of people to cover it up.
ComradeBadger said:
What you all fail to adresse is WHY blow up WTC7?

And how hard would it be to keep everything undercover? This would involve a LOT of people to cover it up.
Insurance, wouldnt be hard if you had the cia on youre side.
Solaris, you've just lost all my respect for you... I can't believe a senior member with that many posts could be so stupido.
I cant understand how such a strong building that was custom-created with the intention of surviving attacks like 9/11 could fall down.

1.) The fires are alleged to have melted the steel in the frame work. Since when does the fuel in a plane burn hot enough to stell ffs?

2.) The Black box was destroyed. So how the hell was one of the Hijackers passports "mysteriously" found perfectly intact at the base of the building?

3.) There is NO way that people like the supposed terrorists could of hit that building, not after training to fly only small, Biz-Jet type aircraft.

ComradeBadger said:
What you all fail to adresse is WHY blow up WTC7?

And how hard would it be to keep everything undercover? This would involve a LOT of people to cover it up.

So that the USA could go to war. Do you really think the current Admin is above something like that? After all, it has sent 2000 of its citizens to death in Iraq, fighting in a war that was started based on a lie
They already had that justification (assuming your point is correct) with the destruction of WTC 1 and 2. So why 7?
what is World Trade center 7? If my points are incorrect, im sorry. But it could just be to make absolutely certain that the American Public believed that this was an evil act of Terrorism. People are really stupid in a group, The more unlikely rubbish you throw at them at once the more likely they are to believe it
shadow6899 said:
well it just goes to show how im right and how paranoid YOU guys are. I never said i believe the theory, i was just simply stating how easily you guys are to dismiss the theories yet you call conspiracy theorists out on the same thing. Mecha i honestly dont know what you mean by this line

This is a gem and the cornerstone of any conspirator’s theory.

"What? You don't believe me? Well it's not me that's are, it's your entire fault that, unlike me you can't see the truth"

It's so simple to turn it all around and blame the people who don't see their point of view, simply call them out, call them paranoid and relax into this superior state whereby they are so intellectually advanced that allowing for logic, facts and common sense is irrelevant.

Forget putting forward any ground breaking knowledge, forget every documented fact, forget everything remotely resembling common sense and dig in with this “I see something you don't"

Wow my world just came crumbling down and with a blinding flash of clarity I see it all. I see all the architects of this world dominating conspiracy planning their plans, in their dark corners, whispering their whispers and issuing their orders.

It's suddenly all so clear.
Slight problem with that. All this knowledge, all these documented facts, were, as far as I know (Granted not alot, so forgive my mistakes) produced by the administration. So, in effect, the only thing holding the most widely exepted thoery (It was terrorists, no conspiracy) together is the administration that the conspiracy theory is bringing into question.

Btw, this post wasnt meant to be an attack at you at all, im just thinking out loud. If it doesnt make sense thats probably why :p
Llama said:
Slight problem with that. All this knowledge, all these documented facts, were, as far as I know (Granted not alot, so forgive my mistakes) produced by the administration. So, in effect, the only thing holding the most widely exepted thoery (It was terrorists, no conspiracy) together is the administration that the conspiracy theory is bringing into question.

Btw, this post wasnt meant to be an attack at you at all, im just thinking out loud. If it doesnt make sense thats probably why :p

The facts are also holding that "theory" together.

The steel was melted and that is the reason the building collapsed. We saw planes crash into both towers. Both were known to be full of fuel. It is fact that the fuel and everything else burned hot enough to melt the structure. Passangers on those planes were found to be planning this for a long time by looking at data on their comps and what not. Not to mention the physics all falls into place for what happened and how it happened.
So essiantially, you cant prove either way? can prove that it was terrorists. All the data is there. It is un deniable. Yet some people are making theories that people staged this and that and bla bla bla. There is a reason they all remain theories because they are so ridiculous and far fetched that there is no way to prove them wrong...much like proving that god doesn't exist. So saying that aliens caused 9/11 is impossible to refute since there is no data on that.
Someone I've forgotten ololol said:
3.) There is NO way that people like the supposed terrorists could of hit that building, not after training to fly only small, Biz-Jet type aircraft.

It's not actually that hard, you know. Example: I have crashed the space shuttle into Mission Control. Okay, so it was a simulator, but it was a NASA-approved one at a science fair. And the shuttle on landing's just a glider.

So that the USA could go to war. Do you really think the current Admin is above something like that? After all, it has sent 2000 of its citizens to death in Iraq, fighting in a war that was started based on a lie

Isn't CptStern always saying how the Iraq war was planned before 9/11? What was the advantage of invading Afghanistan?

edit: Maybe it was Saddam after all! This is actually a serious link here, not sarcasm.
Llama said:
what is World Trade center 7? If my points are incorrect, im sorry. But it could just be to make absolutely certain that the American Public believed that this was an evil act of Terrorism. People are really stupid in a group, The more unlikely rubbish you throw at them at once the more likely they are to believe it
No, it was obvious from live TV footage, that WTC 1 & 2 were destroyed by planes. So why blow up WTC 7? The justification is already there.

And so what if you had the CIA on your side.. the CIA is like any other HUMAN organisation, while some people in the organisation are prepared to kill thousands of others, there will always be people within the CIA who would believe that the killing of innocents was unjustified.

People who join the CIA don't undergo brainwashing to make sure they perfectly tow the party line - if so, why would the CIA survive subsequent governments?
Well, it was mentioned by a US politition (Can't remember who though) that the US secretary of Defence wanted to use it as an excuse to invade Iraq. Thing is, did you control the Vehicle during take of and throughtout the flight? (Never been in a Shuttle Sim myself)

Badger, you misunderstand me. What IS WTC 7? What relationship did it have relative to the twin towers?
It's a space shuttle. Of course not. :p

But they wouldn't need to be able to do all that. All they'd need to be able to do was control it on the final stretch.
I didnt think of that :x. But can somebody please tell me the difference between WTC 1 , 2 and 7?