Legal Cocaine?

I've tried a couple of those legal high things, mostly the herb mixes and stuff.

It sort of worked after fifty cones. I just felt like I overslept.

...Wait why is Dog-- making a thread like this?
There was a legal drug very similar to cocaine that hit the UK last year called methadrone. Virtually every bar in every town had people on it as it was very cheap and very powerful.

House parties would last for days without anyone going to sleep. However, I also saw it give people massive nosebleeds and I wouldn't go near it now, completed untested stuff. Also illegal as of last week.
we have something like this going around wolverhampton now called miaow or something to that effect. i don't quite get how legitimate any of it is, nor the technical details on how legal they all are. i have no interest in the proper class drug, let alone some cheap knock off being shotted out by weed dealers to yobs.
There was a documentary on British TV a while back about these legal highs. Basically they interviewed a bunch of scientists who said (paraphrasing) "If you're going to use drugs--legal or illegal--to get high, don't use the legal kind. At least the illegal lot have had testing on how they work. The 'legal' stuff has not been tested and so could have unintended side effects."

So yeah, not that I take drugs legal or illegal, but I wouldn't go near this new lot of stuff.
Well they list the ingredients right there. Couldn't be too hard to figure out what kind of effect it might have.
Alright OmegaX, assemble the CSI Miami team.

I'll set up the million dollar lab I'm sure you have, and we can study chemical reactions in etc. and so on.

Oh Virus, I do believe I am in pseudo-hysterics.
the only buzz I get is when I pound a few shots when i play vidja games. not much of a social drinker anymore
There was a legal drug very similar to cocaine that hit the UK last year called methadrone. Virtually every bar in every town had people on it as it was very cheap and very powerful.

House parties would last for days without anyone going to sleep. However, I also saw it give people massive nosebleeds and I wouldn't go near it now, completed untested stuff. Also illegal as of last week.

I think you're actually talking about mephedrone. There is also methylone and many legal cocaine relatives that you can get legally on the internet. They're called research chemicals and are legal pretty much everywhere, although the UK has made many of them illegal. The one linked to in this thread is bullshit though, to get real RCs you have to look very hard for legitimate vendors (they're pretty well-guarded secrets most of the time).
They have mushrooms and cacti on that site too, whats the deal with those? The hell does 'use only for research' mean? Why do they say not for human consumption - is that just a way for them to sell legally?
Sounds like a great way for someone to sell you sugar pills.
Mushrooms are awesome.

For research that is. There is much more research to be done at uni.
Mostly stupid ridiculous BS. If you want to legally speed get an A.D.D. diagnosis and some Adderal/Ritalin.
They have mushrooms and cacti on that site too, whats the deal with those? The hell does 'use only for research' mean? Why do they say not for human consumption - is that just a way for them to sell legally?

Pretty much. You also need to have a reason to have them, but most people just say plant food and it's completely legal.
I couldn't help but lol.
Bees are like endangered now though. Man, back in the 80's, you couldn't escape it. I looked like Scarface - but with bees.


so actually more like Candyman:
mephedrone (mcat, meow) is the legal cathinone causing the big stir at the minute with load of YOUVS easily obtaining it and caining it like ****ing morons. it has a pretty strong come up and tis very moreish and i don't think some people are respecting the fact its not a plaything simply because its legal ......and probably therefore in some peoples eyes, 'safe'

its basically like cocaine but with a bit more euphoria. methylone (m1, mdmc) is the one that everyone seems to ignore and through WILD EXPERIMENTATION, is the better of the legal rcs. its like they're calling it, mdma for grown ups. plus it doesn't feel nowhere as toxic nor does it make my heart feel like its about to explode like mcat

i suppose it has its parallels in terms of popularity to the illegal drug alternatives. people cain cocaine and it gets all the media spotlight for the most part whilst the better, more enjoyable and for some, life changing drug mdma gets shunned into the background. anyone with sense can see the better of the two anyhow

One of my friends made brownies with some legal stuff (spice or something). All it did was make everyone tired and a couple of people threw up. Glad I didn't have any. The only thing I'm really interested in trying is weed. The legal stuff, it's just too unknown.
I read the thread as "Lego Cocaine", and my imagination started running from new type of adult themed Lego kits to Legos made into cocaine like powder that you can snort. Damn, was I dissapointed.
They have mushrooms and cacti on that site too, whats the deal with those? The hell does 'use only for research' mean? Why do they say not for human consumption - is that just a way for them to sell legally?

