Islamic Cultural Centre to be built near Ground Zero

Should tyhe city allow a mosque to be built near ground zero?

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The mosque in ground Zero.
This is how the inside group rules this country.

They have a false flag terror attack on 911 to justify their war in Mid-east. The Muslim is wronged as terrorist. Then they build a Mosque in WTO site to show how tolerant and fair they are. That's a trick of propaganda.

Is that funny people flock to argue about "Allah", "victim of 911"....? Even to set up a poll here. They play the public like that. The real mastermind of the 911 grins at the soap opera they directed.
"They" set up a poll here?

... all this time and I never realised Stern was part of the NWO!
"They" set up a poll here?

... all this time and I never realised Stern was part of the NWO!

I love NWA


kathaksung said:
They have a false flag terror attack on 911 to justify their war in Mid-east. The Muslim is wronged as terrorist. Then they build a Mosque in WTO site to show how tolerant and fair they are.

who? the terrorists? or you're saying the muslim mosque people are in cohoots with the men in black who want to build a muslim community center in an old burlington coat factory that must have been closed years prior to this in anticipation of the secret muslims act of tolerance and fairness? (the store was closed after the men in black strategically placed one of the landing gear of the planes that slammed into the wtc onto the roof of the burlington coat factory at high velocity to make it look like an act of terrorism but was in fact just a ruse to make people see how tolerant they are of muslims)

your logic makes my head spin like a record baby round right round
Yes Stern, call the man crazy.

We'll know who is really crazy soon.
Saddam was a dictator brah. His people were forced to like him.

What does that have to do with the comparison you made?

Bumpkis is what. Thats it, I'm taking your doctorate away, Mr. Demento.
The mosque in ground Zero.
This is how the inside group rules this country.

They have a false flag terror attack on 911 to justify their war in Mid-east. The Muslim is wronged as terrorist. Then they build a Mosque in WTO site to show how tolerant and fair they are. That's a trick of propaganda.

Is that funny people flock to argue about "Allah", "victim of 911"....? Even to set up a poll here. They play the public like that. The real mastermind of the 911 grins at the soap opera they directed.

There's nothing wrong with building a mosque in NYC, but why so close to ground zero?
Why not? What arbitrary distance is acceptable?
The mosque in ground Zero.
This is how the inside group rules this country.

They have a false flag terror attack on 911 to justify their war in Mid-east. The Muslim is wronged as terrorist. Then they build a Mosque in WTO site to show how tolerant and fair they are. That's a trick of propaganda.

Is that funny people flock to argue about "Allah", "victim of 911"....? Even to set up a poll here. They play the public like that. The real mastermind of the 911 grins at the soap opera they directed.

The government/"people behind the conspiracy" really aren't as competent as you think.

If that's the case, as this whole war is a setup and the people on Flight 93 are in a hangar somewhere and all that conspiracy crap, I'm surprised there are so many individuals involved in such a large scale false-flag operation that are all completely heartless and have no sense of basic decency what-so-ever as to negate any and all chances of whistle-blowers.
The people on Flight 93 aren't in a hangar somewhere.

They died. Horrifically.

The Elite see you and I as "Useless Feeders and Breeders". They want to reduce the world's population by ~90%, they wouldn't bother pushing all the passengers off to the side somewhere.

EDIT: You are right when you say the Elite are incompetent, though. Otherwise there would be no such thing as a conspiracy in the first place, no?
This might be the greatest debate over the greatest non-issue ever. It all stems from the fact that nowadays idiots see the word "Muslim" and they freak out and get scared. Terrorists who tried to align themselves with that religion did this and politicians who looked to capitalize on people's fears did this. Now people think Obama is Muslim/terrorist and this learning center is a Muslim/terrorist training ground. Have we really learned NOTHING over the years? Are we really getting more ignorant and less tolerant as the years go by?
i think we're getting dumber
Aye, that's what I am thinking too, sadly. It has definitely given me something else to consider whenever the talk of having kids comes up. Seems like it might be a good idea to just let the ignorant breed everyone else out so that eventually what humans evolve into becomes a new and monstrous beast, but a beast that is no longer driven by greed but rather the pull of the tides of a natural existence as it settles back into an instinctual understanding of the ways and balance of life and nature.
I think the issue would be of some rich guy of the middle east buying private property on new york

if big part of the people of the usa dont like the idea of the mosque,the property part will make them crazy
I've had so many facebook arguements about this. It's sad that people think we should start restricting rights based on some arbitrary idea.
Aye, that's what I am thinking too, sadly. It has definitely given me something else to consider whenever the talk of having kids comes up. Seems like it might be a good idea to just let the ignorant breed everyone else out so that eventually what humans evolve into becomes a new and monstrous beast, but a beast that is no longer driven by greed but rather the pull of the tides of a natural existence as it settles back into an instinctual understanding of the ways and balance of life and nature.

