Man goes on solo mission to Kill Bin Laden


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Armed US 'Bin Laden hunter' is held in Pakistan
Page last updated at 10:32 GMT, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 11:32 UK
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An American man who claimed to be on a mission to hunt down Osama Bin Laden has been arrested in northern Pakistan, police say.

They said that Gary Brooks Faulkner, 52, was detained in the mountains of Chitral district north of Peshawar.

He had a pistol, dagger and a sword and was carrying night vision equipment as well as Christian literature.

Police say Mr Faulkner was stopped near the border with Afghanistan's Nuristan province, a known Taliban stronghold.

They say he told investigators after his arrest late on Sunday that he was on a solo mission to kill Osama Bin Laden who is thought to be hiding in the mountainous Afghan-Pakistan border area.

The al-Qaeda leader is the world's most-wanted man, with the US offering a reward of up to $25m for information leading to his capture.

'God is with me'

Police say Mr Faulkner, who is from California, arrived as a tourist in Chitral on 2 June and was assigned a security escort, before vanishing.

A search was then launched and he was found a few miles from the Afghan border.

"We initially laughed when he told us that he wanted to kill Osama Bin Laden," police spokesman Mumtaz Ahmad Khan told the Associated Press (AP) news agency.

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Who is Osama Bin Laden?

Kidnapped Greek freed by Taliban
But he said that police suspicions grew when officers seized the pistol, the sword and night-vision equipment.

Mr Faulkner is now being questioned by intelligence officials in Peshawar, the main city in north-western Pakistan.

He has told police he visited Pakistan seven times, and this was his third trip to Chitral.

Police say that Mr Faulkner was also carrying a book containing Christian verses and teachings.

When asked if he felt that he had a chance of tracing Bin Laden, Faulkner replied, "God is with me, and I am confident I will be successful in killing him", Mr Khan told AP.

The US embassy in Pakistan confirmed that a US citizen had been arrested and it was seeking access to him.

Correspondents say that the Chitral area is widely seen as having escaped much of the violence that has blighted the rest of north-west Pakistan.

In April a Greek man who worked in one of the few museums in the area was released by the Taliban after being held by them for eight months.

Bin Laden has evaded a huge US effort to capture him since the attacks on the US of 11 September 2001 for which he is blamed.

Chitral - because of its close proximity to Nuristan - is considered to be one of his possible hiding places.

Say what you will, but I'm imagining the sight of a man armed with a sword and a pistol, and shouting bible verses at the filthy heathens while killing them, and it is glorious.

I mean, come on, you have to admit that it is pretty badass. Going bounty hunting was what I've always wanted to do, until I grew up. This man is living my dream. One of my dreams, anyway.
Well, I suppose that is true.
I'm all for anybody who can kill Osama... but this guy is just foolish. What does he expect, to walk through the mountains shouting, "COME OUT OSAMA I KNOW YOU'RE HERE! FIGHT ME IN A DUEL WITH SWORDS!".

He was foolish.

Also what the ****, the reward for information leading to Osama bin Laden's capture is only 25 million? Wow... how about we bump that up a hell of a lot? 25 million seems like pocket change for information leading to the most wanted man in the world.
now people will say thats is proof that osama dont exist and was a invention of the usa

"if they want to catch osama so much,why they stoped this guy that was doing exactly that??! open your eyes people!"

*oops wrong name lol
now people will say thats is proof that obama dont exist and was a invention of the usa

"if they want to catch obama so much,why they stoped this guy that was doing exactly that??! open your eyes people!"

My god. Obama doesn't exist.

its no my fault they have similiar names :/
After looking at comparison images, I'm almost sure Obama, is infact Osama....
i think this played out for the best, else we would have seen "American beheaded with own sword" as a headline...
Come on guys, you guys used to be so cool. Wouldn't you at least agree that it would be exciting?
I have no problem with this. in fact it should be encouraged so that more christians go on crusades armed with swords and pistols. thinning the herd ftw
Going bounty hunting was what I've always wanted to do, until I grew up.

