How many people have you killed?


Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
Over all these years of gaming, estimate how many people or living things you have killed. I'm going to say its in the tens of Billions. Sins of a Solar Empire and other RTS games helped me get there the fastest. I'm basically a mass murderer even Hitler would the gaming sense.
About 3.

All of them being Anna Navarre.
How about undead creatures such as ghosts? Do they break the living thing rule.
Probably many billions.

You know, this is the kind of thread that ends up on FOX.
*waves at the reporters*

And I think you guys are underestimating the scale of "billion". Considering you'd need to get the Zombie Genocidist achievement 18,868 times to even get one billion kills, I think you guys are wrong. I mean, only 1.7% of all left 4 dead player made it to 0.00536% of a billion zombies killed, I'd say your chances of reaching even one billion total kills are quite slim.
I've killed googolplexes.


That's at least 10^10^100.
*waves at the reporters*

And I think you guys are underestimating the scale of "billion". Considering you'd need to get the Zombie Genocidist achievement 18,868 times to even get one billion kills, I think you guys are wrong. I mean, only 1.7% of all left 4 dead player made it to 0.00536% of a billion zombies killed, I'd say your chances of reaching even one billion total kills are quite slim.

Civilization 4.

Nuke wars.
I've killed hexadecimal
I'm so awesome, my kill count is into the numbers that have no name yet.


She was so hot and awesome. Kill Megabyte, he's a dick.
The vast majority of them are split between Mercenaries and Left 4 Dead.
I'd have to say Starcraft takes the reigns for me. So many zerglings, so little time.
*waves at the reporters*

And I think you guys are underestimating the scale of "billion". Considering you'd need to get the Zombie Genocidist achievement 18,868 times to even get one billion kills, I think you guys are wrong. I mean, only 1.7% of all left 4 dead player made it to 0.00536% of a billion zombies killed, I'd say your chances of reaching even one billion total kills are quite slim.

I play Diablo.
Nooby Krynn, anyone who has played Defcon for any decent amount of time definitely has at least a billion kills.
at least 500,000.
Wait, I just remembered space empires 3 and civilisation.
Millions. Nay, billions.
Nooby Krynn, anyone who has played Defcon for any decent amount of time definitely has at least a billion kills.

Yeeaaahhh... this brings the total up quite a bit. And if Supreme Commander ever counted as real people (I mean cmon, SoaSE units have just as much personality) then the count would be even higher.
lol Escape, your avatar goes well with your post
This is probably beyond calculation, especially because I didn't understand that you had to raise the shields on Citadel Station before you fired the laser on an early run through of System Shock. Game Over as a result of accidental genocide was a new one for me.
DEFCON for sure, and as we are playing the role of strategic commander, maybe they should ban them too
here's an arbitrary equation to find out:


a= the amount of days a week you play games
b= the amount of people you kill on average in one day
x= years you've played games
k= your final killcount

smooth things out for times you've played intensively, detract for game-free periods.

52*10(5*50) = 520*250= 130.000

that's my CS etc kills pretty much, i'm not even going on RTS'es and singleplayer games

so it's safe to say everybody exaggerates, and like in real life, strategy game kills don't count