The Greed Beasts tug the rope-lead of the Ignorant Beasts.

Dumbing down of people through flouride (and apparently prozac + riddlin but idk) in the water. Then of course the greatest hypnotist in the world clears it's throats and says what to think etc. etc.danimaliscrazyetc.
Unfortunately this is a biased poll, as most people on gaming forums (those who delve into the deeper concepts of a game) have above average IQ's and are therefore more logical and less emotional than the average American. In my opinion, any individual or group should be allowed to do as they wish so long as they don't hurt others. This is why, as a fiscal conservative, I believe that gay marriage, recreational marijuana (I don't use any myself), and abortions should be fully legalized, as none of the aforementioned activities harm others. Similarly, this mosque does not hurt any individual, though it may offend some. Unfortunately for the offended, being offensive is not illegal.

/me for people to tell me that abortions harm the fetus
I liked the juxtaposition of the pretty balanced BBC programme with the video footage of whatever scaremongering US programme that was.
The second video you edited in Godwin'd itself. What retarded crap.
I still want to go down there with an indestructible AOLED sign that says "Religion sucks, science is where its at!" On the back it would say, "Science: curing diseases, creating jobs, saving lives"
as most people on gaming forums (those who delve into the deeper concepts of a game) have above average IQ's

lol the bar must be set incredibly low.

I find gamers to encompass all walks of life. in other words this is me politely saying that there's a lot of dumbasses out there so that notion might be somewhat generalised
Was that Toaster holding the "Mosque supports Hamas" sign?
Lol the comments on there are funny:

This shows how effective the Bush Administration was in setting Muslims up to be scapegoats.

Unfortunately, neither the Bush Administration nor the Obama Administration has conducted a criminal investigation into 9/11, thus Muslims will continue to be the scapegoat for the foreseeable future.

But then, the fact of the matter is, even if an investigation revealed conclusive proof that it was an inside job by a faction within the Bush Administration, millions of people won’t believe it, and will continue to direct their anger, fear and hatred against Muslims.

This kind of politics has existed since time imemorial. You’d think we would have evolved past that by now, but, no. It still works to keep the ruling class in power, so it will continue to be used
My dad had just watched on Antenna (Greek based news. Yeah, my parents are Greek Immigrants. And to those people protesting against the Mosque on ground zero, My family and I are probably Anti-Christian Euro-trash that is helping to destroy the U.S. from within) news on the Mosque that was being built. I guess this is being covered internationally, as I thought it was mainly covered in the U.S. and a bit in the U.K. While dad was watching the segment, I could really hear in the background the patriotic music being cranked up, and people were saying stuff like "It was Islam that brought down those two towers" and "Islam is a religion of hate". That sure left a knot in my stomach.
here's the terrorist iman behind the building of the mosque/community center

In 2003, Imam Rauf was invited to speak at a memorial service for Daniel Pearl, the journalist murdered by Islamist terrorists in Pakistan. The service was held at B'nai Jeshurun, a prominent synagogue in Manhattan, and in the audience was Judea Pearl, Daniel Pearl's father. In his remarks, Rauf identified absolutely with Pearl, and identified himself absolutely with the ethical tradition of Judaism. "I am a Jew," he said.

There are those who would argue that these represent mere words, chosen carefully to appease a potentially suspicious audience. I would argue something different: That any Muslim imam who stands before a Jewish congregation and says, "I am a Jew," is placing his life in danger. Remember, Islamists hate the people they consider apostates even more than they hate Christians and Jews. In other words, the man many commentators on the right assert is a terrorist-sympathizer placed himself in mortal peril in order to identify himself with Christians and Jews, and specifically with the most famous Jewish victim of Islamism.

americans really should be ashamed of themselves/their countrymen
americans really should be ashamed of themselves/their countrymen
Believe me, I am. I am also ashamed of our journalists. Just look at what is written from that article: "the journalist murdered by Islamist terrorists in Pakistan...." A BIG part of the problem is the media imho. WHY do they insist on saying that these militants were "Islamist" when in fact religion has nothing to do with them being terrorist assholes?? The VAST majority of Muslims do not identify with these jerks and yet somehow they get lumped in with them. Seems to me that the media is playing right into their hands by continuing to associate Islam with terror as this example demonstrates.