Halflife2.net can suck my f*cking butthole


25 seconds in, just seeing phantom design over and over again is killing me!
Thank goodness there's only like two or three pics of me floating around.
Chase, I wish I could hate your butt to death right now.
Man, hl2.net is becoming way too real life. I almost felt an emotion watching that video.
Haha, look at all these neckbeardless freaks.


Oh god oh man I'm one of them. ;(
Shoulda had all the shoe pics one after the other. Also was Ed Norton not there?
God damn it.

The first song would've gone great for this movie's credits, cycling through each member and having the caption of what happened to them in the future.

"CptStern went on to prove that old people could surf. Seven months later he was admitted to the Sulkdodds Rehab Centre for Dorks after publically revealing an addiction to dicks in a press conference."

"Tollbooth Willie followed his dreams of getting paid to kick people's asses.

He died in the Veitnam war."

some fagot said:
This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment and UMG, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

Well apparently this video is too awesome for the likes of us pathetic Romanians. :upstare:
That was amazing.

I teared up, I jerked off, I came, and I teared up again.

edit: I was in it twice. :D
It felt weird when I realized I could put a name to a lot of those faces, people I've never met in real life but they're not celebrities either, they're just people I've shared an internet message board with for the last x amount of years.

God damn.
^ What scared the shit out of me is you're the only one I recognized.
Video's gone.

I'd love to watch it. Why don't I come here anymore?
^ What scared the shit out of me is you're the only one I recognized.

I recognised them all, could only put names on about half though.
It's hard enough to believe that I've been here for two years, but the rest of you have been participating enough in this community so that we've become some sort of internet family. We come to each other for advice, joke with each other, and some of us even have met in real life. It just makes me feel awesome to know that I'm a part of this awesome place.

<3 halflife2.net
HL2.net is just another community like any other out there. We're no more special and have no more of a bond to other members than is present on any other community forum.

Ahh **** it... who am I kidding? All other internet communities suck balls compared to ours.
It felt weird when I realized I could put a name to a lot of those faces, people I've never met in real life but they're not celebrities either, they're just people I've shared an internet message board with for the last x amount of years.

God damn.

Bet you couldn't put a face to mine :D

Indian is great. What a great night.
HL2.net is just another community like any other out there. We're no more special and have no more of a bond to other members than is present on any other community forum.

Ahh **** it... who am I kidding? All other internet communities suck balls compared to ours.
They wish they could suck balls like us. :cool:
Shoulda had all the shoe pics one after the other. Also was Ed Norton not there?
Pesh was the guy in the inkblot shirt and the pic of a guy's abs in a mirror. I was gonna put more people, but it was too long as is. I'd like to do another as soon as I can work out lens flare and how to add flashing text throughout the video stating jews did 9/11 and a flurry of racial slurs. People need to post more mugs for me to work with.

Sequel material. Halflife2.net 2: Son of Apetits