i hate small, useless dog breeds


Aug 6, 2004
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i've always did...it's such a mockery of a dogs true origin and nature

and besides


EVER wondered why Fido and Muffy prefer the toilet bowl to the water dish? Well, the truth could be that they're just airheads.

A Swedish research scientist has discovered that the current generation of pedigree dogs, normally social and curious creatures by nature, are disinterested, shy and less responsive to commands than their ancestors.

The study found show-quality and "handbag" pooches were the most likely to lack the instincts of previous generations, which were bred for their strength, hunting and working abilities, rather than their looks.

Stockholm University ethologist Kenth Svartberg said personality changes could be seen in dogs that are only a few generations removed.

"Modern breeding practices are affecting the behaviour and mental abilities of pedigree breeds, as well as their physical features," he said.

NSW University senior lecturer in genetics, Dr Alan Wilton, said it was a classic situation of "if you don't use it, you lose it".

"You can have lap dogs that are very intelligent. It's just that, if they're just sitting around doing nothing and you breed for many generations without selecting for intelligence, it is possible that their intelligence over time will diminish," he said. "That's what we expect is happening to some breeds."

Selective breeding was also having an affect on dogs' physical health.

The issue came to light last year in a British documentary, Pedigree Dogs Exposed, which detailed health problems among heavily interbred show dogs.

The show pressured the UK's Kennel Club to consider changing its guidelines, in favour of less pronounced breed characteristics.

Master Dog Breeders and Associates CEO Julie Nelson agreed that many breeders valued appearance over skills, but said some breeds simply didn't need them.

"The chihuahua was originally bred as a lap dog; all it needs to do is hang around the house. Same with dogs like pugs; they were never, ever intended to have any purpose, really, except to hang off people, to be companions," she said.

so yeah...if you're contributing to the cause, i hope your balls fall off.
I hate the large majority of small dogs.
I generally find that its not the dogs that are the problem, its the owners.
Its just like people! The good looking ones are idiots and the useful ones are fuuuuuuuuuuugly.
Its just like people! The good looking ones are idiots and the useful ones are fuuuuuuuuuuugly.

Well, beagles are both adorable and useful (if you want to catch rabbits or something...). I personally find chihuahuas and poodles to be ugly. Especially when wearing pink bows.
Ugh. I hate small dogs. They're the gateway pet.
I especially hate poodles, they are so ugly. But corgis and pugs are cool and funny.
I hate really angry type dogs and i love dogs you can play games with or cuddle with. size doesn't matter to me but the nicer the better
I hate the little ankle biter dogs that never shut up. On top of that I hate it when owners think that their dog is soooooo cute and that everyone immediately adores it.
hehe...didn't expect such an uniform reaction, it's seems small dogs are teh evil and annoying.

I generally find that its not the dogs that are the problem, its the owners.

good point

edit: and yeah...i so much hate ankle biters.
Im getting a boxer or pitbull. Just need a job first... Or money. Maybe I can get some from dog fights.
That whould solve alot of my problems.
Dogs bred for aesthetics possibly not good at actually being dogs. Stop press.
Dogs bred for aesthetic possibly not good at actually being dogs. Stop press.

I don't even like dogs is why.

Oh god that was poor.

Anyway, what you want is a moderately sized dog that's cute, but not so hopeless it can't climb stairs.
I hate small dogs. Chihuahuas and poodles especially.

Chihuahuas also have a genetic defect that causes their teeth to fall out at a certain age as well as the fur. making them even uglier.

What exactly are Chihuahuas cross bred with that makes them so ugly? I'd like to know.

My mother owns one btw.
I hate small dogs. I hate chew toys. I hate bones, and collars, and groomers. I especially hate clothing for small yappy dogs. You know what I don't hate? Chows.

I don't now how to ****ing spell it.

Shut up.
Agree with Willeh on this one. Small dogs look like they were bred JUST to be punted.

I finally figured out why this thread is bothering me. Compliments of Shippi
small dogs where designed by god/united states government to be stepped on and/or kicked.

its just the way it is. sorry 'bout that.
I brought my lab-mutt back with me from Mexico. He is very smart. The stupid ones get eaten by coyotes there.
Now tell us what it's like to kill a man.
Hate the breeders, not the dogs please. :dozey:

I think I read something a while back about the RSPCA officially condemning Crufts now, due to the large amount of show dogs whose breeding is so screwed up that they can barely walk/breathe, etc.

Yah, here it is.
Sept 08
The RSPCA cut its links with Crufts yesterday as a leading charity warned the organisers of the dog show that they must act to prevent the breeding of “deformed and disabled” animals.
A prize-winning Cavalier King Charles spaniel was shown to be suffering from syringomyelia, a painful condition that results from the animal's skull being too small for its brain. A Pekingese, bred to possess a perfectly flat face, and winner of Best in Show in 2003, was found to have had surgery — a soft palate resection — to enable it to breathe.

Always what I show people when they say my dogs are useless. Haven't changed in thousands of years SINCE THE PHARAOHS, and that makes them bad ass. Plus they don't bark, that's the best part because then I don't have to listen to annoyingness.
I'm not really against small dogs, but I don't have one myself. This scientist sounds like the type of accademic who is selectively bred for making useless observations about well known facts. His budget should be taken out to the barn with the shotgun.