The mushrooms on that websites' active ingredient is mostly muscimol which is legal as opposed to the active ingredient of psilocybin of illegal mushrooms. The most common type of muscimol mushroom is the fly agaric which is the classic red toadstool with white lumps on. This is usually poisonous, although not life threateningly, but if dried correctly the toxic substance is reduced to a level which will not cause any discomfort but would still be at a level as to not be accepted by whatever food standards agency in your region so it has to be specified not for human consumption.
You have no clue what you're talking about, huh?
if i don't end up sniffing a line off a toilet seat in some dive bar in south boston at some point in my life i have failed.
This newb knows entirely more than is normal about drugs...

He's either a pharmacist or has spent way too much money on this 'legal' shit.
The mushrooms on that websites' active ingredient is mostly muscimol which is legal as opposed to the active ingredient of psychobilin of illegal mushrooms. The most common type of muscimol mushroom is the fly agaric which is the classic red toadstool with white lumps on. This is usually poisonous, although not life threateningly, but if dried correctly the toxic substance is reduced to a level which will not cause any discomfort but would still be at a level as to not be accepted by whatever food standards agency in your region so it has to be specified not for human consumption.
Why would you go for the classic red toadstool if you can have other non-poisonous mushrooms with psylocybine? The Mexican Mushroom, Psilocybe Cubensis, for example.
Only legal reasons, as a UKer mushrooms containing psilocybin are illegal whereas the red toadstool contains a different psychoactive compound which has not been classified and its easier to obtain things which are legal than illegal.
Are the legal mushrooms worth getting?
Are the legal mushrooms worth getting?

But why would you want to, he said if you don't dry them out a certain way the poison is still there. I'm sure it wont kill you, but it could do some shit to you like give you the runs or something. And the runs while tripping is probably not fun.
lol legal highs.

My mate bought some 'skunk' off some legal high website and it did precisely jack shit. Years ago at Download festival I ingested some legally bought 'salvia' and it did precisely jack shit.

I've heard many people harping on about drone but it sounds far too suspect for my liking and after having consumed pure MDMA before I doubt it would do much to tantalize.

Unless it's classified it's not worth wasting money on kids.
Download festival I ingested some legally bought 'salvia' and it did precisely jack shit.


That shit makes you trip right the **** out if only for 10 minutes, it's only legal because it's not widely used so they have no reason to really illegalize it... Maybe if you smoked it which is what you're supposed to do.
I've never had cocaine but tried mephedrone was like a weaker version of MDMA, and got a ****ing sore nose.
Like dopplegofer said methylone is the only worthwhile one imo, it's like slightly weaker, legal MDMA that doesn't last as long. I personally don't have much to do with legal stimulant RCs though.

Solaris don't bother with fly agarics, they are a deleriant not a psychedelic and you aren't going to have much of a good time unless you're really really into drugs.

Cacti are legal (san pedro generally) because they are cacti and most people aren't interested enough to extract mescaline alkaloids from them since you have to distill a foot of cactus or so down into a truly disgusting drink in order to do so.

Dog, Salvia is illegal in most of the USA now, there is not federal legislation about it but on the state level almost every state has passed a bill making it illegal. North Carolina's went into effect a month ago, good riddance IMO. Salvia is like DMT's wholly evil, disfigured twin.
I really want to try DMT but it seems i'd have to extract it myself for that to happen.
Dog, Salvia is illegal in most of the USA now, there is not federal legislation about it but on the state level almost every state has passed a bill making it illegal. North Carolina's went into effect a month ago, good riddance IMO. Salvia is like DMT's wholly evil, disfigured twin.

Well in the UK (where Pulse is from) and in Canada (where I'm from) it's still coolio.

Salvia is only good if your really really bored.. I don't see why they make it illegal, the whole time your tripping there is no way your going to do anything to harm anyone or yourself, you'll just be looking around in awe, and it only lasts 10-30 minutes which really isn't a whole lot of time to do anything anyways.

That shit makes you trip right the **** out if only for 10 minutes, it's only legal because it's not widely used so they have no reason to really illegalize it... Maybe if you smoked it which is what you're supposed to do.

I smoked it, which is what you're supposed to do. It still did absolutely nothing.

My point was the majority of these legal high stores will throw any old tat together and sell it to you. My friends have bought various extracts prior to the festival experience from different places and some times it's made them completely mong out, other times it has done precisely nothing. They're no more reliable than the products they sell.

Against the rules? This thread is about LEGAL drugs.

I should go buy some flour, some sugar, and some vegetable oil, and make a profit.
They have mushrooms and cacti on that site too, whats the deal with those? The hell does 'use only for research' mean? Why do they say not for human consumption - is that just a way for them to sell legally?

sounds like the latter to me.