Holidays always suck for some people, even when they're not just whiners like me


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Holy shit. :(

A long article. Here are some of the tidbits near the beginning.

A man who carried out a Christmas Eve massacre and arson dressed as Santa at the home of his former in-laws apparently intended to flee the U.S., but his plans were dashed after the inferno he created severely burned his arms and melted his red costume onto his body, police said Friday.


apparently shot some of his nine victims execution-style in a plot to destroy his ex-wife's family after a costly divorce that was finalized last week.

I'm never getting married. Jesus ****.

Armed with four guns, wearing the Santa suit and carrying a fuel-spraying device wrapped like a present,

Man this would make such a great part in a movie if it weren't so tragic.

Raney said Pardo, 45, fired a shot into the face of an 8-year-old girl who answered the door and at first fired indiscriminately, then apparently targeted relatives of his ex-wife as other guests fled.

"There's some information that he stood over them and shot them execution-style," Raney said.

<weeps> Poor little girl probably didn't even yet realize that Santa didn't exist... and a guy dressed as Santa shot her in the face. Wow.

Police said Pardo had no criminal record or history of violence, and neighbors and others knew him as a friendly man who walked his dog and was a volunteer usher at his parish church.

"He was very outgoing, he was very friendly. He always greeted you with a smile, he was a pretty big guy and had a firm handshake," said Detanna, who didn't know Pardo was going through a divorce. "It's a shock to everybody that knew him. You just don't know what's going on sometimes."

This is the one of the most disturbing parts of all. Nice man goes ballistic after a horrible divorce. ****ing marriage!

Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center spokeswoman Adelaida De La Cerda said the 8-year-old girl who was shot in the face was released from the hospital Friday. Her mother had been at the hospital and was "extremely traumatized," De La Cerda said.

At least there is some good news in all of it. The little girl lived after being shot in the face, but you know she'll never trust a man in a Santa suit ever again. Not as if any of us ever do.
I saw this on the news earlier. ****ing psycho. I mean, I can understand a person going ballistic over a divorce settlement which screws over your entire life, but to consciously shoot a child is beyond anything I can fathom.
Goddamn... an eight year old? And everybody else... jeeze...
Heard about this as well. There were two things that happened as well. He was at that house earlier in the evening and acted as everything was completely fine. Then he was supposed to be ushering at his church but ended up killing everyone. Apparently, people ran upstairs and jumped out of the windows up there.
This is a surprise, it happened in Covina which is only 15 minutes from where i live. Crazy shit.
Well played good sir. Shooting an 8 year old, and burning himself so bad that the suit fused with his body...
Sounds like he had nothing left to lose.

That 8 year old though... I bet she'll hate the holidays after this. :/
With any luck the kid will block out the memory. And yeah sounds like a guy who decided that nothing mattered any more except the infliction of suffering.

But... the suit fused with his body...? Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?

I cringed when the man fused the suit to his body.

Bleh, finding a charred psycho is nasty.

A man who carried out a Christmas Eve massacre and arson dressed as Santa at the home of his former in-laws apparently intended to flee the U.S., but his plans were dashed after the inferno he created severely burned his arms and melted his red costume onto his body, police said Friday.

Sounds like something I'd read on the bio of a Superman villain
Super Man Vs Santa Clause in theaters 2010
I heard about the shooting thing on the news as well, but a santa disguise is awesome