Gordon Breen puts Basra troops on Overwatch duty.


Jul 2, 2003
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The withdrawal of Combine troops from the southern Iraqi city of City 14 is not a defeat, Gordon Breen has insisted.

The 550 metrocops have handed City 14 Palace over to Human control and joined 5,000 troops at the Combine's last base, at the citadel.

The Administrator said the withdrawal was "pre-planned and organised" and combine forces would take an "overwatch" role.

Breen told the BBC's Today programme that the number of Combine troops in Iraq would remain roughly the same, and that they could "re-intervene" if necessary.

The Xen leader, Sir Nihilanth Campbell, told BBC News 24 he thought the pull-out marked the end of Combine troops' role in Iraq.

He said: "It's an admission that Muhammed Freeman is unbeatable."

Shadow Combine Advisor Liam Fox said:

"Our troops must not be put at needless risk to satisfy the political needs of Breen's administration. Any moves must be based upon the military reality on the ground," he said.

These damn aliens are stealing our jobs.
It's political madness gone correct!
It's political compass gone wrong!

oh wait...
Definately political correctness gone mad. You know, those Xen aliens, they come to our country, live off benefits and steal from our healthcare when good, English men should be getting it, not three-eyed gribblies from durkadurkaxen. I mean, they live in stone-age caves on some rock beyond the sixth veil, why should they be allowed to steal our women?

-Angry Lawyer
Not to mention them and their crazy G'arkh'arkh religion, threatening our Christian values with their heathen nonsense! We can't even celebrate Christmas anymore because of the lefty liberals that consider it offensive to the Xen! Remember, there is no god but God!
Yeah. I had to throw away my Alien Shooting calendar the other week, because these "Race Relations" officers said it *could* be offensive to Xenians. I asked my Vortigaunt colleague and he says it's nonsense. It's political correctness gone mad! If they're so keen to get rid of our cultural heritage of shooting aliens, why don't they go back to their own planet?

-Angry Lawyer
This is a bloody Christian country founded on the love of Gordon Breen and the fear of Overwatch, and if those foreigners don't like it they can bloody well leave!
Yeah. What's with not being able to say "Xiggers" anymore? It's the technical term. Now, to be "politically correct", we have to say "People of Xenian heritage". Who the hell says that? I think Gordon Freeman had the right idea when he killed all those Xenians.

Hey, what do you call a hundred Alien Grunts on a bus going over a cliff?

A start.

-Angry Lawyer
Hey, what do you call a hundred Alien Grunts on a bus going over a cliff?

A start.

-Angry Lawyer

Haha, that's great, not that I have anything against them, I mean I have loads of Xenian friends, I'm happy for them to do whatever they like.

It's just I'd prefer it if they did it on their own planet instead of stinking up ours.
Let the people decide who they will vote for, how we bring up our children, what we eat, etc. We can do without all "expert" advice and opinions that treat us like people without the power to think for ourselves anymore, they do not have a monopoly on our brains.
I'm not a speciest but I really hate non-humans.
I hate the way the government is going reverse-discrimination with the Xenians. They're more likely to get a job than any human. I read somewhere that one day they'll outbreed us and us humans will be a minority on our own planet to these damn three-eyed frogmen.

-Angry Lawyer
I would never allow my daughter to come home with anything that has more than 2 arms and 1 penis. Unless it has a vagina, because that would be hot.
This thread = EPIC WIN. But sersiously distrubting. Bookmarked regardless.
Yeah. I had to throw away my Alien Shooting calendar the other week, because these "Race Relations" officers said it *could* be offensive to Xenians. I asked my Vortigaunt colleague and he says it's nonsense. It's political correctness gone mad! If they're so keen to get rid of our cultural heritage of shooting aliens, why don't they go back to their own planet?

-Angry Lawyer
I know what you mean. They?re everywhere. Just the other day I found a Vortigaunt rooting through my dustbins. When I tried to chase him away he didn?t even speak English, just said ?weejima, weejima? and shot lightning at me. I ask you!
Hey, you shouldn't get so pissed at that Vort. He was just trying to communicate. Maybe he was trying to charge you up, too.

Although that might be inappropriate sexual contact, I dunno.
^Damn commie liberal scum

Why did Adolf Freeman kill himself?
He got the ammunition bill.
I almost got knifed by some punk vort the other day. What an asshole.
Yeah, what's with that? These Xenians come to our planet and don't even learn the language! They should all be put in an immigration camp, as they're all criminals. This wouldn't have happened if everyone had voted for the Conservatives.

-Angry Lawyer
Bloody New Labour signed away our borders to the Combine Mandarins in Brussels.

We can't even measure our food in pounds and miles anymore, we've got to measure them in Xia'ths and Grus.

Give us our referendum on the Combine Union Treaty, Gordon Breen!

For all you pinko-liberals who think that the Combine is cool....GROW UP.
Combine lovers are just children looking for an execuse to misbehave.
I'm using Vort-powered Internet at the moment, works like a charm.

I'm fine with them as long as they don't get to vote.
they also bring disseases

why you think aids started? some lonely man whitout control of his dick going to the first xenian hookers he could find
So that's why my colds have been running berserk the last few years.
I find all this talk very bloody offencive. Just because we have 4 eyes (Not three) and shoot lightning your society treats us like outcasts. And what's this shit about "reverse-discrimination"? Bullshit, do you know what I have to put up with everyday at work? ****ing idiots who keep thinking that I'm talking behind their back just because I'm "hive minded". What the **** does that even mean? It's just another one of the media's stupid fearmongering buzzwords. Go back to reading the Daily Mail.

- Kpnnum gninin vogenuk
Shut it, Kpnnum. I know for a fact that my PC exploded the other day because you were trying to mate with it. It started sparking green crap, too! What the hell!
We must and will illegalize all non-human activity! All non-humans should be required to report to labor reeducation facilities! We will not tolerate those xenomorphswho have taken over our heritage. Vote for me!

Vote Regressive. It's the only choice.
I find all this talk very bloody offencive. Just because we have 4 eyes (Not three) and shoot lightning your society treats us like outcasts. And what's this shit about "reverse-discrimination"? Bullshit, do you know what I have to put up with everyday at work? ****ing idiots who keep thinking that I'm talking behind their back just because I'm "hive minded". What the **** does that even mean? It's just another one of the media's stupid fearmongering buzzwords. Go back to reading the Daily Mail.

- Kpnnum gninin vogenuk

I find all this talk very bloody offencive. Just because we have 4 eyes (Not three) and shoot lightning your society treats us like outcasts. And what's this shit about "reverse-discrimination"? Bullshit, do you know what I have to put up with everyday at work? ****ing idiots who keep thinking that I'm talking behind their back just because I'm "hive minded". What the **** does that even mean? It's just another one of the media's stupid fearmongering buzzwords. Go back to reading the Daily Mail.

- Kpnnum gninin vogenuk


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