Have you ever attempted suicide?


Nov 17, 2004
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A step up from the suicidal contemplation thread, I'm curious to see who has attempted, or almost attempted suicide.

I have not.
I killed myself twice because of lag.
Judging by some of the posts in the other thread, this one might turn out to be a bit too dark. D:
Erm just keep this clean so to speak - don't insult people if they've not been the best of people in some moments...

For me the closest I've ever been to suicide was packing my hiking gear ful of stuff and being ready to take all the cash out of the bank and just leave home for a while. That was during the start of the year - yay for sense slowly creeping back.
been close to death a night or two due to spirits consumption, but never consciously attempted it.
Nope... I've got too much to live for. Plus, my parents would kill me.
Seems like its not such an easy way out
I tried to kill myself and then failed.

I realised afterwards that I survived, because I am Hercules.
People that attempt suicide and fail should be dead anyway. The world doesn't need a **** up that can't even kill himself properly.
I've got very close to it a number of times, the most recent being a couple of weeks ago.
Is this streak of sorts over? Forgive me, I didn't read the other related thread at all.
People that attempt suicide and fail should be dead anyway. The world doesn't need a **** up that can't even kill himself properly.
Play nice.
If you've ever tried to kill your self or even have though about it, seek help immediately.
There were times I'd drink myself into oblivion due to some horrid feelings, but that was more because of not caring any more as opposed to actively trying to kill myself. There was one time I came close with a box cutter when I was an absolute mess, but I was also drunk as shit as well, so I'm not sure if that kind of impaired judgment counts.

I've never tried to commit suicide and subsequently failed. I've just come close to it. For me it was more allowing things to happen. If I smoked outside my window (which required me to stand on the sill), I'd sometimes think "Why not just lean forward and let go?".
People that attempt suicide and fail should be dead anyway. The world doesn't need a **** up that can't even kill himself properly.

But as someone who has never had a bad enough life to commit suicide, you don't have the right to talk about it like that.
But as someone who has never had a bad enough life to commit suicide, you don't have the right to talk about it like that.

I was being somewhat sarcastic. But seriously, how do you fail at killing yourself? Not only do you fail at life, you fail at death. Insult to injury at its finest.
You know, I don't see the point in living if you know you're inferior to everyone else (my perception of myself). That being said, while I've ruminated about suicide constantly for the past several years, I've never actually seriously attempted it. Why? I'm not exactly sure. I'm quite positive that will change in the near (somewhat) future though.
I was being somewhat sarcastic. But seriously, how do you fail at killing yourself? Not only do you fail at life, you fail at death. Insult to injury at its finest.


Once about a year ago...

It wasn't really an attempt it was just a very strong thought... and nearly acting upon it.

I went for a drive after getting dangerously close to breaking up with my girl of 4+ years.
And I just put this thought into my gut that maybe I should just ram myself into a tree or drive off a steep hill and just take off my seat belt.(as there aren't many cliffs around here.)
I started turning the wheel slowly to the right and the car was moving towards a foresty area, but then I just thought it over within those few minutes and pulled myself together...

Luckily the next day, me and her made up and got engaged a couple months ago.
You know, I don't see the point in living if you know you're inferior to everyone else (my perception of myself). That being said, while I've ruminated about suicide constantly for the past several years, I've never actually seriously attempted it. Why? I'm not exactly sure. I'm quite positive that will change in the near (somewhat) future though.

I would have expected someone with a Sartre quote in their signature to understand the glory of pointless existence, not despair of it.

Your life is your life, and I won't pretend to have any idea what yours is like; but if you ever get to the point where suicide goes from an idea to a plan, talk to me first please?
Hmm, nope. I cannot say that I've ever actually thought about actually killing myself, let alone trying. It does cross my mind a lot, though. I don't know why, it just sort of does. I'll be having a relatively good day, and then I'll sink into a really bad depression, which of course is often accompanied by thoughts of how satisfying it would be. I guess I just don't think very much of myself, or even life in general. Never really entertained the thought of actually planning anything, though. I guess I've just never gotten to that point.

I thought about replying to the other thread, but opted against it. Meh, two similar threads, might as well.
The only time I ever thought of killing myself was after I viewed Goatse for the first time. It took three years of therapy to get to where I am now.
I've been close to just pulling my car to the other side of the road... but then I think that i'd kill myself again for damaging it.
Not actually tried. I've had some thoughts, but i'll likely never act on them.
I've come dangerously close, but no, I've never actually tried. I can't work up the guts to actually take my own life, and in hindsight I'm really glad about that.

I was being somewhat sarcastic. But seriously, how do you fail at killing yourself? Not only do you fail at life, you fail at death. Insult to injury at its finest.

You're retarded and I hope you someday become clinically depressed.
I think everyone who is alive should pat themselves on the back.

Go ahead, do it right now, you earned it.

Your were the fastest/strongest sperm, and you had the drive in you to get to that egg before anyone else. F*ck them, YOU WON THE GREATEST RACE OF ALL!

Judging from my post, you can probably guess that I've never tried/done/or even thought about doing it, I like my life, and always have. Even though it hasn't been the best, I seem to have a "there is always some other son-of-a-bitch who is worse off..." mindset.
I've wondered about it before but it's such an immense cop-out, and there's absolutely no reason to do it (existence, no matter how miserable, is better than not existing; using it as an escape is pathetic).