New hosting up and running!


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
The DNS (domain name servers) still have to update but you can access the site and forums at this URL for the time being:

We should now be able to provide some new content and features in the coming weeks :)
Originally posted by Munro
We should now be able to provide some new content and features in the coming weeks :)

I know whats coming :D

Great with a new host! This site is damn fast.
Great. I hope the domain is transferred soon :afro:
if you dont mind to tell, what hosting service are you using?
oktagone, and I wouldnt recommend them :P
If you like having support then don't go for them :) But they do for now.

DNS should have updated for everyone now so try it. You may have to delete your cookies if your login doesn't work properly.
I emailed you, but not sure if got

Anyway, i am Marc from the Re4lity Group

We are prepared to sponser

With its own Duel Intel Tualitin, 512mb RAM and 80gb HD server. 500gb BW a month with cpanel.

You guys interested?

I would like to announce [Re4lity]Marc is my new god.
o some info for you guys on new server for

Dual Intel Pentium P3 'TUALITLIN' 1.2ghz
512 MB RAM
80 GB Hard Drive (7,200 RPM)
APC Reboot port
10/100Mpbs Fast Ethernet Port
8 IPs Address
Cpanel+WHM Included

At Dv2 Datacenter, Atlanta, Georga.
With 3x 1gbit connections to Williams, Verio and AboveNet, using the latest load balanced BGP4 technology
/me takes the first greet

Welcome @ the forums. this is a fun place so enjoy your stay. please read the rules (sticky post's) and you will have no problem integrating in this community
Originally posted by EVIL
/me takes the first greet

Welcome @ the forums. this is a fun place so enjoy your stay. please read the rules (sticky post's) and you will have no problem integrating in this community

Well done

/me give EVIL a cookie
fed up with locust, eh? ;)

/me steals the cookie from EVIL.
This site is so fast (:thumbs: whoever :E)..... even on my 56K.... which is quite impressive... even google takes a while :P
i thinkin of moving to a faster server in a few months. not sure yet though (duel xeon instead of tualitin and 1gb ram and scsi hd) (dedicated obviously)
even FASTER then this? :/.. I guess we will go into the future then :)
Well you can't go wrong with speeding it up :) .... since the past fews days has seemed to go a little slow :P on my 56K..... :)
I havent notised anything about this board and site getting slower. but offcourse.. faster is always better