I have nothing against being a bounty hunter in your own country and helping law enforcement. However this guy is definitely not that, he's a nut, pure and simple.
I have no problem with this. in fact it should be encouraged so that more christians go on crusades armed with swords and pistols. thinning the herd ftw

Oh Stern... always the hypocrite. You speak about Blackwater being nothing but a crusader army on one hand(which in many regards is absolutely correct) that should be stopped, but on the other hand you want more of them to "thin the herd".

We don't need anybody going out there, that isn't backed up by an army, on a quest to find and kill Osama... unless it's some James Bond types. Doing so just creates quagmires when they get caught, like with this guy... and now we'll have to find some way to get him free. Luckily he was arrested, and not caught by militants and executed in a gruesome way. That would do nothing but further the cycle of violence.
Oh Stern... always the hypocrite. You speak about Blackwater being nothing but a crusader army on one hand(which in many regards is absolutely correct) that should be stopped, but on the other hand you want more of them to "thin the herd".

You obviously don't get the difference. Blackwater=organised group of nutters that can do a lot of damage. While this is lone wolf style nuts going on what basicaly is a suicide mission.
You obviously don't get the difference. Blackwater=organised group of nutters that can do a lot of damage. While this is lone wolf style nuts going on what basicaly is a suicide mission.

Well, that is true.

However, I'm against more people doing what this moron attempted to do. His heart was in the right place(though his religious motivations are retarded), but it was a completely stupid thing to do.
I support what he did, he sounds like a nut, but until he does something nutty his actions stand as misguidedly heroic.
I support what he did, he sounds like a nut, but until he does something nutty his actions stand as misguidedly heroic.

Right, nothing nutty about going a white christian going to a Taliban stronghold in Afghanistan armed with a gun, a sword, and of course a bible.
Well, does it really matter if the man is religious or not if he kills Bin Laden?

I mean he could be a filthy communist for all I'd care and I'd still cheer for him if he managed to complete his mission.

Of course, in all probability he would fail, so I guess the problems come from that.
"in all probability"


I'm surprised he isnt already dead. this guy must have stood out like a sore thumb; an obvious american asking questions about the whereabouts of the local militai group afliated with some splinter group that might have an operative that knows someone who's cousin is in osama's inner circle. he'd be killed before ever coming close to the cousin much less osama
Right, nothing nutty about going a white christian going to a Taliban stronghold in Afghanistan armed with a gun, a sword, and of course a bible.
By all means. I support the fighting of the Taliban, I don't rate this guys chances to well but he's sure done more for the fight than I have.
I dont get why they stopped him? Is it illegal to hunt wild osamas?
That and the whole sneaking across a border with a gun is kind of illegal too.
This man is actually a perfect description for many of the white supremest Hicks that live in my area. You'd be surprised how many people here have told me that they'd like to go on a solo mission to hunt and kill Osama. Some of them with a bible to "Scare away the Muslim Heathens". :rolleyes:

Osama's dead.

Careful now. I've mentioned this numerous times, and almost every time I've been called a conspiracy nut.
Good man.
How can anyone not admire this guys except for armchair libfags like you know who.
I hope his Kidney doesn't give out on him anytime soon.
Man wouldn't it be badass if he succeeded?

If I ever wanted to commit suicide, I would certainly consider this method.
Too bad that Osama Bin Laden was created by the CIA and is probably out of costume getting a blow job from his wife as we speak.
I'm all for finding Bin Laden, but armed, wandering psychopaths have never accomplished anything. He will never find him, and the only thing he'll contribute to the world is more insanity and violence.
Pistol, sword, dagger, NVGs, Christian books, all in order, but where's his bucket of pig's blood? He left out the most important thing!
Rather this than going regular 'kill your family' crazy. It strikes me as odd that there aren't more cases of people flipping a switch and ending up attempting to gain infamy for murdering individuals who actually deserve it. Just because you're crazy, doesn't mean you should be lazy.

Hmm... I should work the Samaritans switchboard...
At least this psycho went the whole nine-yards and got off his Fox news watching ass to go do something. And Bin Laden is kind of a ****. One the U.S. supported for several years, but still a ****whore.